Questõessobre Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types

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UECE 2013 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types

The functions of the words purchasing, dealing, filings, programming and recommending in the text are respectively

   HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW calls data science “the sexiest job in the 21st century,” and by most accounts this hot new field promises to revolutionize industries from business to government, health care to academia. 
   The field has been spawned by the enormous amounts of data that modern technologies create — be it the online behavior of Facebook users, tissue samples of cancer patients, purchasing habits of grocery shoppers or crime statistics of cities. Data scientists are the magicians of the Big Data era. They crunch the data, use mathematical models to analyze it and create narratives or visualizations to explain it, then suggest how to use the information to make decisions. 
     In the last few years, dozens of programs under a variety of names have sprung up in response to the excitement about Big Data, not to mention the six-figure salaries for some recent graduates. In the fall, Columbia will offer new master’s and certificate programs heavy on data. The University of San Francisco will soon graduate its charter class of students with a master’s in analytics.
      Rachel Schutt, a senior research scientist at Johnson Research Labs, taught “Introduction to Data Science” last semester at Columbia (its first course with “data science” in the title). She described the data scientist this way: “a hybrid computer scientist software engineer statistician.” And added: “The best tend to be really curious people, thinkers who ask good questions and are O.K. dealing with unstructured situations and trying to find structure in them.”
      Eurry Kim, a 30-year-old “wannabe data scientist,” is studying at Columbia for a master’s in quantitative methods in the social sciences and plans to use her degree for government service. She discovered the possibilities while working as a corporate tax analyst at the Internal Revenue Service. She might, for example, analyze tax return data to develop algorithms that flag fraudulent filings, or cull national security databases to spot suspicious activity.
     Some of her classmates are hoping to apply their skills to e-commerce, where data about users’ browsing history is gold.
     “This is a generation of kids that grew up with data science around them — Netflix telling them what movies they should watch, Amazon telling them what books they should read — so this is an academic interest with real-world applications,” said Chris Wiggins, a professor of applied mathematics at Columbia who is involved in its new Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering. “And,” he added, “they know it will make them employable.”
  Universities can hardly turn out data scientists fast enough. To meet demand from employers, the United States will need to increase the number of graduates with skills handling large amounts of data by as much as 60 percent, according to a report by McKinsey Global Institute. There will be almost half a million jobs in five years, and a shortage of up to 190,000 qualified data scientists, plus a need for 1.5 million executives and support staff who have an understanding of data.
      Because data science is so new, universities are scrambling to define it and develop curriculums. As an academic field, it cuts across disciplines, with courses in statistics, analytics, computer science and math, coupled with the specialty a student wants to analyze, from patterns in marine life to historical texts.
    With the sheer volume, variety and speed of data today, as well as developing technologies, programs are more than a repackaging of existing courses. “Data science is emerging as an academic discipline, defined not by a mere amalgamation of interdisciplinary fields but as a body of knowledge, a set of professional practices, a professional organization and a set of ethical responsibilities,” said Christopher Starr, chairman of the computer science department at the College of Charleston, one of a few institutions offering data science at the undergraduate level.
     Most master’s degree programs in data science require basic programming skills. They start with what Ms. Schutt describes as the “boring” part — scraping and cleaning raw data and “getting it into a nice table where you can actually analyze it.” Many use data sets provided by businesses or government, and pass back their results. Some host competitions to see which student can come up with the best solution to a company’s problem.
     Studying a Web user’s data has privacy implications. Using data to decide someone’s eligibility for a line of credit or health insurance, or even recommending who they friend on Facebook, can affect their lives. “We’re building these models that have impact on human life,” Ms. Schutt said. “How can we do that carefully?” Ethics classes address these questions.
       Finally, students have to learn to communicate their findings, visually and orally, and they need business know-how, perhaps to develop new products.

verb, noun, noun, verb, adjective. 
noun, adjective, verb, verb, verb. 
verb, noun, adjective, verb, adjective. 
adjective, verb, noun, adjective, verb. 
IF-MT 2018 - Inglês - Plural dos Substantivos | Regular and Irregular Plural Nouns, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types

Considerando o vocabulário e a estrutura da língua inglesa contidos no texto, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.

