Questõessobre Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis | Countable and uncountable

Foram encontradas 6 questões
UEG 2016 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Verbos modais | Modal verbs, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis | Countable and uncountable, Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice

Analisando-se os aspectos estruturais do texto, verifica-se que

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

The Internet of Things

   The “Internet of Things” (IoT) is becoming an increasingly growing topic of conversation both in the workplace and outside of it. It’s a concept that not only has the potential to impact how we live but also how we work. But what exactly is the “Internet of Things” and what impact is it going to have on you, if any? There are a lot of complexities around the “Internet of Things” but we want to stick to the basics. Lots of technical and policyrelated conversations are being had but many people are still just trying to grasp the foundation of what the heck these conversations are about.

  Let’s start with understanding a few things. 

  Broadband Internet is becoming more widely available, the cost of connecting is decreasing, more devices are being created with Wi-Fi capabilities and sensors built into them, technology costs are going down, and smartphone penetration is sky-rocketing. All of these things are creating a “perfect storm” for the IoT.

  So What Is The Internet of Things?  

Simply put, this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). This includes everything from cellphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of.

  So what now?

  The new rule for the future is going to be, “Anything that can be connected, will be connected.”

a sentença more devices are being created encontra-se na voz passiva. Na voz ativa seria “They create many more devices”.
a sentença technology costs are going down, na forma negativa, seria “technology costs be not going down”.
na sentença Let’s start with understanding a few things, o termo “Let´s” é composto pela contração dos vocábulos “Let” e “is”.
na sentença Anything that can be connected, o modal “can” apresenta a ideia de possibilidade de ocorrência.
na sentença many people are still just trying, o termo “many” pode ser substituído pelo vocábulo “much”, sem alteração de sentido.
IF-RS 2014 - Inglês - Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis | Countable and uncountable, Uso dos adjetivos | Use of adjectives

Em distant cultures (linha 06), a classe gramatical das palavras, na ordem em que aparecem no sintagma, é a mesma que em

when cultures (linhas 01 e 02); sometimes cultures (linha 03).
exchanging foods (linha 03); culture swamps (linha 04).
they influence (linha 02); say critics (linhas 03 e 04).
long journeys (linha 06); cultural influences (linhas 07 e 08).
came slowly (linha 06); spread across (linha 08).
Esamc 2015 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis | Countable and uncountable, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

Considere o segundo parágrafo do texto. As palavras claims, studies, thoroughly, effective são classificadas, respectivamente, como

Considere o excerto a seguir, retirado do site do jornal britânico The Guardian, para responder à questão.

    Homeopaths believe that illness-causing substances can, in minute doses, treat people who are unwell. By diluting these substances in water or alcohol, homeopaths claim the resulting mixture retains a “memory” of the original substance that triggers a healing response in the body.

    These claims have been widely disproven by multiple studies, but the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has for the first time thoroughly reviewed 225 research papers on homeopathy to come up with its position statement, released on Wednesday: Homeopathy is not effective for treating any health condition.

(Adaptado de - acesso em 12/03/2015)

verbo, verbo, advérbio, substantivo.
verbo, substantivo, substantivo, substantivo.
adjetivo, verbo, adjetivo, adjetivo.
substantivo, verbo, pronome, advérbio.
substantivo, substantivo, advérbio, adjetivo.
UNIR 2008 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis | Countable and uncountable, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

Sobre a função morfológica dos vocábulos no texto, assinale a afirmativa correta.

Strategic Spending on Organic Foods

Sweet bell peppers are among the vegetables high in pesticides. (Richard Drew/Associated Press)

(Extraído de Acesso em 14/09/2008.)
shopper (linha 3), lower (linha 5) e whether (linha 11) são adjetivos no grau comparativo de superioridade.
Environmental (linha 2) e conventional (linha 9) são substantivos.
While (linha 4) e which (linha 6) são conjunções subordinadas temporais.
worst (linha 8) é o superlativo do adjetivo worried.
simply (linha 10) e really (linha 4) são advérbios.
UFAC 2009 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Verbos frasais | Phrasal verbs, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Futuro simples | Simple future, Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis | Countable and uncountable, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

The text is full of grammatical elements that compose its structure to offer a plain reading comprehension. Based on this idea and in the text I, judge the CORRECT following statements:


will recognize (line 1) expresses an action in the future.
signs of trouble and prevent accidents (lines 10 – 11) are examples of phrasal verbs.
shoes, clothing or eyeglasses (line 12) are adverbs of place.
may even (line 17) is a conjunction.
some and quite (line 23) are uncountable nouns.
PUC - RS 2012 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Substantivos: definição e tipos | Nouns: definition and types, Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis | Countable and uncountable

From the text, one can gather that the term “friend” is traditionally and most frequently used as

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a conjunction, linking sentences.
an adverb, modifying a verb.
an adjective, modifying a noun.
a verb, indicating an action.
a noun, referring to a quality.