bf03b6db-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Vocabulário | VocabularyThe correct sign for the number “three thousand seven hundred” (l. 23) is inVer texto associado A3070.B3007.C3700.D30700.E37000.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bf1491fe-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionFill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). The text has answers to the following questions: ( ) What did the pliosaurs look like? ( ) How large was the pliosaur from the text supposed to be?( ) What does Richard Forrest do? ( ) Why did the owner decide to sell the fossilized skull? ( ) Where can the general public see the fossilized skull now? According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is Ver texto associado AF T F F TBF T F T FCT T T F FDT F T F TET T T T TConfirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bf1a955a-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionWhen examining the creature’s skull, Richard ForrestVer texto associado Afelt really discouraged.Bshowed too little excitement.Ccouldn´t hide his enthusiasm.Drealized it was really worthless.Ecouldn’t help feeling disappointed.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bf1f9d4e-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Adjetivos | Adjectives, Oposto | OppositeBased on the text, the words have opposite meanings inVer texto associado A“unearthed” (l. 2) — uncovered.B“fearsome” (l. 6) — frightening.C“easy” (l. 7) — simple.D“whole” (l. 13) — complete.E“enormous” (l. 16) — tinyConfirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bef6d7d8-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionThe only sentence from the text in which a form of comparison has not been used is in Ver texto associado A“to get the record as the youngest person to make the journey.” (l. 3-4)B“She’s hoping to reach Sydney Harbor later this month” (l. 7)C“the influential Sail World website […] is a stickler for the rules” (l. 14-15)D“the teenager should have sailed much farther north” (l. 17)E“Had she sailed three thousand seven hundred kilometers further she could have made that boast.” (l. 22-24)Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
beeb107c-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionThe sentence “the teenager should have sailed much farther north” (l. 17) describes Ver texto associado Aa fulfilled prediction in the past.Ba strong necessity in the present.Ca future event which may happen.Da past event which did not happen.Ean improbable situation in the present.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
befd45e7-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects“We don’t want to take away from what the kid’s done” (l. 20-21). The ’s in this sentence is theVer texto associado Acontraction of is.Bcontraction of hasCcontraction of was.Dgenitive case.Eplural ending.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bee4ce8e-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionConcerning navigation rules, the Sail World website is said to be veryVer texto associado Astrict.BpopularCrelaxed.Dsuspicious.Eunderstanding.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bef0c3eb-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Sinônimos | SynonymsIn the fragment “rather than simply crossing the Equator” (l. 18-19), the expression in bold is synonymous withVer texto associado Abesides.Bso that.Cin order to.Dinstead of.Eso as to.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bebe591e-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension“so they did know that they have to evacuate from dangerous structures.” (l. 14-15) The verb form did is being used in this sentenceVer texto associado Aas a main verb.Bto give contradict factsCto contradict facts.Dto make an indirect question.Eto invert the subject verb order.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
beb85d36-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionThe word or expression from the text can be grammatically and semantically replaced by the one on the right inVer texto associado A“are used to” (l. 13) — usuallyB“realize” (l. 17) — perform.C“Thus” (l. 21) — Therefore.D"Despite” (l. 27) — Although.E“must” (l. 28) — might.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bee0555f-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionConsidering Jessica’s voyage, the only fact not stated in the text is in Ver texto associado AShe sailed all by herself.BShe didn’t stop anywhere.CShe got no help during the journey.DShe sailed completely around the world.EShe thought about giving up a couple of times.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bedafaba-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionFill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). About Jessica Watson, it’s correct to say: ( ) She’s in her early teens. ( ) She’s spent more than half a year at sea. ( ) She has been considered a record holder. ( ) She’s expected to be back home a few days before her seventeenth birthday. According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom isVer texto associado AF F T TBF T F TCT T F FDT F T FET T T TConfirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
beb356a2-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Plural dos Substantivos | Regular and Irregular Plural Nouns, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and typesThe only alternative in which the word has totally regular plural form isVer texto associado A“many” (l. 1).B"lives” (l. 6).C"codes” (l. 8).D“people” (l. 13).E“those” (l. 30).Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bead1580-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionThe fragment “giving people no time to escape” (l. 26) can be exactly rewritten asVer texto associado Aallowing people to have a narrow escape.Bnot giving people any time to escape .Cgiving people not much time to escape.Dnot allowing people to decide to escape.Ehardly giving people lots of time to escape.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bea1246c-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionThe expression “death toll” (l. 12) refers toVer texto associado Athe total number of people who died.Bthe average number of injured people.Cthe total number of people who survived.Dthe people who were killed by tidal waves.Ethe people who died under the collapsed buildings.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
bea7ed8c-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension“the ground shaking was crescendoing” (l.17-18) means that the shake wasVer texto associado Agoing down.Bharmless enough.Cquite unexpected.Dbecoming noisier.Egetting more powerfulConfirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
be9afc38-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionGeophysicists said that northern ChileVer texto associado Ais rather safe from earthquakes.Bhas never had a real big quake.Cis likely to have a big quake sooner or later.Donly had a very strong quake two centuries ago. Ewon’t be badly affected by quakes if it takes adequate precautions.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
be907099-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionFill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). Scientists say that many more people died in the earthquake in Haiti than in the one in Chile because: ( ) Chile’s strong rules about building improve its population safety. ( ) Although Haiti’s building structures are solid, its population lacks education. ( ) As earthquakes are very common in Chile, its population follows the correct procedure when they occur. ( ) People in Haiti hardly had any time to get out of dangerous situations during the quake. According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, isVer texto associado AF F T FBF T F TCT T F FDT F T TET T T TConfirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos
be96edcd-e7UEFS 2010 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehensionWhen compared to Haiti’s earthquake, the quake’s build-up in ChileVer texto associado Awas faster.Btook longer.Cwas shorter.Dwas very sudden.Elasted about the same.Confirmar respostaGabarito comentadoEstatísticasAulasArtigos