Questõesde UEG sobre Inglês

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UEG 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Assinale a alternativa que resume corretamente o conteúdo veiculado no texto:

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Brazil has become one of the main destinations for European tourists who search for paid sex with minors.
Sex tourism is an important means of economic development in poor countries around the world.
Poverty is the only cause of the growth of children prostitution in poor countries such as Brazil.
Sex tourism has grown everywhere and must be stopped by authorities and the government.
UEG 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o conteúdo do texto, é CORRETO afirmar que o turismo sexual

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é praticado por turistas asiáticos e europeus em visita ao Brasil.
é a principal causa de prostituição infantil em países da Ásia e no Brasil.
deve ser combatido com medidas que terão efeito somente a longo prazo.
na opinião do Secretário de Turismo do Recife, poderia ser combatido pela adoção de políticas sociais.
UEG 2010 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects

Levando-se em conta os aspectos linguísticos do texto, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:

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na sentença they want to feel attractive and sexy, no texto, o termo they refere-se a egos.
na sentença Female sex tourism has gone on for decades, o verbo sublinhado indica a continuidade de uma ação.
na sequência the rich western woman’s perspective, o termo equivalente a “mulher”, em português, encontra-se no plural.
a sentença the Occidental media has always framed this as a male only domain, na voz passiva, seria: “This has always framed by the Occidental media as a male only domain”.
UEG 2010 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considerando os aspectos estruturais do texto, é CORRETO afirmar que

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a declaração Brazil has become an increasingly popular destination pode ser expressa como “Brazil has incresed its popular destinations”.
na sequência a growing number of foreign tourists who come to Brazil looking for sex, o termo who refere-se a Brazil.
na frase often with minors, o termo often expressa uma frequência próxima da expressa pelo termo “always”.
na sentença You have to detain their clients, o verbo “to have” tem o mesmo sentido de “to possess”.
UEG 2007 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Analisando as informações do texto, é INCORRETO afirmar:

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Instituições iranianas, juntamente com a Unesco e a ONU, protestaram contra a veiculação do filme em alguns países.
O principal argumento dos produtores em resposta às críticas ao filme é de que se trata de uma obra de ficção direcionada ao entretenimento.
A crítica Dana Stevens entende que o filme em questão apresenta uma visão estereotipada do povo persa.
Os três críticos citados no segundo parágrafo compartilham a opinião de que o filme mostra uma imagem negativa da cultura persa.
UEG 2007 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considerando as estruturas lingüísticas do texto, é CORRETO afirmar:

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Nas palavras filmmaker (2º parágrafo) e spokesman (4º parágrafo), os primeiros termos da composição indicam as atividades que os segundos termos, maker e man, realizam.
Os termos inspired e based (1° parágrafo) e attracted e suggested (2° parágrafo) indicam que as ações foram concluídas no passado.
Em underdeveloped (2° parágrafo), submitted (3° parágrafo) e disparage (último parágrafo), os prefixos under, sub e dis indicam negação ou oposição.
O termo itself (1º parágrafo) refere-se a film adaptation.
UEG 2007 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar que o filme 300

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was criticized by film critics of the European, American, Asian and African press vehicles.
portrays historical aspects of the Persian and Western cultures in conflict.
aroused polemics because of the characteristics it attributes to the people of the Persian Empire.
was released in France, Thailand, Turkey and Uzbekistan under strong protests of the people from those countries.
UEG 2007 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considerando a estrutura do texto, é INCORRETO afirmar:

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A sentença Students and teachers are frequently delayed by bomb attacks, na voz ativa, seria: “Bomb attacks frequently delay students and teachers”.
A afirmação "From the moment I get out of my house, I think of inevitable death”, she said, relatada por uma terceira pessoa, seria: She said that from the moment she got out of her house, she thought of inevitable death”.
A sentença she would be killed if she carried on going to college expressa uma situação hipotética que poderia ocorrer em um passado distante.
A expressão 19-year-old (início do último parágrafo), no contexto em que aparece, refere-se a “student”.
UEG 2007 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Observando os aspectos lingüísticos do texto, é CORRETO afirmar:

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O título e o subtítulo apresentam formas lingüísticas não-padrão, com a intenção de criticar os conceitos de patriotismo e não-patriotismo expressos no texto.
Enquanto o primeiro quadrinho da esquerda evidencia uma tentativa, o seu correspondente da direita expõe uma pretensão.
Nas falas da coluna da esquerda são empregados verbos cujos sentidos remetem à idéia de indignação e contestação.
A coluna da direita apresenta falas que expressam de maneira sutil as intenções dos falantes.
UEG 2007 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o título e as falas do texto, é CORRETO afirmar:

