PUC - RJ 2011 - Inglês - Palavras conectivas | Connective words, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions
The expression in bold type and the item in parentheses convey equivalent ideas in.
The expression in bold type and the item in parentheses convey equivalent ideas in.

“In other words, Chinese firms view Africa similar to the way Western firms previously viewed China.” lines 13-15 (Otherwise)
“Hence, it is not only Chinese businesses that are looking with renewed interest in Africa’s opportunities.” lines 20-22 (Thus)
“Yet Chinese enterprises growing activity in Africa is also creating new opportunities.” lines 31-33 (In so far as)
“Moreover, many Chinese companies are not well-informed about the investment risks in Africa that are not purely business-related.” lines 84-86 (Although)
“Likewise, African firms can benefit from building partnerships with Chinese companies.” lines 120-121 (Alternatively)