Questão 7b9e5ee5-b6
Prova:IF-GO 2010
Assunto:Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
The words in “The Wind” that give human
qualities to the wind are:
The words in “The Wind” that give human
qualities to the wind are:
The WindJames Stephens
The wind stood up, and gave a shout:He whistled on his fingers, and
Kicked the withered leaves about,And thumped the branches with his hand,
And said he'd kill, and kill, and kill:And so he will! And so he will!
The Wind
James Stephens
The wind stood up, and gave a shout:
He whistled on his fingers, and
Kicked the withered leaves about,
And thumped the branches with his hand,
And said he'd kill, and kill, and kill:
And so he will! And so he will!
whistled, kicked, withered.
withered, branches, hand.
whistled, said, fingers.
said, stood up, branches.
stood up, withered, leaves.