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Trata-se de uma crítica à falta de patriotismo dos cidadãos americanos que se posicionam contra a intervenção militar no Iraque.
Ambos são uma sátira à noção de patriotismo difundida por órgãos governistas americanos e por alguns setores da mídia.
A condição para que o(a) leitor(a) seja considerado(a) patriota é apoiar as tropas que lutam por seu país nos campos de batalha.
A concepção de patriotismo está condicionada ao apoio irrestrito à política adotada pelo governo Bush.
UEG 2007 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta CORRETAMENTE informações contidas no texto:

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Professor Rafi was killed at the University campus by a student who was not satisfied with his low grades.
Death threats, bomb attacks, sexual harassment and traffic in guns are kinds of violence the Iraqis have to face daily.
The war in Iraq has caused the death of four teachers of the University of Bagdad.
Professor Shatha al Jeidi worries about the violence on campus which interferes in her students’ learning process.
UEG 2007 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O tema central do texto está expresso CORRETAMENTE em:

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Alunos e professores da Universidade de Bagdá se uniram contra a violência que atinge o Iraque em virtude da guerra.
A violência no Iraque tem refletido na vida pessoal e acadêmica de professores e alunos da Universidade de Bagdá.
Professores da Universidade de Bagdá têm recebido ameaças de morte por se posicionarem favoravelmente à ocupação do Iraque.
Mulheres são impedidas de lecionar e estudar na Universidade de Bagdá por ativistas e religiosos fanáticos.
UEG 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com as informações do texto, o vício em esportes

Are You Addicted to Sports?

Sports addictions are real and do conflict with relationships. As with anything that can be addictive there is a threshold where something healthy becomes unhealthy. Addiction is defined as "the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming". An addiction to sports is not always a bad thing, but can be. Often this addiction comes along with another addiction whether it be cigarettes, alcohol, or gambling.

If you or someone you love is addicted to sports make sure you approach it in a proper manner. If this is your spouse and it is coming between you and him/her then you may want to seek counseling. If you personally are addicted to sports then try picking up another hobby because you may just have too much free time. Get out of the house once in a while and enjoy life. Don't let the athletic ability of others control your life.
Signs of sports addiction: mood swings during events; outcome ruins your day or even week; sports gambling; fantasy sports; attending an excess number of events; excessive merchandise; arguments and fights.

é compreendido sempre como algo negativo.
surge, geralmente, em substituição a outro vício.
pode ser substituído por outro hobby ou hábito.
é um sinal de problemas físicos e psicológicos.
UEG 2014 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text,

Are You Addicted to Sports?

Sports addictions are real and do conflict with relationships. As with anything that can be addictive there is a threshold where something healthy becomes unhealthy. Addiction is defined as "the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming". An addiction to sports is not always a bad thing, but can be. Often this addiction comes along with another addiction whether it be cigarettes, alcohol, or gambling.

If you or someone you love is addicted to sports make sure you approach it in a proper manner. If this is your spouse and it is coming between you and him/her then you may want to seek counseling. If you personally are addicted to sports then try picking up another hobby because you may just have too much free time. Get out of the house once in a while and enjoy life. Don't let the athletic ability of others control your life.
Signs of sports addiction: mood swings during events; outcome ruins your day or even week; sports gambling; fantasy sports; attending an excess number of events; excessive merchandise; arguments and fights.

Addiction can be defined as a kind of slavery related to a habit or a practice.
There is not any right way to deal with someone who is addicted to sports.
A person who is addicted to sports should avoid getting out of the house alone.
A sign of sports addiction can be excess of excitement when watching a match.
UEG 2014 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Prefixos e sufixos | Prefixes and suffixes, Verbos modais | Modal verbs, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considerando os aspectos estruturais do texto, percebe-se que:

Are You Addicted to Sports?

Sports addictions are real and do conflict with relationships. As with anything that can be addictive there is a threshold where something healthy becomes unhealthy. Addiction is defined as "the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming". An addiction to sports is not always a bad thing, but can be. Often this addiction comes along with another addiction whether it be cigarettes, alcohol, or gambling.

