Questõesde MACKENZIE 2019

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MACKENZIE 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Select the WRONG alternative, according to the text:

Read the text below to answer question:

Woman in India admits poisoning six family members with cyanide

Murders took place over 14-year period and each victim ate a meal prepared by the killer

A woman in the southern Indian state of Kerala has confessed to poisoning six members of her family over a 14-year period by adding cyanide to their food.
Police began investigating earlier this year when the brother-in-law of 47-year-old suspect Jolly Thomas became suspicious that she may have forged his parents’ will. 
Authorities discovered that Thomas had been at the scene of all six deaths, and that each death had occurred after eating a meal she had prepared. Up to that point the deaths had not been treated as suspicious because of the timeframe.
Thomas, a popular member of the community in Kozhikode, was allegedly motivated by wanting control of the family finances and property, police said.
According to police, the first poisoning was of Thomas’s mother-in-law, who died in 2002 after eating mutton soup. In 2008, her-father-in-law died, followed by her husband in 2011, who police said died after eating rice and curry. An autopsy conducted on his body at the time confirmed poisonous substances in his stomach, but police treated his death as suicide.
Thomas’s husband’s uncle was then allegedly given coffee laced with cyanide as punishment for insisting that a postmortem be carried out on his nephew.
In 2014, police said Thomas killed the two-year-old daughter of her dead husband’s cousin, Scaria Shaju. The cousin’s wife was then killed in 2016. A year later Thomas and Shaju married.
Shaju told police he had no idea that Thomas was behind his wife and daughter’s death, but he has been arrested along with a third person.
On Friday, police exhumed remains from the local cemetery and said that they confirmed cyanide poisoning in each of the deaths. On Monday, they said Thomas confessed to all the murders.

SOURCE: access on Oct. 7th, 2019.

Jolly Thomas became suspicious of having forged her parents’ will.
Authorities discovered that Thomas had been at the scene of all six deaths.
Thomas confessed to poisoning six members of her family over a 14-year period.
Thomas confessed to all the murders.
She used cyanide in all the poisonings.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Consider this excerpt and answer: “Authorities discovered that Thomas had been at the scene of all six deaths, and that each death had occurred after eating a meal she had prepared.” This suggests that:

Read the text below to answer question:

Woman in India admits poisoning six family members with cyanide

Murders took place over 14-year period and each victim ate a meal prepared by the killer

A woman in the southern Indian state of Kerala has confessed to poisoning six members of her family over a 14-year period by adding cyanide to their food.
Police began investigating earlier this year when the brother-in-law of 47-year-old suspect Jolly Thomas became suspicious that she may have forged his parents’ will. 
Authorities discovered that Thomas had been at the scene of all six deaths, and that each death had occurred after eating a meal she had prepared. Up to that point the deaths had not been treated as suspicious because of the timeframe.
Thomas, a popular member of the community in Kozhikode, was allegedly motivated by wanting control of the family finances and property, police said.
According to police, the first poisoning was of Thomas’s mother-in-law, who died in 2002 after eating mutton soup. In 2008, her-father-in-law died, followed by her husband in 2011, who police said died after eating rice and curry. An autopsy conducted on his body at the time confirmed poisonous substances in his stomach, but police treated his death as suicide.
Thomas’s husband’s uncle was then allegedly given coffee laced with cyanide as punishment for insisting that a postmortem be carried out on his nephew.
In 2014, police said Thomas killed the two-year-old daughter of her dead husband’s cousin, Scaria Shaju. The cousin’s wife was then killed in 2016. A year later Thomas and Shaju married.
Shaju told police he had no idea that Thomas was behind his wife and daughter’s death, but he has been arrested along with a third person.
On Friday, police exhumed remains from the local cemetery and said that they confirmed cyanide poisoning in each of the deaths. On Monday, they said Thomas confessed to all the murders.

SOURCE: access on Oct. 7th, 2019.

Thomas had surely premeditated each and every crime.
Thomas had been present at all deaths by accident.
Thomas had a slight idea of what was happening.
Thomas had also eaten the meals with her victims.
Thomas had also tried to commit suicide.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Matemática - Relações Métricas no Triângulo Retângulo, Geometria Plana

Na figura acima, ABC e BCD são triângulos retângulos. Se sen θ = 2/3 e AB mede 18 m, então o segmento BD mede

6 m
8 m
10 m
12 m
14 m
MACKENZIE 2019 - Matemática - Trigonometria, Arcos

O valor de m, real, para que exista o arco que satisfaz a igualdade cos x = 2m – 5 é

não existe
] 2 , 3 ]
] 2 , 3 [
[ 2 , 3 [
[ 2 , 3 ]
MACKENZIE 2019 - Matemática - Matrizes, Álgebra Linear

Se θ = π/8 radianos e A = , então o determinante de A9 é igual a





MACKENZIE 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the excerpt: “The grass was shoulder high for her and waist high for me so, looking out for snakes, we crawled through it on our bellies.” We can understand that:

Read the text and asnwer questions:


They rose up like men. We saw them. Like men they stood.