Os termos "refers" (linha 01), "results" (linha 13) e "decreases" (linha 17) são verbos no presente e receberam "s" por estarem na terceira pessoa do singular.
"Thus" (linha 34) pode ser substituído por "therefore", sem prejuízo quanto ao sentido do texto.
"Trash" (linha 23) e "debris" (linha 24) podem ser traduzidos como "lixo" e "detritos", respectivamente.
O termo "children" (linha 9) trata-se de um adjetivo e está no singular.
O termo "women" (linha 9) trata-se de um substantivo e está no plural, sendo um caso de plural irregular.
UEMG 2018 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

In the excerpt “Recently, a stray bullet killed a Spanish tourist”, the expression “stray bullet” is

            Brazil must legalise drugs – its existing policy just destroys lives

      For decades, guns and imprisonment have been the hallmarks of Brazil’s war against the drug trafficking. But the only way to beat the gangs is to stop creating criminals, says a top Brazilian judge

      “The war raging in Rocinha, Latin America’s largest favela, has already been lost. Rooted in a dispute between gangs for control of drug trafficking, it has disrupted the daily life of the community in Rio de Janeiro since mid-September. With the sound of shots coming from all sides, schools and shops are constantly forced to close. Recently, a stray bullet killed a Spanish tourist. The war is not the only thing being lost.

      For decades, Brazil has had the same drug policy approach. Police, weapons and numerous arrests. It does not take an expert to conclude the obvious: the strategy has failed. Drug trafficking and consumption have only increased. […]

      In a case still before the Brazilian supreme court, I voted for decriminalising the possession of marijuana for private consumption. […] 

      Drugs are an issue that has a profound impact on the criminal justice system, and it is legitimate for the supreme court to participate in the public debate. So here are the reasons for my views.

      First, drugs are bad and it is therefore the role of the state and society to discourage consumption, treat dependents and repress trafficking. The rationale behind legalisation is rooted in the belief that it will help in achieving these goals.

      Second, the war on drugs has failed. Since the 1970s, under the influence and leadership of the US, the world has tackled this problem with the use of police forces, armies, and armaments. The tragic reality is that 40 years, billions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of prisoners and thousands of deaths later, things are worse. At least in countries like Brazil.

      Third, as the American economist Milton Friedman argued, the only result of criminalisation is ensuring the trafficker’s monopoly. 

      With these points in mind, what would legalisation achieve?

      In most countries in North America and Europe, the greatest concern of the authorities is users and the impact drugs have on their lives and on society. These are all important considerations. In Brazil, however, the principal focus must be ending the dominance drug dealers exercise over poor communities. Gangs have become the main political and economic power in thousands of modest neighbourhoods in Brazil. This scenario prevents a family of honest and hard-working people from educating their children away from the influence of criminal factions, who intimidate, co-opt and exercise an unfair advantage over any lawful activity. Crucially, this power of trafficking comes from illegality.

       Another benefit of legalisation would be to prevent the mass incarceration of impoverished young people with no criminal record who are arrested for trafficking because they are caught in possession of negligible amounts of marijuana. A third of detainees in Brazil are imprisoned for drug trafficking. Once arrested, young prisoners will have to join one of the factions that control the penitentiaries – and on that day, they become dangerous.


      We cannot be certain that a progressive and cautious policy of decriminalisation and legalisation will be successful. What we can affirm is that the existing policy of criminalisation has failed. We must take chances; otherwise, we risk simply accepting a terrible situation. As the Brazilian navigator Amyr Klink said: “The worst shipwreck is not setting off at all.” 

Disponível em: <> . Acesso em: 14 nov. 2017.

Formed by nouns and it means “a decisive shot”.
Formed by an adjective and a noun and it means “a random shot”.
Formed by an adverb and a noun and it means “a sharp shot”.
Formed by a verb and a noun and it means “a lost shot”.
UEMG 2018 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Artigos definido e indefinidos | Definite and indefinite articles, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

Consider the following excerpt: “Since the 1970s, under the influence and leadership of the US, the world has tackled this problem with the use of police forces, armies, and armaments.” Mark the option which best describes the use of some words in the excerpt.

            Brazil must legalise drugs – its existing policy just destroys lives

      For decades, guns and imprisonment have been the hallmarks of Brazil’s war against the drug trafficking. But the only way to beat the gangs is to stop creating criminals, says a top Brazilian judge

      “The war raging in Rocinha, Latin America’s largest favela, has already been lost. Rooted in a dispute between gangs for control of drug trafficking, it has disrupted the daily life of the community in Rio de Janeiro since mid-September. With the sound of shots coming from all sides, schools and shops are constantly forced to close. Recently, a stray bullet killed a Spanish tourist. The war is not the only thing being lost.

      For decades, Brazil has had the same drug policy approach. Police, weapons and numerous arrests. It does not take an expert to conclude the obvious: the strategy has failed. Drug trafficking and consumption have only increased. […]

      In a case still before the Brazilian supreme court, I voted for decriminalising the possession of marijuana for private consumption. […] 

      Drugs are an issue that has a profound impact on the criminal justice system, and it is legitimate for the supreme court to participate in the public debate. So here are the reasons for my views.

