Questõessobre Pronomes interrogativos | Question words

Foram encontradas 8 questões
ABEPRO 2017 - Inglês - Pronome reflexivo | Reflexive Pronoun, Orações Relativas e pronomes relativos | Relative clauses and relative pronouns, Pronome possessivo substantivo | Possessive pronoun, Pronomes | Pronouns, Pronomes interrogativos | Question words

The underlined word in ‘One truth of logic is the validity of the so-called contrapositive, which says simply that if the statement…’ can be correctly classified as a:

Opportunity Cost

This phenomenon goes by the name of ‘opportunity cost,’ since by not investing in more equipment and a more rigid production flow, the company is forgoing the opportunity to earn increased profits. These costs are every bite as real as the payment of dollars out-of-pocket.

This notion _______ opportunity cost can be reinforced _________ a famous saying ______ Benjamin Franklin, no slouch himself _________ operations management. To make the point, however, we must make a brief excursion into logic. One truth of logic is the validity of the so-called contrapositive, which says simply that if the statement “If A, then B” is true, then it is also true that “If not B, then not A.” That is, of every time A occurs B follows, then we can be sure that if B does not occur, then A did not occur as well. Enough logic then, and back to Ben Franklin.

One of his Poor Richard sayings is that “A penny saved is a penny earned.” We have all recognized the truth of that since childhood, but I assert that by this saying Ben showed us he knows everything about opportunity cost. After all, what is the contrapositive of “A penny not earned is a penny not saved (i.e., a penny sent). All we are saying by this notion of opportunity cost is that “a penny not earned (an opportunity forgone) is a penny spent.” We shall often have occasion to consider opportunity costs, in analyzing and deciding various operations issues.

SCHMENNER, Roger W. Production/Operations Management. 5th Edition. Prentice-Hall, 1993.

question word.
relative pronoun.
reflexive pronoun.
personal pronoun.
possessive pronoun.
UNICENTRO 2017 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Futuro simples | Simple future, Preposições | Prepositions, Pronomes | Pronouns, Pronomes interrogativos | Question words

__________ is your birthday?

It is ________ November.

Great! We ________ celebrate together.

In a nationwide referendum, the Turkish population has voted for a change in the country’s constitution. It will give the president more power and reduce the influence of parliament. 51.3% of the voters said “Yes” to a change , while the “No” side received 48.7%. For months, the population has been divided on the issue. The new constitution is the biggest change in the structure of Turkey since it was founded in the early 20th century
The referendum was a victory for Turkish President Recip Erdogan, who, together with his ruling AKP Party , called the country’s people to expand presidential powers. Erdogan became Turkey’s president in 2014 after being Prime Minster for over a decade. In the last few years he gained more and more power, especially after the attempted coup last summer. With the new constitution in place Erdogan could stay president until 2029.
Recip Erdogan insists that the new constitution will make Turkey more modern and easier to govern. Opponents of Erdogan claim that the change will make the president too powerful and will turn the country into a dictatorship ruled by one person. They say that, in future, the president cannot be controlled or supervised by parliament or the courts. In Turkey’s new constitution the president will have wide-ranging powers. He will not only be able to appoint his own minsters and choose the vice president, but also have the power to dissolve parliament and declare a state of emergency. He will also be able to appoint judges to the highest court, similar to the American President. 
The European Union has been highly critical of the referendum and stated that a change towards more presidential power will not help Turkey become a member of the EU. It is afraid that, once Erdogan has more power, the country will disregard human rights and introduce the death penalty
What – on - will
Where – in – going to
When – in - will
Who – on - are going to
Fadba 2015 - Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns, Pronomes interrogativos | Question words

Marque a alternativa cujas respostas melhor completa as frases abaixo.

I – ….. are their names? They’re Melissa and Andrew.
II – ….. is my bag? On the table.
III – ….. is it difficult? It is so easy.
IV – …… did you do that? Because I wanted it.
V – ….. was your last vacation? It was on January.

