Questõesde IF Sul - MG sobre Inglês

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IF Sul - MG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A pesquisa realizada por uma empresa do Reino Unido constatou que os faróis de veículos modernos




                                                                                                    24 March 2018

             Drivers are being temporarily blinded by modern vehicle

                       headlights, according to an RAC survey.

      Two-thirds of drivers say they are "regularly dazzled" by oncoming headlights even though they are dipped, the survey of 2,061 motorists suggests.

      And 67% of those said it can take up to fi ve seconds for their sight to clear with a further 10% claiming the eff ect on their eyes lasts up to 10 seconds.

The RAC said advances in headlight technology were causing the problem.

      About 15% of those drivers polled said they had nearly suff ered a collision as a result of being dazzled by other drivers using full-beam headlights.

'Unwanted risk'

      RAC road safety spokesman Pete Williams said: "The intensity and brightness of some new car headlights is clearly causing diffi culty for other road users.

      "Headlight technology has advanced considerably in recent years, but while that may be better for the drivers of those particular vehicles, it is presenting an unwanted, new road safety risk for anyone driving towards them or even trying to pull out at a junction.”

      All cars sold for road use in the UK have to be fi tted with headlamps that conform to standards set by the EU in line with the UN's World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations.

      A UN working party is currently looking at the issue of headlight glare with its next meeting due to be held at the end of next month.

Available at: <>

demoram até cinco segundos para acender.
possuem problemas de intensidade e brilho.
oferecem risco considerável à visibilidade dos usuários desses veículos.
prejudicam a segurança de motoristas que trafegam na direção oposta.
IF Sul - MG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

A referência da palavra “them” em "Headlight technology has advanced considerably in recent years, but while that may be better for the drivers of those particular vehicles, it is presenting an unwanted, new road safety risk for anyone driving towards them or even trying to pull out at a junction.” (6th paragraph) é:




                                                                                                    24 March 2018

             Drivers are being temporarily blinded by modern vehicle

                       headlights, according to an RAC survey.

      Two-thirds of drivers say they are "regularly dazzled" by oncoming headlights even though they are dipped, the survey of 2,061 motorists suggests.

      And 67% of those said it can take up to fi ve seconds for their sight to clear with a further 10% claiming the eff ect on their eyes lasts up to 10 seconds.

The RAC said advances in headlight technology were causing the problem.

      About 15% of those drivers polled said they had nearly suff ered a collision as a result of being dazzled by other drivers using full-beam headlights.

'Unwanted risk'

      RAC road safety spokesman Pete Williams said: "The intensity and brightness of some new car headlights is clearly causing diffi culty for other road users.

      "Headlight technology has advanced considerably in recent years, but while that may be better for the drivers of those particular vehicles, it is presenting an unwanted, new road safety risk for anyone driving towards them or even trying to pull out at a junction.”

      All cars sold for road use in the UK have to be fi tted with headlamps that conform to standards set by the EU in line with the UN's World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations.

      A UN working party is currently looking at the issue of headlight glare with its next meeting due to be held at the end of next month.

Available at: <>

Headlight technology
recent years
IF Sul - MG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension





A good dose of willpower is often necessary to see any task through, whether it’s sticking to a spending plan or finishing that great American novel.

And if you want to increase that willpower, you just simply have to believe you have it, suggests a new study supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

“What matters most is what we think about our willpower,” leader study author Christopher Napolitano, educational psychology professor at the University of Illinois told the University of Illinois News Bureau. “When we view our willpower as limited, it’s similar to a muscle that gets tired and needs rest. If we believe it is a finite resource, we act that way, feeling exhausted and needing breaks between demanding mental tasks, while people who view their willpower as a limitless resource get energized instead.”

Napolitano and study co-author Veronika Job of the University of Zurich tested the validity of the Implicit Theory of Willpower for Strenuous Mental Activities Scale, a psychological assessment tool. They asked 1,100 Americans and 1,600 Europeans to weigh in on statements such as “After a strenuous mental activity, your energy is depleted, and you must rest to get it refueled again.”

Although there was little difference between men and women overall, Americans were more likely to admit to needing breaks after completing mentally challenging tasks, while European participants became more invigorated to keep going.

Based on the findings, Napolitano suggests that the key to amp up your willpower is to believe that you have an abundant supply of it.

“Your feelings about your willpower affect the way you behave—but these feelings are changeable,” he said. “Changing your beliefs about the nature of your self-control can have positive effects on development, leading to healthier behaviors and perceptions of others.”

Now that you have the drive, make sure you have the other winning attributes all successful people have in common.

Available at: <>.

Verifique se as sentenças abaixo são verdadeiras ou falsas de acordo com o texto:

( ) Um novo estudo sugere que a chave para aumentar sua força de vontade é acreditar que você tem uma oferta abundante dela.

( ) Pessoas que acreditam que sua força de vontade é finita não conseguem realizar tarefas mentais mais exigentes.

( ) O estudo revelou que os Americanos eram propensos a admitir a necessidade de pausas após a conclusão de tarefas mentalmente desafiadoras.

( ) Segundo Napolitano, os sentimentos sobre a força de vontade afetam a maneira como um indivíduo se comporta, porém esses sentimentos não são mutáveis.

