Questõesde FAMERP sobre Inglês

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FAMERP 2016 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

No trecho do quinto parágrafo “The power of suggestion is a double-edged sword.”, a expressão em destaque equivale, em português, a

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The placebo effect: amazing and real

November 2, 2015
Robert H. Shmerling

    The placebo effect is a mysterious thing. I’ve long been fascinated by the idea that something as inert and harmless as a sugar pill could relieve a person’s pain or hasten their recovery just by the expectation that it would. Studies use placebos – an inactive treatment, such as a sugar pill – in an attempt to understand the true impact of the active drug. Comparing what happens to a group of patients taking the active drug with the results of those taking a placebo can help researchers understand just how good the active drug is.
    The word “placebo” comes from Latin and means “I shall please.” And “please” it does. In study after study, many patients who take a placebo show improvement in their symptoms or condition.

The placebo effect is for real

    Recent research on the placebo effect only confirms how powerful it can be – and that the benefits of a placebo treatment aren’t just “all in your head.” Measureable physiological changes can be observed in those taking a placebo, similar to those observed among people taking effective medications. In particular, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood test results have been shown to improve among subsets of research subjects who responded to a placebo.
    Of course, not everyone has a therapeutic response to a placebo. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need medications at all. Instead, we could simply wield the power of suggestion. Understanding why certain people improve with placebo treatment and others do not is the “holy grail” of placebo research.

Nocebo: Placebo’s evil twin

     The power of suggestion is a double-edged sword. If you expect a treatment to help you, it’s more likely to do so. And if you expect a treatment will be harmful, you are more likely to experience negative effects. That phenomenon is called the “nocebo effect” (from the Latin “I shall harm”). For example, if you tell a person that a headache is a common side effect of a particular medication, that person is more likely to report headaches even if they are actually taking a placebo. The power of expectation is formidable and probably plays a significant role in the benefits and the side effects of commonly prescribed medications.

( Adaptado.)
dimensão duplicada.
faca de dois gumes.
ideia equivocada.
interrupção de um processo.
fio da navalha.
FAMERP 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

can be exemplified by actually feeling the side effects of medication or placebo.

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The placebo effect: amazing and real

November 2, 2015
Robert H. Shmerling

    The placebo effect is a mysterious thing. I’ve long been fascinated by the idea that something as inert and harmless as a sugar pill could relieve a person’s pain or hasten their recovery just by the expectation that it would. Studies use placebos – an inactive treatment, such as a sugar pill – in an attempt to understand the true impact of the active drug. Comparing what happens to a group of patients taking the active drug with the results of those taking a placebo can help researchers understand just how good the active drug is.
    The word “placebo” comes from Latin and means “I shall please.” And “please” it does. In study after study, many patients who take a placebo show improvement in their symptoms or condition.

The placebo effect is for real

    Recent research on the placebo effect only confirms how powerful it can be – and that the benefits of a placebo treatment aren’t just “all in your head.” Measureable physiological changes can be observed in those taking a placebo, similar to those observed among people taking effective medications. In particular, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood test results have been shown to improve among subsets of research subjects who responded to a placebo.
    Of course, not everyone has a therapeutic response to a placebo. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need medications at all. Instead, we could simply wield the power of suggestion. Understanding why certain people improve with placebo treatment and others do not is the “holy grail” of placebo research.

Nocebo: Placebo’s evil twin

     The power of suggestion is a double-edged sword. If you expect a treatment to help you, it’s more likely to do so. And if you expect a treatment will be harmful, you are more likely to experience negative effects. That phenomenon is called the “nocebo effect” (from the Latin “I shall harm”). For example, if you tell a person that a headache is a common side effect of a particular medication, that person is more likely to report headaches even if they are actually taking a placebo. The power of expectation is formidable and probably plays a significant role in the benefits and the side effects of commonly prescribed medications.

