Questõesde IFN-MG sobre Inglês

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IFN-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No TEXTO, Gandhi sugere que:

Devemos viver o hoje e o amanhã, já a aprendizagem é conquistada eternamente.
Devemos viver o amanhã e aprender como se fosse hoje, pois viver é aprender.
Devemos viver como se fosse o último dia e aprender como se fôssemos viver o amanhã.
Devemos viver como se fôssemos morrer amanhã e aprender como se fôssemos viver eternamente.
IFN-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com as informações apresentadas no TEXTO 04, é possível depreender que:

I. Uma a cada cinco pessoas poderá sofrer de depressão.

II. Se a doença não for tratada pode levar à dificuldade de concentração.

III. A depressão é uma das doenças mentais mais comuns entre os jovens australianos.

Está(ão) correta(s) : acessado em: 05 set. 2017.

apenas a alternativa I.
apenas as alternativas I e III.
apenas as alternativas II e III.
todas as alternativas.
IFN-MG 2017 - Inglês - Pronome subjetivo | Subjective pronoun, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns

A depressão é um problema de saúde pública mundial. Ela se distingue da tristeza pela duração de seus sinais e pelo contexto em que ocorre. Trata-se de uma experiência cotidiana associada a várias sensações de sofrimento psíquico e físico. Leia o TEXTO e responda

Depression in Developing Countries

The National Institute of Mental Health defines depression as a serious but common illness characterized by prolonged periods of sadness. According to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a diagnosis for major depressive disorder requires either symptoms of a depressed mood or loss of interest and pleasure, along with other symptoms such as changes in weight, fatigue or feelings of suicidal thoughts. We can better understand the global impact of depression by measuring it in terms of disability. When analyzed by the disruption and dysfunction it causes in peoples’ lives, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Fortunately, today, many therapies for depression are highly effective.

Disponível em: countries/ . Acessado em: 08 set. 2017. Adaptado.

Na frase “We can better understand the global impact of depression by measuring it in terms of disability”, o pronome it, em destaque, refere-se:

Ao desenvolvimento.
Ao impacto global da invalidez.
Ao impacto global da depressão.
Aos termos de invalidez.
IFN-MG 2017 - Inglês - Sinônimos | Synonyms, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 de ago. 2017.

De acordo com o TEXTO, na frase “I’m trying to reduce the stress in my life ”, a palavra reduce só NÃO é sinônimo de:

IFN-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 de ago. 2017.

Pelo contexto, é possível compreender que:

A professora compreendeu o sentimento da garota e permitiu a realização do teste em outro dia.
A garota convenceu a professora de que ela está estressada.
A garota tornou-se estressada devido ao teste.
Mesmo estressada a garota vai ter que realizar o teste.
IFN-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o TEXTO, todos os sinais descritos a seguir são considerados um alerta às pessoas que podem sofrer de depressão, EXCETO: acessado em: 05 set. 2017.

Falta de humor.
Alteração no apetite.
Falta de motivação.
IFN-MG 2017 - Inglês - Palavras conectivas | Connective words

No último parágrafo do TEXTO, na frase “Althought she didn’t win a medal, she still made history”, o termo destacado indica uma conjunção:

Nathalie, the swimmer who lost a leg

Nathalie du Toit, the South African swimmer, was only seventeen when she lost her leg in a road accident. She was going to a training session at the swimming pool on her motorbike when a car hit her. Her leg had to be amputated at the knee. At the time she was one of South Africa’s most promising young swimmers. Everybody thought that she would never be able to swim competitively again.

But Nathalie was determined to carry on. She went back into the pool only three months after the accident. And just one year later, at the Commonwalth Games in Manchester, she swam 800 meters in 9 minutes 11:38 seconds and qualified for the final – but not for disabled swimmers, for able-bodied ones! Althought she didn’t win a medal, she still made history.

‘I remember how thrilled I was the first time that I swam after recovering from the operation – it felt like my leg was there. It still does,’ says Nathalie. The water is the gift that gives me back my leg. I’m still the same person I was before the accident. I believe everything happens in life for a reason. You cant go back and change anything. Swimming was my life and still is. My dream is to swim faster than I did before the accident.’

