Questão e87d1f73-af
Prova:UFRGS 2017
Assunto:Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

Considere as propostas de reescrita do segmento As their hind legs have disappeared into them [...], the compass set into their brains (l. 30-33).

I - While their hind legs were disappearing into them [...], the compass set into their brains

II - Because their hind legs have disappeared into them [...], a compass set into their brains..

III- In the same way that their hind legs have disappeared into them [...], the compass set into their brains.

Quais poderiam substituir o segmento acima, sem prejuízo do sentido literal e da correção gramatical?


Adaptado de: HOGAN, Linda. Sightings:

The Gray Whales’ Mysterious Journey. Washington,

D.C.: National Geographic, 2002. p. 29-30.

Apenas I.
Apenas II.
Apenas III.
Apenas II e III.
I, II e III.


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