( Adaptado.)
can be exemplified by actually feeling the side effects of medication or placebo.
usually triggers headache as a side effect of either an inactive or active ingredient.
is unlikely to happen with people susceptible to suggestion
does not happen with placebo because it is an inactive treatment.
is based on frustrated expectation of relief.
FAMERP 2016 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No trecho do quarto parágrafo “If that were the case, we wouldn’t need medications at all.”, a expressão em destaque pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por

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The placebo effect: amazing and real

November 2, 2015
Robert H. Shmerling

    The placebo effect is a mysterious thing. I’ve long been fascinated by the idea that something as inert and harmless as a sugar pill could relieve a person’s pain or hasten their recovery just by the expectation that it would. Studies use placebos – an inactive treatment, such as a sugar pill – in an attempt to understand the true impact of the active drug. Comparing what happens to a group of patients taking the active drug with the results of those taking a placebo can help researchers understand just how good the active drug is.
    The word “placebo” comes from Latin and means “I shall please.” And “please” it does. In study after study, many patients who take a placebo show improvement in their symptoms or condition.

The placebo effect is for real

    Recent research on the placebo effect only confirms how powerful it can be – and that the benefits of a placebo treatment aren’t just “all in your head.” Measureable physiological changes can be observed in those taking a placebo, similar to those observed among people taking effective medications. In particular, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood test results have been shown to improve among subsets of research subjects who responded to a placebo.
    Of course, not everyone has a therapeutic response to a placebo. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need medications at all. Instead, we could simply wield the power of suggestion. Understanding why certain people improve with placebo treatment and others do not is the “holy grail” of placebo research.

Nocebo: Placebo’s evil twin

     The power of suggestion is a double-edged sword. If you expect a treatment to help you, it’s more likely to do so. And if you expect a treatment will be harmful, you are more likely to experience negative effects. That phenomenon is called the “nocebo effect” (from the Latin “I shall harm”). For example, if you tell a person that a headache is a common side effect of a particular medication, that person is more likely to report headaches even if they are actually taking a placebo. The power of expectation is formidable and probably plays a significant role in the benefits and the side effects of commonly prescribed medications.

( Adaptado.)
FAMERP 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com as informações do terceiro e quarto parágrafos,

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The placebo effect: amazing and real

November 2, 2015
Robert H. Shmerling

    The placebo effect is a mysterious thing. I’ve long been fascinated by the idea that something as inert and harmless as a sugar pill could relieve a person’s pain or hasten their recovery just by the expectation that it would. Studies use placebos – an inactive treatment, such as a sugar pill – in an attempt to understand the true impact of the active drug. Comparing what happens to a group of patients taking the active drug with the results of those taking a placebo can help researchers understand just how good the active drug is.
    The word “placebo” comes from Latin and means “I shall please.” And “please” it does. In study after study, many patients who take a placebo show improvement in their symptoms or condition.

The placebo effect is for real

    Recent research on the placebo effect only confirms how powerful it can be – and that the benefits of a placebo treatment aren’t just “all in your head.” Measureable physiological changes can be observed in those taking a placebo, similar to those observed among people taking effective medications. In particular, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood test results have been shown to improve among subsets of research subjects who responded to a placebo.
    Of course, not everyone has a therapeutic response to a placebo. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need medications at all. Instead, we could simply wield the power of suggestion. Understanding why certain people improve with placebo treatment and others do not is the “holy grail” of placebo research.

Nocebo: Placebo’s evil twin

     The power of suggestion is a double-edged sword. If you expect a treatment to help you, it’s more likely to do so. And if you expect a treatment will be harmful, you are more likely to experience negative effects. That phenomenon is called the “nocebo effect” (from the Latin “I shall harm”). For example, if you tell a person that a headache is a common side effect of a particular medication, that person is more likely to report headaches even if they are actually taking a placebo. The power of expectation is formidable and probably plays a significant role in the benefits and the side effects of commonly prescribed medications.