Oxeden, C; KOENIG, C. New English File. Intermediate Student’s Book. OXFORD University Press. (3c-47).

IFN-MG 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No TEXTO, a nadadora Natalie menciona a seguinte frase “The water is the gift that gives me back my leg”. O jogo de palavras utilizado na sentença leva a depreender que:

Nathalie, the swimmer who lost a leg

Nathalie du Toit, the South African swimmer, was only seventeen when she lost her leg in a road accident. She was going to a training session at the swimming pool on her motorbike when a car hit her. Her leg had to be amputated at the knee. At the time she was one of South Africa’s most promising young swimmers. Everybody thought that she would never be able to swim competitively again.

But Nathalie was determined to carry on. She went back into the pool only three months after the accident. And just one year later, at the Commonwalth Games in Manchester, she swam 800 meters in 9 minutes 11:38 seconds and qualified for the final – but not for disabled swimmers, for able-bodied ones! Althought she didn’t win a medal, she still made history.

‘I remember how thrilled I was the first time that I swam after recovering from the operation – it felt like my leg was there. It still does,’ says Nathalie. The water is the gift that gives me back my leg. I’m still the same person I was before the accident. I believe everything happens in life for a reason. You cant go back and change anything. Swimming was my life and still is. My dream is to swim faster than I did before the accident.’

Oxeden, C; KOENIG, C. New English File. Intermediate Student’s Book. OXFORD University Press. (3c-47).

A água é considerada uma dádiva que faz a atleta ter a sensação de que a sua perna está de volta ao seu corpo.
A água faz a nadadora se sentir bem e em forma, apesar de ter perdido uma perna.
A água se tornou um presente depois que a atleta teve a sua perna amputada.
A água é um presente para a nadadora, porém, a faz relembrar da sua perna.
IFN-MG 2017 - Inglês - Pronomes e adjetivos possessivos | Possessive pronouns and adjectives, Pronomes | Pronouns

Os adjetivos possessivos (possessive adjectives) são palavras que têm a função de modificar um substantivo, indicando propriedade ou posse. Em todas as frases a seguir, retiradas do TEXTO 01, há um adjetivo possessivo, EXCETO:

Nathalie, the swimmer who lost a leg

Nathalie du Toit, the South African swimmer, was only seventeen when she lost her leg in a road accident. She was going to a training session at the swimming pool on her motorbike when a car hit her. Her leg had to be amputated at the knee. At the time she was one of South Africa’s most promising young swimmers. Everybody thought that she would never be able to swim competitively again.

But Nathalie was determined to carry on. She went back into the pool only three months after the accident. And just one year later, at the Commonwalth Games in Manchester, she swam 800 meters in 9 minutes 11:38 seconds and qualified for the final – but not for disabled swimmers, for able-bodied ones! Althought she didn’t win a medal, she still made history.

‘I remember how thrilled I was the first time that I swam after recovering from the operation – it felt like my leg was there. It still does,’ says Nathalie. The water is the gift that gives me back my leg. I’m still the same person I was before the accident. I believe everything happens in life for a reason. You cant go back and change anything. Swimming was my life and still is. My dream is to swim faster than I did before the accident.’

Oxeden, C; KOENIG, C. New English File. Intermediate Student’s Book. OXFORD University Press. (3c-47).

“…when a car hit her.”
“...was only seventeen when she lost her leg in a road accident.”
“She was going to a training session at the swimming pool on her motorcycle.”
“Her leg had to be amputated at the knee.”
IFN-MG 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considerando o TEXTO, qual o vocábulo que melhor interpreta o contexto da história:

Nathalie, the swimmer who lost a leg

Nathalie du Toit, the South African swimmer, was only seventeen when she lost her leg in a road accident. She was going to a training session at the swimming pool on her motorbike when a car hit her. Her leg had to be amputated at the knee. At the time she was one of South Africa’s most promising young swimmers. Everybody thought that she would never be able to swim competitively again.