If you or someone you love is addicted to sports make sure you approach it in a proper manner. If this is your spouse and it is coming between you and him/her then you may want to seek counseling. If you personally are addicted to sports then try picking up another hobby because you may just have too much free time. Get out of the house once in a while and enjoy life. Don't let the athletic ability of others control your life.
Signs of sports addiction: mood swings during events; outcome ruins your day or even week; sports gambling; fantasy sports; attending an excess number of events; excessive merchandise; arguments and fights.

os termos healthy, psychologically, personally e physically são formados pelos processos de prefixação e sufixação.
complemento da if-clause está adequado em: “If I were addicted to sports I would certainly look for help”.
na sentença you may want to seek counseling, o termo may pode ser substituído por “can”, sem alterar o sentido.
na sentença Don't let the athletic ability of others control your life está explicitada a possibilidade de escolha.
UEG 2014 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Análise sintática | Syntax Parsing, Vocabulário | Vocabulary

Considerando os aspectos verbais do texto, sabe-se que:

Analise o cartum a seguir.

A forma correta da sentença You can’t prove nothing é: “You can’t prove something”.
A sentença he’ll think twice, na forma do futuro contínuo, seria: “he’ll have been thinking twice”.
O discurso indireto está expresso adequadamente em: “The man said that they can’t prove nothing”.
A expressão perhaps next time equivale, em sentido, no texto, à frase: “maybe next time”.
UEG 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Com base nas ideias e opiniões expressas no texto, é CORRETO afirmar:

Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões de 1 a 3.

Hitting Children is Wrong and the Law Must Say So - Now

Ending corporal punishment is an issue which touches most people very personally. Most of us were hit as
children; most parents have hit their growing children. So far, globally, only about 17 states have completely
prohibited all corporal punishment, with six or seven more committed to do so. In this region, I know that at least
two – Brazil and Costa Rica – have had prohibition Bills presented to their Parliaments.
At the first two Regional Consultations for the UN Secretary General’s Study, in the Caribbean and two weeks
ago in South Asia, clear recommendations to prohibit all corporal punishment, including in the family, were
adopted. But I still heard government officials and NGOs and others making more excuses: “We must wait until
there is more support for parents; more training for teachers; smaller classes. Let’s educate first and then
change the law…” and so on. From children’s perspective this is intolerable. From the perspective of
international human rights law it is illegal. Why should children wait? Would we wait to prohibit violence against
women until we can provide full employment and universal anger management classes for men? Would we wait
to ban hitting of elderly confused relatives until we have full-time nursing care, and full training for all carers,
available for them?
No more excuses: this UN Study provides the opportunity to move quickly on, to put in the past the idea that
states should authorise violence against children and instead focus on giving priority to ending all violence
against children. State governments and all of us have to take a deep breath and stop deceiving ourselves -
hitting children is wrong and the law must say so - now.

NEWELL, Peter. Disponível em: Imagem 001.jpg. Acesso em: 16 ago. 2010. (Adaptado).

some NGOs criticize the governments which present excuses to postpone measures to prohibit corporal punishment against children.
Brazil and Costa Rica are the only countries in Latin America which have criminalized physical punishment against children.
adults who suffer physical punishment as children will certainly punish their children when they become parents.
the author of the article tries to persuade the readers to fight all kinds of violence against children.
UEG 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considerando os aspectos estruturais do texto, é CORRETO afirmar:

Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões de 1 a 3.

Hitting Children is Wrong and the Law Must Say So - Now

Ending corporal punishment is an issue which touches most people very personally. Most of us were hit as
children; most parents have hit their growing children. So far, globally, only about 17 states have completely
prohibited all corporal punishment, with six or seven more committed to do so. In this region, I know that at least
two – Brazil and Costa Rica – have had prohibition Bills presented to their Parliaments.
At the first two Regional Consultations for the UN Secretary General’s Study, in the Caribbean and two weeks
ago in South Asia, clear recommendations to prohibit all corporal punishment, including in the family, were
adopted. But I still heard government officials and NGOs and others making more excuses: “We must wait until
there is more support for parents; more training for teachers; smaller classes. Let’s educate first and then
change the law…” and so on. From children’s perspective this is intolerable. From the perspective of
international human rights law it is illegal. Why should children wait? Would we wait to prohibit violence against
women until we can provide full employment and universal anger management classes for men? Would we wait
to ban hitting of elderly confused relatives until we have full-time nursing care, and full training for all carers,
available for them?
No more excuses: this UN Study provides the opportunity to move quickly on, to put in the past the idea that
states should authorise violence against children and instead focus on giving priority to ending all violence
against children. State governments and all of us have to take a deep breath and stop deceiving ourselves -
hitting children is wrong and the law must say so - now.