( Adaptado.)
as pessoas que não respondem ao placebo também não melhoram com os medicamentos ativos.
foram observadas melhoras nos resultados de exames de sangue de alguns participantes da pesquisa.
o poder de sugestão presente nos participantes da pesquisa foi a força motriz para a ineficácia dos medicamentos convencionais.
as alterações fisiológicas promovidas por placebos nos pacientes são temporárias, apesar de mensuráveis.
um tratamento eficaz deve aliar os medicamentos convencionais ao placebo pois ambos conduzem à melhora.
FAMERP 2016 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

No trecho do quarto parágrafo “Instead, we could simply wield the power of suggestion.”, o termo em destaque equivale, em português, a

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The placebo effect: amazing and real

November 2, 2015
Robert H. Shmerling

    The placebo effect is a mysterious thing. I’ve long been fascinated by the idea that something as inert and harmless as a sugar pill could relieve a person’s pain or hasten their recovery just by the expectation that it would. Studies use placebos – an inactive treatment, such as a sugar pill – in an attempt to understand the true impact of the active drug. Comparing what happens to a group of patients taking the active drug with the results of those taking a placebo can help researchers understand just how good the active drug is.
    The word “placebo” comes from Latin and means “I shall please.” And “please” it does. In study after study, many patients who take a placebo show improvement in their symptoms or condition.

The placebo effect is for real

    Recent research on the placebo effect only confirms how powerful it can be – and that the benefits of a placebo treatment aren’t just “all in your head.” Measureable physiological changes can be observed in those taking a placebo, similar to those observed among people taking effective medications. In particular, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood test results have been shown to improve among subsets of research subjects who responded to a placebo.
    Of course, not everyone has a therapeutic response to a placebo. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need medications at all. Instead, we could simply wield the power of suggestion. Understanding why certain people improve with placebo treatment and others do not is the “holy grail” of placebo research.

Nocebo: Placebo’s evil twin

     The power of suggestion is a double-edged sword. If you expect a treatment to help you, it’s more likely to do so. And if you expect a treatment will be harmful, you are more likely to experience negative effects. That phenomenon is called the “nocebo effect” (from the Latin “I shall harm”). For example, if you tell a person that a headache is a common side effect of a particular medication, that person is more likely to report headaches even if they are actually taking a placebo. The power of expectation is formidable and probably plays a significant role in the benefits and the side effects of commonly prescribed medications.

( Adaptado.)
Apesar disso.
Em vez disso.
Além disso.
Ao mesmo tempo.
Por causa disso.
FAMERP 2016 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No trecho do quarto parágrafo “Understanding why certain people improve with placebo treatment and others do not is the ‘holy grail’ of placebo research.”, a expressão em destaque tem sentido equivalente, em português, a

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The placebo effect: amazing and real

November 2, 2015
Robert H. Shmerling

    The placebo effect is a mysterious thing. I’ve long been fascinated by the idea that something as inert and harmless as a sugar pill could relieve a person’s pain or hasten their recovery just by the expectation that it would. Studies use placebos – an inactive treatment, such as a sugar pill – in an attempt to understand the true impact of the active drug. Comparing what happens to a group of patients taking the active drug with the results of those taking a placebo can help researchers understand just how good the active drug is.
    The word “placebo” comes from Latin and means “I shall please.” And “please” it does. In study after study, many patients who take a placebo show improvement in their symptoms or condition.

The placebo effect is for real

    Recent research on the placebo effect only confirms how powerful it can be – and that the benefits of a placebo treatment aren’t just “all in your head.” Measureable physiological changes can be observed in those taking a placebo, similar to those observed among people taking effective medications. In particular, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood test results have been shown to improve among subsets of research subjects who responded to a placebo.
    Of course, not everyone has a therapeutic response to a placebo. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need medications at all. Instead, we could simply wield the power of suggestion. Understanding why certain people improve with placebo treatment and others do not is the “holy grail” of placebo research.

Nocebo: Placebo’s evil twin

     The power of suggestion is a double-edged sword. If you expect a treatment to help you, it’s more likely to do so. And if you expect a treatment will be harmful, you are more likely to experience negative effects. That phenomenon is called the “nocebo effect” (from the Latin “I shall harm”). For example, if you tell a person that a headache is a common side effect of a particular medication, that person is more likely to report headaches even if they are actually taking a placebo. The power of expectation is formidable and probably plays a significant role in the benefits and the side effects of commonly prescribed medications.