      First, drugs are bad and it is therefore the role of the state and society to discourage consumption, treat dependents and repress trafficking. The rationale behind legalisation is rooted in the belief that it will help in achieving these goals.

      Second, the war on drugs has failed. Since the 1970s, under the influence and leadership of the US, the world has tackled this problem with the use of police forces, armies, and armaments. The tragic reality is that 40 years, billions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of prisoners and thousands of deaths later, things are worse. At least in countries like Brazil.

      Third, as the American economist Milton Friedman argued, the only result of criminalisation is ensuring the trafficker’s monopoly. 

      With these points in mind, what would legalisation achieve?

      In most countries in North America and Europe, the greatest concern of the authorities is users and the impact drugs have on their lives and on society. These are all important considerations. In Brazil, however, the principal focus must be ending the dominance drug dealers exercise over poor communities. Gangs have become the main political and economic power in thousands of modest neighbourhoods in Brazil. This scenario prevents a family of honest and hard-working people from educating their children away from the influence of criminal factions, who intimidate, co-opt and exercise an unfair advantage over any lawful activity. Crucially, this power of trafficking comes from illegality.

       Another benefit of legalisation would be to prevent the mass incarceration of impoverished young people with no criminal record who are arrested for trafficking because they are caught in possession of negligible amounts of marijuana. A third of detainees in Brazil are imprisoned for drug trafficking. Once arrested, young prisoners will have to join one of the factions that control the penitentiaries – and on that day, they become dangerous.


      We cannot be certain that a progressive and cautious policy of decriminalisation and legalisation will be successful. What we can affirm is that the existing policy of criminalisation has failed. We must take chances; otherwise, we risk simply accepting a terrible situation. As the Brazilian navigator Amyr Klink said: “The worst shipwreck is not setting off at all.” 

Disponível em: <> . Acesso em: 14 nov. 2017.

There are 9 nouns, 1 adjective, and 5 articles.
There are 8 nouns and 2 verbs, but no adjectives.
There are 5 articles, 3 adjectives, and 1 verb, but no adverbs.
There are 4 prepositions, 2 conjunctions, and 1 pronoun.
UFT 2011 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Caso genitivo | Genitive case, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Futuro simples | Simple future, Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice

Read the statements below and mark the CORRECT answer:

Imagem 026.jpg
Imagem 027.jpg

The sentence "The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner" is in active voice.
The sentence "ld Marley was as dead as a door-nail" is in the simple future.
The expression "to begin with" means to break up.
The apostrophe in "Marley‘s funeral" means is.
The word "cold" in the sentence "the cold within him froze his old features…? is not an adjective.
UECE 2015 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Infinitivo e gerúndio | Infinitive and gerund

In “Story time is drawing capacity crowds...”, “ informal reading to a small group...”, and “ prevent overcrowding...”, the -ING words are, respectively,


    A library tradition is being refashioned to emphasize early literacy and better prepare young children for school, and drawing many new fans in the process.

    Among parents of the under-5 set, spots for story time have become as coveted as seats for a hot Broadway show like “Hamilton.” Lines stretch down the block at some branches, with tickets given out on a first-come-first-served basis because there is not enough room to accommodate all of the children who show up.

    Workers at the 67th Street Library on the Upper East Side of Manhattan turn away at least 10 people from every reading. They have been so overwhelmed by the rush at story time — held in the branch’s largest room, on the third floor — that once the space is full, they close the door and shut down the elevator. “It is so crowded and so popular, it’s insane,” Jacqueline Schector, a librarian, said.

    Story time is drawing capacity crowds at public libraries across New York and across the country at a time when, more than ever, educators are emphasizing the importance of early literacy in preparing children for school and for developing critical thinking skills. The demand crosses economic lines, with parents at all income levels vying to get in.

    Many libraries have refashioned the traditional readings to include enrichment activities such as counting numbers and naming colors, as well as music and dance. And many parents have made story time a fixture in their family routines alongside school pickups and playground outings — and, for those who employ nannies, a nonnegotiable requirement of the job.

    In New York, demand for story time has surged across the city’s three library systems — the New York Public Library, the Brooklyn Public Library, and the Queens Library — and has posed logistical challenges for some branches, particularly those in small or cramped buildings. Citywide, story time attendance rose to 510,367 people in fiscal year 2015, up nearly 28 percent from 399,751 in fiscal 2013.

    “The secret’s out,” said Lucy Yates, 44, an opera coach with two sons who goes to story time at the Fort Washington Library every week.