We shouldn’t have been anywhere near that place. Like most farmland outside Lotus, Georgia, this here one had plenty scary warning signs. The threats hung from wire mesh fences with wooden stakes every fifty or so feet. But when we saw a crawl space that some animal had dug—a coyote maybe, or a coon dog—we couldn’t resist. Just kids we were. The grass was shoulder high for her and waist high for me so, looking out for snakes, we crawled through it on our bellies. The reward was worth the harm grass juice and clouds of gnats did to our eyes, because there right in front of us, about fifty yards off, they stood like men. Their raised hooves crashing and striking, their manes tossing back from wild white eyes. They bit each other like dogs but when they stood, reared up on their hind legs, their forelegs around the withers of the other, we held our breath in wonder. One was rust-colored, the other deep black, both sunny with sweat. The neighs were not as frightening as the silence following a kick of hind legs into the lifted lips of the opponent. Nearby, colts and mares, indifferent, nibbled grass or looked away. Then it stopped. The rust-colored one dropped his head and pawed the ground while the winner loped off in an arc, nudging the mares before him.

As we elbowed back through the grass looking for the dug-out place, avoiding the line of parked trucks beyond, we lost our way. Although it took forever to re-sight the fence, neither of us panicked until we heard voices, urgent but low. I grabbed her arm and put a finger to my lips. Never lifting our heads, just peeping through the grass, we saw them pull a body from a wheelbarrow and throw it into a hole already waiting. One foot stuck up over the edge and quivered, as though it could get out, as though with a little effort it could break through the dirt being shoveled in. We could not see the faces of the men doing the burying, only their trousers; but we saw the edge of a spade drive the jerking foot down to join the rest of itself. When she saw that black foot with its creamy pink and mud-streaked sole being whacked into the grave, her whole body began to shake. I hugged her shoulders tight and tried to pull her trembling into my own bones because, as a brother four years older, I thought I could handle it. The men were long gone and the moon was a cantaloupe by the time we felt safe enough to disturb even one blade of grass and move on our stomachs, searching for the scooped-out part under the fence. When we got home we expected to be whipped or at least scolded for staying out so late, but the grown-ups did not notice us. Some disturbance had their attention.

Since you’re set on telling my story, whatever you think and whatever you write down, know this: I really forgot about the burial. I only remembered the horses. They were so beautiful. So brutal. And they stood like men.

SOURCE: Excerpted from MORRISON, Toni. Home (2012), Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2012.

The kids crept through the grass, simply not paying attention to anything else.
The kids were no taller than the grass, so they decided to move horizontally.
The grass was very short and they had to find a way not to be bitten by the snakes.
The grass helped the kids hide, so they remained there quietly waiting for help.
The kids cut the grass before they started crawling.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considering the text, answer the question: Who were they in: “Like men they stood.” (1st line)

Read the text and asnwer questions:


They rose up like men. We saw them. Like men they stood.

We shouldn’t have been anywhere near that place. Like most farmland outside Lotus, Georgia, this here one had plenty scary warning signs. The threats hung from wire mesh fences with wooden stakes every fifty or so feet. But when we saw a crawl space that some animal had dug—a coyote maybe, or a coon dog—we couldn’t resist. Just kids we were. The grass was shoulder high for her and waist high for me so, looking out for snakes, we crawled through it on our bellies. The reward was worth the harm grass juice and clouds of gnats did to our eyes, because there right in front of us, about fifty yards off, they stood like men. Their raised hooves crashing and striking, their manes tossing back from wild white eyes. They bit each other like dogs but when they stood, reared up on their hind legs, their forelegs around the withers of the other, we held our breath in wonder. One was rust-colored, the other deep black, both sunny with sweat. The neighs were not as frightening as the silence following a kick of hind legs into the lifted lips of the opponent. Nearby, colts and mares, indifferent, nibbled grass or looked away. Then it stopped. The rust-colored one dropped his head and pawed the ground while the winner loped off in an arc, nudging the mares before him.