( Adaptado.)
FAMERP 2016 - Inglês - Tradução | Translation

O trecho do segundo parágrafo “And ‘please’ it does.” tem sentido equivalente, em português, a:

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The placebo effect: amazing and real

November 2, 2015
Robert H. Shmerling

    The placebo effect is a mysterious thing. I’ve long been fascinated by the idea that something as inert and harmless as a sugar pill could relieve a person’s pain or hasten their recovery just by the expectation that it would. Studies use placebos – an inactive treatment, such as a sugar pill – in an attempt to understand the true impact of the active drug. Comparing what happens to a group of patients taking the active drug with the results of those taking a placebo can help researchers understand just how good the active drug is.
    The word “placebo” comes from Latin and means “I shall please.” And “please” it does. In study after study, many patients who take a placebo show improvement in their symptoms or condition.

The placebo effect is for real

    Recent research on the placebo effect only confirms how powerful it can be – and that the benefits of a placebo treatment aren’t just “all in your head.” Measureable physiological changes can be observed in those taking a placebo, similar to those observed among people taking effective medications. In particular, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood test results have been shown to improve among subsets of research subjects who responded to a placebo.
    Of course, not everyone has a therapeutic response to a placebo. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need medications at all. Instead, we could simply wield the power of suggestion. Understanding why certain people improve with placebo treatment and others do not is the “holy grail” of placebo research.

Nocebo: Placebo’s evil twin

     The power of suggestion is a double-edged sword. If you expect a treatment to help you, it’s more likely to do so. And if you expect a treatment will be harmful, you are more likely to experience negative effects. That phenomenon is called the “nocebo effect” (from the Latin “I shall harm”). For example, if you tell a person that a headache is a common side effect of a particular medication, that person is more likely to report headaches even if they are actually taking a placebo. The power of expectation is formidable and probably plays a significant role in the benefits and the side effects of commonly prescribed medications.

( Adaptado.)
O placebo realmente faz efeito, já que proporciona alívio aos pacientes.
Os pacientes confiam no placebo pois o consideram eficaz.
Os problemas de saúde e os sintomas dos pacientes melhoram mas não desaparecem com o placebo.
O estudo aprova o placebo como medicamento.
Os pesquisadores apreciam os efeitos do placebo.
FAMERP 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “similar to those observed among people taking effective medications”, o termo em destaque refere-se a

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The placebo effect: amazing and real

November 2, 2015
Robert H. Shmerling

    The placebo effect is a mysterious thing. I’ve long been fascinated by the idea that something as inert and harmless as a sugar pill could relieve a person’s pain or hasten their recovery just by the expectation that it would. Studies use placebos – an inactive treatment, such as a sugar pill – in an attempt to understand the true impact of the active drug. Comparing what happens to a group of patients taking the active drug with the results of those taking a placebo can help researchers understand just how good the active drug is.
    The word “placebo” comes from Latin and means “I shall please.” And “please” it does. In study after study, many patients who take a placebo show improvement in their symptoms or condition.

The placebo effect is for real

    Recent research on the placebo effect only confirms how powerful it can be – and that the benefits of a placebo treatment aren’t just “all in your head.” Measureable physiological changes can be observed in those taking a placebo, similar to those observed among people taking effective medications. In particular, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood test results have been shown to improve among subsets of research subjects who responded to a placebo.
    Of course, not everyone has a therapeutic response to a placebo. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need medications at all. Instead, we could simply wield the power of suggestion. Understanding why certain people improve with placebo treatment and others do not is the “holy grail” of placebo research.

Nocebo: Placebo’s evil twin

     The power of suggestion is a double-edged sword. If you expect a treatment to help you, it’s more likely to do so. And if you expect a treatment will be harmful, you are more likely to experience negative effects. That phenomenon is called the “nocebo effect” (from the Latin “I shall harm”). For example, if you tell a person that a headache is a common side effect of a particular medication, that person is more likely to report headaches even if they are actually taking a placebo. The power of expectation is formidable and probably plays a significant role in the benefits and the side effects of commonly prescribed medications.