Where; Why; What; How; When;
What; Why, Where, When; How;
What; Where; How; Why; When;
When; How; Why; Where; What.
How; When; Why; What; Where.
IF Sudeste - MG 2016 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Verbos modais | Modal verbs, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions, Pronomes | Pronouns, Pronomes interrogativos | Question words

Read the following excerpt from a newspaper, ignoring the gaps numbered (1-5). After that, choose the CORRECT alternative.

Published in 1981, Todd Strasser’s The Wave recounts a true incident that took place in a history class at a Palo Alto, California, high school in 1969. The teacher of the class, Ron Jones, (1)__________ is fictionally renamed Ben Ross in the book, actually formulated the experiment described in the narrative in an effort to help his students understand how the Holocaust could have happened without the mass condemnation of the German people. What begins as a simple class project quickly takes on a life of its own, (2) __________, as students conform mindlessly to the experimental system, and others are pressured ruthlessly to join in.
Group dynamics and peer influence bordering on coercion create a sinister atmosphere of fear and mistrust, The Wave spontaneously takes on the characteristics of a cult. The event disrupts an entire school (3) __________ raises a plethora of dark questions concerning responsibility, freedom, and group dynamics. Ron Jones calls it “one of the most frightening events ever experienced in the classroom.” As a novelization of a teleplay by Johnny Dawkins, based on a short story by Ron Jones, Strasser’s book (4) __________ not have attracted an abundance of criticism as a literary entity in itself, (5) __________ The Wave clearly holds an important place in the canon of young adult literature. (…)
Available at: <>. Accessed on: 20 set. 2016

Choose the CORRECT alternative..

The space in 1 can be filled in with either “who” or “that”.
The space in 2 can be filled in with “therefore”.
The space in 3 can be filled in with “as”.
The space in 4 can be filled in with either “would” or “may”.
The space in 5 can be filled in with “but”.
FAINOR 2019 - Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns, Pronomes interrogativos | Question words

Complete as perguntas abaixo com o pronome interrogativo adequado:

I. _____ was this house built? In 1980.
II. ______ hit you? Martha’s brother hit me.
III. __________ do you study English? Twice a week.
IV. __________ sisters do you have? Two. Their names are Paola and Marianne.
V. __________ is your school? Only 2 Km.

Assinale a alternativa com a seqüência correta de respostas:

When – Who – How often – How many – How far
When – What – How many – Who – Where
Where – Who – How many – How many – What
When – Who – Which – Who – What
What – What – How – How much – How old
UFMT 2008 - Inglês - Aspectos linguísticos | Linguistic aspects, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Discurso direto e indireto | Reported speech, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Pronomes | Pronouns, Pronomes interrogativos | Question words

Em relação aos recursos lingüísticos utilizados no texto, assinale a afirmativa correta.

 Leia atentamente o texto abaixo para responder à questão.

school (linha 03) é adjetivo.
A fala de Daniel está em discurso indireto.
O pronome de tratamento Ms. indica que Ms. Johnson é homem.
though (linha 04) é o passado do verbo to think.
when (linha 01) é pronome interrogativo.
PUC - RS 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Pronomes | Pronouns, Pronomes interrogativos | Question words

The best alternative to fll in the space in line 05 is:

Imagem 012.jpg

Yet, which country is the wisest?
So how did he reach this conclusion?
Still, can grasshoppers become wiser?
But is it true that age brings wisdom?
Then what does masterhood consist of?
UNICENTRO 2012 - Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns, Pronomes interrogativos | Question words

This new theory builds on the idea that around four billion years ago the Earth was struck by a Mars-like planet, but instead of the smash producing enough debris for one moon, this scientific essay argues there was enough for two.” (L. 7-11)

The only question to which there is no answer in this fragment of the article is in alternative

Imagem 001.jpg

What was that planet like?
What were the moons made of?
Why was there the creation of two moons?
How often did those collisions use to happen?
When did another planet crash into the Earth?