As we elbowed back through the grass looking for the dug-out place, avoiding the line of parked trucks beyond, we lost our way. Although it took forever to re-sight the fence, neither of us panicked until we heard voices, urgent but low. I grabbed her arm and put a finger to my lips. Never lifting our heads, just peeping through the grass, we saw them pull a body from a wheelbarrow and throw it into a hole already waiting. One foot stuck up over the edge and quivered, as though it could get out, as though with a little effort it could break through the dirt being shoveled in. We could not see the faces of the men doing the burying, only their trousers; but we saw the edge of a spade drive the jerking foot down to join the rest of itself. When she saw that black foot with its creamy pink and mud-streaked sole being whacked into the grave, her whole body began to shake. I hugged her shoulders tight and tried to pull her trembling into my own bones because, as a brother four years older, I thought I could handle it. The men were long gone and the moon was a cantaloupe by the time we felt safe enough to disturb even one blade of grass and move on our stomachs, searching for the scooped-out part under the fence. When we got home we expected to be whipped or at least scolded for staying out so late, but the grown-ups did not notice us. Some disturbance had their attention.

Since you’re set on telling my story, whatever you think and whatever you write down, know this: I really forgot about the burial. I only remembered the horses. They were so beautiful. So brutal. And they stood like men.

SOURCE: Excerpted from MORRISON, Toni. Home (2012), Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2012.

They were some of the men in the farm.
They were other kids.
They were army men.
They were horses.
They were horses, coyotes, cows and dogs.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Literatura - Naturalismo, Modernismo, Realismo, Escolas Literárias, Arcadismo, Romantismo

Assinale a alternativa correta sobre a produção literária brasileira ao longo do Século XIX.

Read the text and asnwer questions:


They rose up like men. We saw them. Like men they stood.

We shouldn’t have been anywhere near that place. Like most farmland outside Lotus, Georgia, this here one had plenty scary warning signs. The threats hung from wire mesh fences with wooden stakes every fifty or so feet. But when we saw a crawl space that some animal had dug—a coyote maybe, or a coon dog—we couldn’t resist. Just kids we were. The grass was shoulder high for her and waist high for me so, looking out for snakes, we crawled through it on our bellies. The reward was worth the harm grass juice and clouds of gnats did to our eyes, because there right in front of us, about fifty yards off, they stood like men. Their raised hooves crashing and striking, their manes tossing back from wild white eyes. They bit each other like dogs but when they stood, reared up on their hind legs, their forelegs around the withers of the other, we held our breath in wonder. One was rust-colored, the other deep black, both sunny with sweat. The neighs were not as frightening as the silence following a kick of hind legs into the lifted lips of the opponent. Nearby, colts and mares, indifferent, nibbled grass or looked away. Then it stopped. The rust-colored one dropped his head and pawed the ground while the winner loped off in an arc, nudging the mares before him.

As we elbowed back through the grass looking for the dug-out place, avoiding the line of parked trucks beyond, we lost our way. Although it took forever to re-sight the fence, neither of us panicked until we heard voices, urgent but low. I grabbed her arm and put a finger to my lips. Never lifting our heads, just peeping through the grass, we saw them pull a body from a wheelbarrow and throw it into a hole already waiting. One foot stuck up over the edge and quivered, as though it could get out, as though with a little effort it could break through the dirt being shoveled in. We could not see the faces of the men doing the burying, only their trousers; but we saw the edge of a spade drive the jerking foot down to join the rest of itself. When she saw that black foot with its creamy pink and mud-streaked sole being whacked into the grave, her whole body began to shake. I hugged her shoulders tight and tried to pull her trembling into my own bones because, as a brother four years older, I thought I could handle it. The men were long gone and the moon was a cantaloupe by the time we felt safe enough to disturb even one blade of grass and move on our stomachs, searching for the scooped-out part under the fence. When we got home we expected to be whipped or at least scolded for staying out so late, but the grown-ups did not notice us. Some disturbance had their attention.

Since you’re set on telling my story, whatever you think and whatever you write down, know this: I really forgot about the burial. I only remembered the horses. They were so beautiful. So brutal. And they stood like men.

SOURCE: Excerpted from MORRISON, Toni. Home (2012), Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2012.