( Adaptado.)
measureable physiological changes.
benefits of a placebo treatment.
patients taking a placebo.
people taking effective medications.
effective medications.
FAMERP 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the first paragraph, a placebo

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The placebo effect: amazing and real

November 2, 2015
Robert H. Shmerling

    The placebo effect is a mysterious thing. I’ve long been fascinated by the idea that something as inert and harmless as a sugar pill could relieve a person’s pain or hasten their recovery just by the expectation that it would. Studies use placebos – an inactive treatment, such as a sugar pill – in an attempt to understand the true impact of the active drug. Comparing what happens to a group of patients taking the active drug with the results of those taking a placebo can help researchers understand just how good the active drug is.
    The word “placebo” comes from Latin and means “I shall please.” And “please” it does. In study after study, many patients who take a placebo show improvement in their symptoms or condition.

The placebo effect is for real

    Recent research on the placebo effect only confirms how powerful it can be – and that the benefits of a placebo treatment aren’t just “all in your head.” Measureable physiological changes can be observed in those taking a placebo, similar to those observed among people taking effective medications. In particular, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood test results have been shown to improve among subsets of research subjects who responded to a placebo.
    Of course, not everyone has a therapeutic response to a placebo. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need medications at all. Instead, we could simply wield the power of suggestion. Understanding why certain people improve with placebo treatment and others do not is the “holy grail” of placebo research.

Nocebo: Placebo’s evil twin

     The power of suggestion is a double-edged sword. If you expect a treatment to help you, it’s more likely to do so. And if you expect a treatment will be harmful, you are more likely to experience negative effects. That phenomenon is called the “nocebo effect” (from the Latin “I shall harm”). For example, if you tell a person that a headache is a common side effect of a particular medication, that person is more likely to report headaches even if they are actually taking a placebo. The power of expectation is formidable and probably plays a significant role in the benefits and the side effects of commonly prescribed medications.

( Adaptado.)
promotes the same cure and relief as conventional medication.
contains an inert and inactive substance used as a treatment.
provides some unexpected effects that should be closely monitored.
should contain sugar in its formula.
can be considered similar to active drugs.
FAMERP 2016 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, o efeito placebo

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The placebo effect: amazing and real

November 2, 2015
Robert H. Shmerling

    The placebo effect is a mysterious thing. I’ve long been fascinated by the idea that something as inert and harmless as a sugar pill could relieve a person’s pain or hasten their recovery just by the expectation that it would. Studies use placebos – an inactive treatment, such as a sugar pill – in an attempt to understand the true impact of the active drug. Comparing what happens to a group of patients taking the active drug with the results of those taking a placebo can help researchers understand just how good the active drug is.
    The word “placebo” comes from Latin and means “I shall please.” And “please” it does. In study after study, many patients who take a placebo show improvement in their symptoms or condition.

The placebo effect is for real

    Recent research on the placebo effect only confirms how powerful it can be – and that the benefits of a placebo treatment aren’t just “all in your head.” Measureable physiological changes can be observed in those taking a placebo, similar to those observed among people taking effective medications. In particular, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood test results have been shown to improve among subsets of research subjects who responded to a placebo.
    Of course, not everyone has a therapeutic response to a placebo. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need medications at all. Instead, we could simply wield the power of suggestion. Understanding why certain people improve with placebo treatment and others do not is the “holy grail” of placebo research.

Nocebo: Placebo’s evil twin

     The power of suggestion is a double-edged sword. If you expect a treatment to help you, it’s more likely to do so. And if you expect a treatment will be harmful, you are more likely to experience negative effects. That phenomenon is called the “nocebo effect” (from the Latin “I shall harm”). For example, if you tell a person that a headache is a common side effect of a particular medication, that person is more likely to report headaches even if they are actually taking a placebo. The power of expectation is formidable and probably plays a significant role in the benefits and the side effects of commonly prescribed medications.