    Stroller-pushing parents and nannies begin to line up for story time outside some branches an hour before doors open. To prevent overcrowding, tickets are given out at the New Amsterdam and Webster branches, both in Manhattan, the Parkchester branch in the Bronx, and a half-dozen branches in Brooklyn, including in Park Slope, Kensington and Bay Ridge.

    The 67th Street branch keeps adding story times — there are now six a week — and holds sessions outdoors in the summer, when crowds can swell to 200 people.

    In Queens, 41 library branches are scheduled to add weekend hours this month, and many will undoubtedly include weekend story times. As Joanne King, a spokeswoman for the library explained, parents have been begging for them and “every story time is full, every time we have one.”

    Long a library staple, story time has typically been an informal reading to a small group of boys and girls sitting in a circle. Today’s story times involve carefully planned lessons by specially trained librarians that emphasize education as much as entertainment, and often include suggestions for parents and caregivers about how to reinforce what children have learned, library officials said.

    Libraries around the country have expanded story time and other children’s programs in recent years, attracting a new generation of patrons in an age when online offerings sometimes make trips to the book stacks unnecessary. Sari Feldman, president of the American Library Association, said such early-literacy efforts are part of a larger transformation libraries are undergoing to become active learning centers for their communities by offering services like classes in English as a second language, computer skills and career counseling.

    Ms. Feldman said the increased demand for story time was a product, in part, of more than a decade of work by the library association and others to encourage libraries to play a larger role in preparing young children for school. In 2004, as part of that effort, the association developed a curriculum, “Every Child Ready to Read,” that she said is now used by thousands of libraries.

    The New York Public Library is adding 45 children’s librarians to support story time and other programs, some of which are run in partnership with the city government. It has also designated 20 of its 88 neighborhood branches, including the Fort Washington Library, as “enhanced literary sites.” As such, they will double their story time sessions, to an average of four a week, and distribute 15,000 “family literacy kits” that include a book and a schedule of story times.

    “It is clear that reading and being exposed to books early in life are critical factors in student success,” Anthony W. Marx, president of the New York Public Library, said. “The library is playing an increasingly important role in strengthening early literacy in this city, expanding efforts to bring reading to children and their families through quality, free story times, curated literacy programs, after-school programs and more.”

    For its part, the Queens Library plans to expand a “Kick Off to Kindergarten” program that attracted more than 180 families for a series of workshops last year. Library officials said that more than three-quarters of the children who enrolled, many of whom spoke a language other than English at home, developed measurable classroom skills.


adjective, adverb, noun.
noun, noun, verb.
verb, noun, noun.
adverb, verb, adjective.
PUC - RS 2015 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Preposições | Prepositions, Infinitivo e gerúndio | Infinitive and gerund

In the text, the words “fleeing” (line 12), “According” (line 16), “briefing” (line 23), “smuggling” (line 33) are used as

noun – adjective – verb – noun
noun – adjective – verb – verb
adjective – noun – preposition – adjective
verb – preposition – noun – noun
verb – preposition – preposition – noun
UniCEUB 2014 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Preposições | Prepositions, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

The underlined words in the passage are


                    Gabriel García Márquez was a Literary Giant
                               With a Passion for Journalism

                      By Karla Zabludovsky Friday, April 18,2014

      The late Gabriel García Márquez holds a special place in the hearts of journalists.
      Like Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway — or contemporaries like Pete Hamill and Tom Wolfe — García Márquez, a titan of 20th century literature, honed his writing skills as a reporter
before he became a celebrated novelist.
      Even as his literary star rose, García Márquez, known colloquially across Latin America as Gabo, spoke proudly, tenderly and frequently about journalism.
      “Those who are self-taught are avid and quick, and during those bygone times, we were that to a great extent in order to keep paving the way for the best profession in the world… as we ourselves called
it," said García Márquez during a speech about journalism at the 52nd Assembly of the Inter American Press Association in 1996.

                                                                                                                                             Newsweek Magazine
UEPB 2007 - Inglês - Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Which of the following groups of words from TEXT A only represents colours:

Imagem 009.jpg

purple, crisp, shining, blue, green.
red, skies, purple, pink, green.
green, red, skies, shining, pink.
blue, green, red, purple, pink.
bright, blue, red, small, purple.
UEPB 2007 - Inglês - Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types

Which of the following groups of words from TEXT A consists only of nouns:

Imagem 009.jpg

make, grass, sun, lettuce, crisp.
make, grass, sun, lettuce, crisp. outside, sun, lettuce, grass, jungles.
sun, radish, beautiful, outside, grass.
jungles, bright, crisp, radish, lettuce.
sun, lettuce, radish, grass, jungles
PUC - RS 2011 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Artigos definido e indefinidos | Definite and indefinite articles, Preposições | Prepositions, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions, Pronomes | Pronouns