Assinale a sequência correta:

F, V, V, F.
F, F, F, V.
V, F, F, V.
V, F, V, F.
IF Sul - MG 2018 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O serviço de streaming de vídeo You Tube, anunciou a decisão de



                                                            By NIRAJ CHOKSHI    MARCH 22, 2018

      YouTube said this week that it would tighten restrictions on some firearm videos, its latest policy announcement since coming under scrutiny after last month’s mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla.

      The video-streaming service, which is owned by Google, said it would ban videos that promote either the construction or sale of firearms and their accessories. The new policy, developed with expert advice over the last four months, will go into effect next month, it said.

      “While we’ve long prohibited the sale of firearms, we recently notified creators of updates we will be making around content promoting the sale or manufacture of firearms and their accessories, specifically, items like ammunition, gatling triggers, and drop-in auto sears,” YouTube said in a statement.

      YouTube, which described the move as part of “regular changes” to policy, notified users in a Monday forum post. The company had previously banned videos showing how to make firearms discharge faster, a technique used by the gunman who killed 58 people in Las Vegas last fall.

      The announcement comes days before planned student-led protests against gun violence on Saturday. It was met with frustration from gun rights advocates.

      “Much like Facebook, YouTube now acts as a virtual public square,” the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a private group representing gun makers, said in a statement. “The exercise of what amounts to censorship, then, can legitimately be viewed as the stifling of commercial free speech, which has constitutional protection. Such actions also impinge on the Second Amendment.”

      The policy shift comes as YouTube and other technology platforms face increased scrutiny after the Parkland shooting, in which 17 people were killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

      Days after that massacre, a video promoting a baseless conspiracy about a shooting survivor became the top-trending video on YouTube, prompting a crackdown on such videos. YouTube’s chief executive also said that the platform planned to fight misinformation by working in partnership with Wikipedia, the nonprofit userrun online encyclopedia. But Wikipedia said it knew nothing about that plan.

      Other businesses have also made changes amid growing pressure following the Parkland attack.

      Dick’s Sporting Goods, Walmart and Kroger all raised the age limit for firearm purchases to 21. The retail chains REI and Mountain Equipment Co-op suspended orders of some popular products because the company that owns those brands, Vista Outdoor, also manufactures assault-style rifles.

      In 2016, Facebook announced a ban on private gun sales on its flagship website as well as on Instagram, the photo-sharing social network it owns. Anti-gun activists have complained that sellers still found ways around Facebook’s ban.

Available at:<>

aumentar o limite de idade para vendas de armas privadas.
proibir vídeos sobre a violência armada contra estudantes.
promover vídeos sobre fabricação de armas e seus acessórios.
restringir as políticas sobre vídeos que promovem armas de fogo.
IF Sul - MG 2018 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary

A palavra “But” em “YouTube’s chief executive also said that the platform planned to fi ght misinformation by working in partnership with Wikipedia, the nonprofi t user-run online encyclopedia. But Wikipedia said it knew nothing about that plan.” (8th paragraph)



                                                            By NIRAJ CHOKSHI    MARCH 22, 2018

      YouTube said this week that it would tighten restrictions on some firearm videos, its latest policy announcement since coming under scrutiny after last month’s mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla.

      The video-streaming service, which is owned by Google, said it would ban videos that promote either the construction or sale of firearms and their accessories. The new policy, developed with expert advice over the last four months, will go into effect next month, it said.

      “While we’ve long prohibited the sale of firearms, we recently notified creators of updates we will be making around content promoting the sale or manufacture of firearms and their accessories, specifically, items like ammunition, gatling triggers, and drop-in auto sears,” YouTube said in a statement.

      YouTube, which described the move as part of “regular changes” to policy, notified users in a Monday forum post. The company had previously banned videos showing how to make firearms discharge faster, a technique used by the gunman who killed 58 people in Las Vegas last fall.

      The announcement comes days before planned student-led protests against gun violence on Saturday. It was met with frustration from gun rights advocates.

      “Much like Facebook, YouTube now acts as a virtual public square,” the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a private group representing gun makers, said in a statement. “The exercise of what amounts to censorship, then, can legitimately be viewed as the stifling of commercial free speech, which has constitutional protection. Such actions also impinge on the Second Amendment.”

      The policy shift comes as YouTube and other technology platforms face increased scrutiny after the Parkland shooting, in which 17 people were killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

      Days after that massacre, a video promoting a baseless conspiracy about a shooting survivor became the top-trending video on YouTube, prompting a crackdown on such videos. YouTube’s chief executive also said that the platform planned to fight misinformation by working in partnership with Wikipedia, the nonprofit userrun online encyclopedia. But Wikipedia said it knew nothing about that plan.

      Other businesses have also made changes amid growing pressure following the Parkland attack.

      Dick’s Sporting Goods, Walmart and Kroger all raised the age limit for firearm purchases to 21. The retail chains REI and Mountain Equipment Co-op suspended orders of some popular products because the company that owns those brands, Vista Outdoor, also manufactures assault-style rifles.

      In 2016, Facebook announced a ban on private gun sales on its flagship website as well as on Instagram, the photo-sharing social network it owns. Anti-gun activists have complained that sellers still found ways around Facebook’s ban.

Available at:<>

acrescenta um novo assunto.
contrasta a informação anterior.
estabelece uma relação de consequência.
introduz a ideia de conclusão.