Questão 5edfa577-ff
Prova:UECE 2019
Assunto:Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Passado perfeito | Past perfect, Presente perfeito | Present perfect, Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice, Presente progressivo | Present continuous
In the sentence “The influence from this
contact can be seen most clearly in the way that
English is full of what are known as loanwords.”
(lines 12-15), at least one of the verbs is in the
In the sentence “The influence from this
contact can be seen most clearly in the way that
English is full of what are known as loanwords.”
(lines 12-15), at least one of the verbs is in the
past perfect.
present continuous.
passive voice.
present perfect.