De acordo com seu uso no texto, pertencem à mesma categoria gramatical os termos da alternativa

Imagem 044.jpg
according ( line 02) – sensation ( line 04).
temporary ( line 04) – lacking ( line 06).
assertive ( line 07) – exercising ( line 11).
notable ( line 12) – unfavorably ( line 13).
praiseworthy ( ine 15) – efficient ( ine 16).
UDESC 2007 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

According to the text:

...four wheel, in ... four wheel driving ... (line 17); ... two hour; in ... two hour flight ... (line 19); are:

        Text 2

01    Take a dive with hundreds of tropical fish, colorful coral and the world's biggest fish, the
        whale shark, at unspoilt Ningaloo Reef.
        The reef on Western Australia's mid north coast, has gained an impressive reputation as
        one of Earth's last ocean paradise.
05    It's one of the largest fringing reefs in the world and unlike many others; you can get to it
        just by stepping off the beach.
        The marine park stretches 260 kilometers from Bundegi Reef near the town of Exmouth to
        Amherst Point near Coral Bay in the south.
        It reaches nearly 20 kilometers seaward, encompassing a massive 5,000 square
10    kilometers of ocean with 500 species of tropical fish and 220 species of coral in all.
        Nothing can compare to the thrill of swimming beside a whale shark. These docile
        creatures visit the reef each year between April and June.
        Rare turtle species hatch here in late January and February. Watch this amazing natural
        phenomenon on special guided, eco-interactive trails.
15    Accommodation in the area is comfortable and ranges from camping and backpacker style
        to chalets, motels, eco-retreats and self catering apartments.
        It's not all about the water at Ningaloo - go four wheel driving to Cape Range National
        Park to see amazing red rock canyons and gorges.
        Getting there is easy - take a two hour flight north of Perth, or give yourself two days to
        drive there from the capital.

According to Text 2, answer the questions below:

Adverbs of frequency
Just amounts
Compound adjectives
UDESC 2007 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions, Pronomes | Pronouns

The words: its (in line 4), even (in line 7) and rampant (in line 5), are used in the text as:

          Text 1
01     There, in the pasture greenery,
         Sun mottling Nature's breast,
         It was the summer wind's song
         That filled me with its crest.
05     Emotion running rampant--
         Rivers to the sea--
         I could not even fathom the flood of you and me.

         But take me in your arms again
         And do not talk of time.
10     Let flesh rub flesh to parchment--
         Pale flowers crushed--
         And grind more mortar for my soul's room . . .
         Paint mirrors for my mind.

(Michela Curtis:

According to Text 1, answer the questions below:

Pronoun, adverb, adjective
Pronoun, noun, adverb
Verb, pronoun, adjective
Pronoun, verb, noun
Adjective, substantive, verb
PUC - SP 2011 - Inglês - Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types

No trecho do segundo parágrafo do texto – some of the behavior described in Chua's book such as insulting ( she onde called her daughter " garbage") a expressão such as introduz:

Imagem 020.jpg
um exemplo
uma comparação.
uma opinião.
uma causa.
uma restrição.
UEPB 2008 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types

The roots of the words ‘individualistic’, ‘behavior’ ‘conformity’, ‘collectivism’, and ‘explanation’ in TEXT C are respectively:

Imagem 013.jpg

individual, behav, conform, collective, explain.
individualist, behav, conform , collect, explan.
individualist, behave, conform , collective, explanate.
individual, behave, conform, collect, explain .
individual, behave, conf, collective, explanate.
PUC - RS 2012 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis | Countable and uncountable

From the text, one can gather that the term “friend” is traditionally and most frequently used as

Imagem 063.jpg
a conjunction, linking sentences.
an adverb, modifying a verb.
an adjective, modifying a noun.
a verb, indicating an action.
a noun, referring to a quality.
UNESP 2012 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions, Pronomes | Pronouns

Nos anúncios, as palavras use, you, need, electricity e wisely são exemplos, respectivamente, de

Instrução: Examine os anúncios para responder às questões de números 21 a 25.

Imagem 005.jpg

substantivo, pronome, verbo, substantivo e advérbio.
verbo, pronome, verbo, substantivo e advérbio.
substantivo, adjetivo, verbo, substantivo e adjetivo.
verbo, pronome, verbo, adjetivo e adjetivo.
substantivo, pronome, substantivo, adjetivo e advérbio.
URCA 2012 - Inglês - Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types

The phrase “a Harvard­educated airline entrepreneur” functions as:

Imagem 037.jpg