Poesia e prosa de ficção foram importantes expressões culturais do século XIX, tendo como exemplos importantes as obras de Gonçalves Dias e Cruz e Sousa, no campo poético, por exemplo, ou de José de Alencar, Aluísio Azevedo e Machado de Assis no romance.
As gerações românticas, naturalistas e realistas se recusaram a representar a realidade brasileira, bem como a cor local de suas respectivas regiões de origem.
A influente Semana de Arte Moderna aconteceu durante dois polêmicos dias, contando com o apoio do Imperador Dom Pedro II e de todos os membros da futura Academia Brasileira de Letras.
Foi durante esse período histórico, e tendo como núcleo o Rio de Janeiro, que se organizou a geração de poetas árcades brasileiros, entre eles Cláudio Manoel da Costa e Basílio da Gama.
A literatura quinhentista só foi superada esteticamente a partir do modernismo, tendo alcançado seu auge durante as carreiras de José de Alencar e Machado de Assis.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Literatura - Realismo, Escolas Literárias

A partir da leitura do trecho de abertura do romance Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, indique qual característica elencada abaixo está completamente ausente do trecho.

O trecho abaixo é um fragmento do capítulo de abertura do romance Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas, de Machado de Assis.

MACKENZIE 2019 - Literatura - Realismo, Escolas Literárias

Considere as seguintes observações sobre a vida e a obra de Machado de Assis.

I. Machado de Assis teve uma origem humilde: foi neto de escravos alforriados e filho de Francisco José de Assis, um pintor de paredes, e de Maria Leopoldina Machado de Assis, portuguesa açoriana que se dedicava a serviços domésticos. Mediante uma carreira dedicada às letras, ao jornalismo e ao funcionalismo público, Machado de Assis viveu ao longo do tempo uma trajetória de ascensão social.
II. Durante décadas de dedicação à vida literária, uma importante faceta de Machado de Assis foi a composição de crônicas, publicadas em jornais e revistas brasileiros. Nas suas crônicas, Machado escrevia sobre uma gama de temas, da vida cotidiana a fatos políticos da sua época.
III. Em 1897 realizou-se a sessão inaugural, no Rio de Janeiro, da Academia Brasileira de Letras, que teve como seu primeiro presidente Machado de Assis.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

O trecho abaixo é um fragmento do capítulo de abertura do romance Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas, de Machado de Assis.

Apenas a afirmação I está correta.
Apenas a afirmação II está correta.
Apenas a afirmação III está correta.
Todas as afirmações estão corretas.
Nenhuma das afirmações está correta.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Literatura - Naturalismo, Realismo, Escolas Literárias, Romantismo

Assinale a alternativa correta.

O trecho abaixo é um fragmento do capítulo de abertura do romance Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas, de Machado de Assis.

A publicação do romance Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, em 1881, é considerada de maneira unânime pela crítica especializada como o marco inicial do Naturalismo na literatura brasileira.
Iracema, de José de Alencar, A moreninha, de Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, e Navio Negreiro, de Castro Alves, compartilham com Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas a mesma filiação literária.
Ao idealizar a realidade, o Realismo pouco se interessou pelos contextos econômicos dos seus personagens. Da mesma maneira, os escritores realistas deixaram de lado a reflexão sobre as relações entre as classes sociais.
Ao debater, no trecho que serve de base para essa questão, sobre as relações entre a vida e a morte, o narrador de Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas flerta com o cientificismo de sua época, muito bem representado em um romance como O cortiço, de Aluísio Azevedo.
A presença de elementos fantásticos em Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, a começar pela condição peculiar do seu narrador, nos impede de filiar o romance como um puro representante da estética realista.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Assinale a alternativa correta.

O trecho abaixo é um fragmento do capítulo de abertura do romance Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas, de Machado de Assis.

Ao afirmar que eu não sou propriamente um autor defunto, mas um defunto autor (linhas 05-06), o narrador do romance incorre em um jogo retórico, pois o personagem Brás Cubas está somente “morto” em termos metafóricos.
Em Algum tempo hesitei se devia abrir estas memórias pelo princípio ou pelo fim, isto é, se poria em primeiro lugar o meu nascimento ou a minha morte (linhas 01-03), identifica-se a marca de construção de uma linguagem metalinguística e autorreflexiva.
Em Bom e fiel amigo! Não, não me arrependo das vinte apólices que lhe deixei (linhas 25-26), encontra-se uma eloquente defesa do clássico tema das amizades desinteressadas na literatura.
Vós, que o conhecestes, meus senhores, vós podeis dizer comigo que a natureza parece estar chorando a perda irreparável de um dos mais belos caracteres que têm honrado a humanidade (linhas 18-20): essa fala descreve com exatidão o desenvolvimento da personagem Brás Cubas ao longo do romance.
No trecho é possível que o leitor me não creia, e todavia é verdade. Vou expor-lhe sumariamente o caso. Julgue-o por si mesmo (linhas 28-29), observa-se o estabelecimento de um diálogo com o leitor, recurso muito raro na prosa machadiana.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Português - Flexão verbal de número (singular, plural), Interpretação de Textos, Flexão verbal de pessoa (1ª, 2ª, 3ª pessoa), Adjetivos, Morfologia - Verbos, Flexão verbal de tempo (presente, pretérito, futuro), Homonímia, Paronímia, Sinonímia e Antonímia, Morfologia, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Texto para a questão.