But Nathalie was determined to carry on. She went back into the pool only three months after the accident. And just one year later, at the Commonwalth Games in Manchester, she swam 800 meters in 9 minutes 11:38 seconds and qualified for the final – but not for disabled swimmers, for able-bodied ones! Althought she didn’t win a medal, she still made history.

‘I remember how thrilled I was the first time that I swam after recovering from the operation – it felt like my leg was there. It still does,’ says Nathalie. The water is the gift that gives me back my leg. I’m still the same person I was before the accident. I believe everything happens in life for a reason. You cant go back and change anything. Swimming was my life and still is. My dream is to swim faster than I did before the accident.’

Oxeden, C; KOENIG, C. New English File. Intermediate Student’s Book. OXFORD University Press. (3c-47).

IFN-MG 2018 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

Na sentença “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or belive to be beautiful” o vocábulo sublinhado encontra-se no plural. Assinale o item em que a flexão esteja INCORRETA.



Supply - Supplies.
Tecnology - Tecnologies.
Theory -Theories.
Employ - Emploies.
IFN-MG 2018 - Inglês - Artigos definido e indefinidos | Definite and indefinite articles

Considerando o fragmento do TEXTO 02 “Design for challenge of sustentability in the 21st Century” assinale a opção que corresponde a um artigo:



IFN-MG 2018 - Inglês - Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice


“Consumerism is ruining our lives and the world” a voz passiva da frase está CORRETAMENTE construída e sem alterar o sentido na alternativa:

The world and our lives ruined by consumerism.
The world and our lives are being ruined by consumerism.
Cosumerism is ruined by our lives and the world.
Consumerism is being ruined by our lives and the world.
IFN-MG 2018 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses

Observe as palavras destacadas no trecho a seguir.

“Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource depletion, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.”

Marque a alternativa que é classificada como um VERBO na sentença:



Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth.

      Mankind1 , as a species, has been too successful for its own good – the global population is estimate to top nine billion by 2050, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

      As a result, there is already a strain2 on the planet’s essential natural resources, particularly food and water, which population growth can only aggravate.

      Meanwhile, our demand for energy has directed to the plundering3 of the earth’s hydrocarbons oil, gas and coal, producing a catastrophic climate change. In a month-long series of features on the theme of sustainability, Technology of Business will be examining the main challenges facing businesses and asking whether technology – which got us into this mess in the first place – can help get us out.

      Global megatrends are affecting the business environment

      Most companies are already being affected by climate change today, directly or indirectly, says *CDP, a global not-for-profit organization specializing in measuring business environmental impact.

       Extreme weather, drought and flooding can disrupt production capacity and affect supply chains for a whole range of businesses. For example, in a CDP survey of 70 European companies, 83% said they had operations in “water-stressed” regions, while 73% said water shortages posed risks to their own operations or those of their suppliers.

      Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource reduction, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.

      “The world is changing very fast. Global megatrends are markedly affecting the business environment. If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business,” she argues.

      A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage an industrial processes and designing products that need less water to work, she says.

*CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project é uma organização que opera o sistema global de divulgação para que investidores, gerenciem seus impactos ambientais

Fonte: WALL, Matthew, BBC NEWS, 2 May 2014. Disponível em: Adaptado. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2018.

1 ManKind: Humanidade

2 Strain:Tensão

3 Plundering: Pilhagem

Head of.
IFN-MG 2018 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Marque a opção que representa uma condição:



Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth.

      Mankind1 , as a species, has been too successful for its own good – the global population is estimate to top nine billion by 2050, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

      As a result, there is already a strain2 on the planet’s essential natural resources, particularly food and water, which population growth can only aggravate.

      Meanwhile, our demand for energy has directed to the plundering3 of the earth’s hydrocarbons oil, gas and coal, producing a catastrophic climate change. In a month-long series of features on the theme of sustainability, Technology of Business will be examining the main challenges facing businesses and asking whether technology – which got us into this mess in the first place – can help get us out.