NEWELL, Peter. Disponível em: Imagem 001.jpg. Acesso em: 16 ago. 2010. (Adaptado).

em State governments and all of us have to stop deceiving ourselves, o pronome ourselves refere-se aos termos em destaque.
a expressão From children’s perspective pode ser escrita da seguinte forma: “From boys’s and girls’s perpective”.
a resposta para a pergunta Why should children wait? poderia ser: “Because it would be better for him”.
a sentença Most of us were hit as children, na voz ativa, seria: “They used to hit most of us as children”.
UEG 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Levando-se em conta as imagens e os textos acima, é CORRETO afirmar:

As questões de 4 a 6 referem-se às imagens e aos textos abaixo.

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Texto A
Society has always used punishment to discourage would-be criminals from unlawful action. Since society has
the highest interest in preventing murder, it should use the strongest punishment available to deter murder, and
that is the death penalty. If murderers are sentenced to death and executed, potential murderers will think twice
before killing for fear of losing their own life.
The death penalty certainly "deters" the murderer who is executed. Strictly speaking, this is a form of
incapacitation, similar to the way a robber put in prison is prevented from robbing on the streets. Both as a
deterrent and as a form of permanent incapacitation, the death penalty helps to prevent future crime.

Disponível em: Imagem 003.jpg. Acesso em: 20 ago. 2010. (Adaptado).

Texto B
Before I get into comedic related issues, a quick statement on the death penalty (due to some Facebook chatter
on my page). I am against the death penalty in all cases. The recent revelation in Texas that an innocent man
was executed for arson and capital murder in 2004 for allegedly setting fire to his home, which killed his two
young children should be huge news. Can you imagine the man’s anguish (he never pleaded guilty)? But I am
against it even when the person is actually guilty (yes even if DNA and videotape corroborate it). I think it is
barbaric. China, parts of the Middle East and the U.S. are the world’s executors. No one else I believe.

Disponível em: Imagem 004.jpg. Acesso em: 20 ago. 2010. (Adaptado).

a inscrição da imagem A é corroborada pelas opiniões expressas no texto A.
as opiniões explicitadas no texto B reforçam o conteúdo da imagem B.
o texto B está de acordo com a imagem A, e a imagem B é reforçada pelo texto A.
os posicionamentos expressos nos dois textos concordam com a imagem A.
UEG 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com as ideias expressas pelas imagens e pelos textos acima, é CORRETO afirmar:

As questões de 4 a 6 referem-se às imagens e aos textos abaixo.

Imagem 002.jpg

Texto A
Society has always used punishment to discourage would-be criminals from unlawful action. Since society has
the highest interest in preventing murder, it should use the strongest punishment available to deter murder, and
that is the death penalty. If murderers are sentenced to death and executed, potential murderers will think twice
before killing for fear of losing their own life.
The death penalty certainly "deters" the murderer who is executed. Strictly speaking, this is a form of
incapacitation, similar to the way a robber put in prison is prevented from robbing on the streets. Both as a
deterrent and as a form of permanent incapacitation, the death penalty helps to prevent future crime.

Disponível em: Imagem 003.jpg. Acesso em: 20 ago. 2010. (Adaptado).

Texto B
Before I get into comedic related issues, a quick statement on the death penalty (due to some Facebook chatter
on my page). I am against the death penalty in all cases. The recent revelation in Texas that an innocent man
was executed for arson and capital murder in 2004 for allegedly setting fire to his home, which killed his two
young children should be huge news. Can you imagine the man’s anguish (he never pleaded guilty)? But I am
against it even when the person is actually guilty (yes even if DNA and videotape corroborate it). I think it is
barbaric. China, parts of the Middle East and the U.S. are the world’s executors. No one else I believe.

Disponível em: Imagem 004.jpg. Acesso em: 20 ago. 2010. (Adaptado).

image A is a campaign against the death penalty because it is considered a kind of discrimination.
image B reinforces the idea expressed by the saying “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”.
the author of text B is against the death penalty only if the defendant is not proven to be guilty.
text A presents arguments for and against the death penalty to help readers to make up their minds about the issue.