O tempo verbal em acontece (linha 12) denota a ideia de uma ação realizada exclusivamente no momento em que a expressão foi empregada no texto.
O emprego da 1a. pessoa do plural no segundo parágrafo indica que o autor faz referência exclusivamente a ele e a seus editores.
Particulares e coletivos (linhas 13-14) são adjetivos que denotam o mesmo significado. Por essa semelhança, são empregados como sinônimos no texto.
Simples (linha 20) pode ter sua posição alterada para “enunciado linguístico simples” sem que isso implique mudança de sentido para o fragmento textual.
A forma verbal poderia (linha 19) indica posicionamento assumido como consequência de um outro afirmado no período imediatamente anterior.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Uso dos conectivos, Artigos, Pronomes relativos, Homonímia, Paronímia, Sinonímia e Antonímia, Sintaxe, Concordância verbal, Concordância nominal, Pontuação, Morfologia, Uso da Vírgula, Morfologia - Pronomes

Assinale a alternativa correta

Texto para a questão.

É opcional o uso de vírgula antes do pronome relativo que na linha 03.
A expressão por exemplo (linha 05) deve obrigatoriamente vir separada por vírgulas.
Os artigos definidos masculinos nas linhas 07 e 08 apresentam como função refererir-se anaforicamente ao termo participantes, anteriormente utilizado.
A concordância em só podem ser (linha 09) apresenta outra possibilidade de realização como “só podem serem”, de acordo com as regras da norma culta.
As expressões na verdade (linha 08) e no entanto (linha 12) são sinônimas, pois denotam o mesmo sentido no contexto em que são empregadas no texto.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Homonímia, Paronímia, Sinonímia e Antonímia

Assinale a alternativa que indica a relação sinonímica INCORRETA, tendo em vista o emprego das palavras no texto.

Texto para a questão.

se engajar (linha 06) = participar voluntariamente
complementares (linha 07) = excedentes
distintos (linha 07) = diferentes
volição (linha 09) = decisão
despretensiosa (linha 13) = simples
MACKENZIE 2019 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Figuras de Linguagem, Funções da Linguagem: emotiva, apelativa, referencial, metalinguística, fática e poética., Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Sobre o texto é correto afirmar que:

Texto para a questão.

a linguagem adotada explora uma série de referências históricas, explicitamente citadas ao longo do texto.
a predominância da linguagem poética evidencia a exploração das figuras de linguagem metafóricas e metonímicas ao longo de todo o texto.
o uso de marcas conativas, como as perguntas retóricas, conferem ao texto um forte apelo ao leitor para que este se posicione diante do que é afirmado.
o autor procurou se aproximar do leitor jovem ao utilizar uma linguagem que reproduz exatamente aquela utilizada em situações extremamente informais.
o predomínio de uma linguagem formal e objetiva apela para a referencialidade ao explorar o tema de forma didática e acessível ao leitor.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Assinale a alternativa correta sobre o texto

Texto para a questão.

Há no texto o desenvolvimento de uma tese central: a defesa da ideia de que o comportamento humano é orientado pelo reconhecimento de intenções.
O exemplo das crianças dado no texto enfraquece a tese de que a essência do comportamento humano é permeado de identificação e compartilhamento.
A referência ao processo comunicativo contribui para que outro ponto de vista se instaure no texto, anulando o desenvolvimento de uma tese central.
O primeiro período do texto apresenta ideia que será combatida pelo desenvolvimento da tese central desenvolvida e defendida.
A principal linha de argumentação do texto se apoia em um argumento de autoridade explicitamente referenciado.
MACKENZIE 2019 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Depreende-se corretamente da leitura do texto que:

Texto para a questão.

o desenvolvimento da empatia entre crianças é fundamental na prevenção de problemas psicológicos por evidenciar falta de compartilhamento de intenções.
a comunicação humana prescinde da percepção e do compartilhamento de intenções entre os falantes.
é da natureza humana a percepção de intenções pessoais e coletivas, uma vez que esta é que estabelece elementos necessários para as trocas sociais.
há um comportamento pretensioso desde a infância no reconhecimento das intenções alheias com o objetivo de se destacar em uma interação social.
a capacidade de discernir as intenções dos outros em sociedade é uma qualidade que deve ser adquirida durante a formação educacional formalizada.