      Global megatrends are affecting the business environment

      Most companies are already being affected by climate change today, directly or indirectly, says *CDP, a global not-for-profit organization specializing in measuring business environmental impact.

       Extreme weather, drought and flooding can disrupt production capacity and affect supply chains for a whole range of businesses. For example, in a CDP survey of 70 European companies, 83% said they had operations in “water-stressed” regions, while 73% said water shortages posed risks to their own operations or those of their suppliers.

      Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource reduction, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.

      “The world is changing very fast. Global megatrends are markedly affecting the business environment. If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business,” she argues.

      A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage an industrial processes and designing products that need less water to work, she says.

*CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project é uma organização que opera o sistema global de divulgação para que investidores, gerenciem seus impactos ambientais

Fonte: WALL, Matthew, BBC NEWS, 2 May 2014. Disponível em: Adaptado. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2018.

1 ManKind: Humanidade

2 Strain:Tensão

3 Plundering: Pilhagem

Most companies are already being affected by climate change today.
If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business.
Global megatrends are affecting the business environment.
A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage.
IFN-MG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Na sentença “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or belive to be beautiful” depreende-se que:



Não tenha nada em suas casas que você não saiba qual é a utilidade, ou acredite ser maravilhoso.
Tenha em suas casas coisas que você não utilize, mas que seja pelo menos bonito.
Não tenha em casa coisas bonitas, mas que você utilize mesmo não sabendo.
Não tenha nada em suas casas que seja inútil, mas preserve-as, pois elas são maravilhosas.
IFN-MG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O TEXTO 02 apresenta uma preocupação com a sustentabilidade. Assim, ao interpretá-lo, pode-se inferir que ao adquirir um produto é preciso pensar nos seguintes aspectos, EXCETO:



Como o produto pode ser reciclado.
Como o produto foi produzido.
Qual o modelo que o produto apresenta.
Qual a durabilidade desse produto.
IFN-MG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A ideia principal destacada pelo autor no TEXTO 01, leva a compreender que:



Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth.

      Mankind1 , as a species, has been too successful for its own good – the global population is estimate to top nine billion by 2050, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

      As a result, there is already a strain2 on the planet’s essential natural resources, particularly food and water, which population growth can only aggravate.

      Meanwhile, our demand for energy has directed to the plundering3 of the earth’s hydrocarbons oil, gas and coal, producing a catastrophic climate change. In a month-long series of features on the theme of sustainability, Technology of Business will be examining the main challenges facing businesses and asking whether technology – which got us into this mess in the first place – can help get us out.

      Global megatrends are affecting the business environment

      Most companies are already being affected by climate change today, directly or indirectly, says *CDP, a global not-for-profit organization specializing in measuring business environmental impact.

       Extreme weather, drought and flooding can disrupt production capacity and affect supply chains for a whole range of businesses. For example, in a CDP survey of 70 European companies, 83% said they had operations in “water-stressed” regions, while 73% said water shortages posed risks to their own operations or those of their suppliers.

      Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource reduction, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.

      “The world is changing very fast. Global megatrends are markedly affecting the business environment. If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business,” she argues.

      A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage an industrial processes and designing products that need less water to work, she says.

*CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project é uma organização que opera o sistema global de divulgação para que investidores, gerenciem seus impactos ambientais

Fonte: WALL, Matthew, BBC NEWS, 2 May 2014. Disponível em: Adaptado. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2018.

1 ManKind: Humanidade

2 Strain:Tensão

3 Plundering: Pilhagem

Há uma preocupação mundial em relação aos impactos ambientais ocasionados pelo crescimento populacional.
A principal causa da crise global tem sido exclusivamente o uso excessivo de água.
As megatendências globais estão afetando o mercado de trabalho, gerando grande impacto nos negócios.
A tecnologia, infelizmente, só tende a piorar os impactos ambientais.
IFN-MG 2018 - Inglês - Preposições | Prepositions

Todas as alternativas contêm, pelo menos, uma PREPOSIÇÃO, EXCETO:



Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth.

      Mankind1 , as a species, has been too successful for its own good – the global population is estimate to top nine billion by 2050, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

      As a result, there is already a strain2 on the planet’s essential natural resources, particularly food and water, which population growth can only aggravate.

      Meanwhile, our demand for energy has directed to the plundering3 of the earth’s hydrocarbons oil, gas and coal, producing a catastrophic climate change. In a month-long series of features on the theme of sustainability, Technology of Business will be examining the main challenges facing businesses and asking whether technology – which got us into this mess in the first place – can help get us out.

      Global megatrends are affecting the business environment

      Most companies are already being affected by climate change today, directly or indirectly, says *CDP, a global not-for-profit organization specializing in measuring business environmental impact.

       Extreme weather, drought and flooding can disrupt production capacity and affect supply chains for a whole range of businesses. For example, in a CDP survey of 70 European companies, 83% said they had operations in “water-stressed” regions, while 73% said water shortages posed risks to their own operations or those of their suppliers.

      Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource reduction, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.

      “The world is changing very fast. Global megatrends are markedly affecting the business environment. If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business,” she argues.

      A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage an industrial processes and designing products that need less water to work, she says.

*CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project é uma organização que opera o sistema global de divulgação para que investidores, gerenciem seus impactos ambientais

Fonte: WALL, Matthew, BBC NEWS, 2 May 2014. Disponível em: Adaptado. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2018.

1 ManKind: Humanidade

2 Strain:Tensão

3 Plundering: Pilhagem

A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water.
As a result, there is already a strain on the planet’s.
The world is changing very fast.
Meanwhile, our demand for energy has led to the plundering of the earth’s.
IFN-MG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considerando o subtítulo do TEXTO 01 “Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth” o melhor entendimento para essa frase é:



Sustainability means many things to many people, but it boils down to this: saving Planet Earth.

      Mankind1 , as a species, has been too successful for its own good – the global population is estimate to top nine billion by 2050, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

      As a result, there is already a strain2 on the planet’s essential natural resources, particularly food and water, which population growth can only aggravate.

      Meanwhile, our demand for energy has directed to the plundering3 of the earth’s hydrocarbons oil, gas and coal, producing a catastrophic climate change. In a month-long series of features on the theme of sustainability, Technology of Business will be examining the main challenges facing businesses and asking whether technology – which got us into this mess in the first place – can help get us out.

      Global megatrends are affecting the business environment

      Most companies are already being affected by climate change today, directly or indirectly, says *CDP, a global not-for-profit organization specializing in measuring business environmental impact.

       Extreme weather, drought and flooding can disrupt production capacity and affect supply chains for a whole range of businesses. For example, in a CDP survey of 70 European companies, 83% said they had operations in “water-stressed” regions, while 73% said water shortages posed risks to their own operations or those of their suppliers.

      Considering an increasingly globalised economy, few businesses can isolate themselves from the impacts of climate change, population growth and resource reduction, says Emma Price-Thomas, head of sustainability strategy at charity Business in the Community.

      “The world is changing very fast. Global megatrends are markedly affecting the business environment. If companies don’t address these and think longer-term, they may end up putting themselves out of business,” she argues.

      A lot of technology and research is being directed towards reducing water usage an industrial processes and designing products that need less water to work, she says.

*CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project é uma organização que opera o sistema global de divulgação para que investidores, gerenciem seus impactos ambientais

Fonte: WALL, Matthew, BBC NEWS, 2 May 2014. Disponível em: Adaptado. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2018.

1 ManKind: Humanidade

2 Strain:Tensão

3 Plundering: Pilhagem

A sustentabilidade tem como maior objetivo salvar as pessoas de um degredado Planeta Terra.
A sustentabilidade pode ter várias interpretações, mas resume-se, de fato, em salvar o planeta.
A sustentabilidade significa várias coisas para várias pessoas, mas acaba não salvando o Planeta Terra.
A sustentabilidade está relacionada às pessoas somente, e não ao Planeta Terra.