( Adaptado.)
é considerado psicológico, pois “está apenas na cabeça” dos pacientes.
promove uma sensação agradável devido ao açúcar presente na pílula.
funciona com a maioria das pessoas, principalmente com os hipertensos.
poderá fazer com que grande parte dos medicamentos seja substituída no futuro.
intriga os pesquisadores, já que muitos pacientes melhoram com o tratamento inativo.
FAMERP 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O trecho do terceiro parágrafo “But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibrations detectors” indica que as folhas

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Can plants hear?
Flora may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

    Pseudoscientific claims that music helps plants grow have been made for decades, despite evidence that is shaky at best. Yet new research suggests some flora may be capable of sensing sounds, such as the gurgle of water through a pipe or the buzzing of insects.
    In a recent study, Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots shaped like an upside-down Y. One arm of each pot was placed in either a tray of water or a coiled plastic tube through which water flowed; the other arm had dry soil. The roots grew toward the arm of the pipe with the fluid, regardless of whether it was easily accessible or hidden inside the tubing. “They just knew the water was there, even if the only thing to detect was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe,” Gagliano says. Yet when the seedlings were given a choice between the water tube and some moistened soil, their roots favored the latter. She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves to detect water at a distance but follow moisture gradients to home in on their target when it is closer.
    The research, reported earlier this year in Oecologia, is not the first to suggest flora can detect and interpret sounds. A 2014 study showed the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish between caterpillar chewing sounds and wind vibrations – the plant produced more chemical toxins after “hearing” a recording of feeding insects. “We tend to underestimate plants because their responses are usually less visible to us. But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibration detectors,” says lead study author Heidi M. Appel, an environmental scientist now at the University of Toledo.
(Marta Zaraska., 17.05.2017.)
crescem de acordo com os sons detectados.
são capazes de detectar vibrações sonoras.
são capazes de vibrar conforme a necessidade.
podem ser impedidas de detectar vibrações sonoras.
são capazes de se transformar conforme a vibração.
FAMERP 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

No terceiro parágrafo, o trecho “We tend to underestimate plants” indica que temos a tendência de

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Can plants hear?
Flora may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

    Pseudoscientific claims that music helps plants grow have been made for decades, despite evidence that is shaky at best. Yet new research suggests some flora may be capable of sensing sounds, such as the gurgle of water through a pipe or the buzzing of insects.
    In a recent study, Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots shaped like an upside-down Y. One arm of each pot was placed in either a tray of water or a coiled plastic tube through which water flowed; the other arm had dry soil. The roots grew toward the arm of the pipe with the fluid, regardless of whether it was easily accessible or hidden inside the tubing. “They just knew the water was there, even if the only thing to detect was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe,” Gagliano says. Yet when the seedlings were given a choice between the water tube and some moistened soil, their roots favored the latter. She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves to detect water at a distance but follow moisture gradients to home in on their target when it is closer.
    The research, reported earlier this year in Oecologia, is not the first to suggest flora can detect and interpret sounds. A 2014 study showed the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish between caterpillar chewing sounds and wind vibrations – the plant produced more chemical toxins after “hearing” a recording of feeding insects. “We tend to underestimate plants because their responses are usually less visible to us. But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibration detectors,” says lead study author Heidi M. Appel, an environmental scientist now at the University of Toledo.
(Marta Zaraska., 17.05.2017.)
desconsiderar as plantas.
desqualificar as plantas.
superestimar as plantas.
desrespeitar as plantas.
subestimar as plantas.
FAMERP 2017 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Tradução | Translation

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish”, o termo em destaque tem sentido semelhante, em português, a

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Can plants hear?
Flora may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

    Pseudoscientific claims that music helps plants grow have been made for decades, despite evidence that is shaky at best. Yet new research suggests some flora may be capable of sensing sounds, such as the gurgle of water through a pipe or the buzzing of insects.
    In a recent study, Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots shaped like an upside-down Y. One arm of each pot was placed in either a tray of water or a coiled plastic tube through which water flowed; the other arm had dry soil. The roots grew toward the arm of the pipe with the fluid, regardless of whether it was easily accessible or hidden inside the tubing. “They just knew the water was there, even if the only thing to detect was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe,” Gagliano says. Yet when the seedlings were given a choice between the water tube and some moistened soil, their roots favored the latter. She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves to detect water at a distance but follow moisture gradients to home in on their target when it is closer.
    The research, reported earlier this year in Oecologia, is not the first to suggest flora can detect and interpret sounds. A 2014 study showed the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish between caterpillar chewing sounds and wind vibrations – the plant produced more chemical toxins after “hearing” a recording of feeding insects. “We tend to underestimate plants because their responses are usually less visible to us. But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibration detectors,” says lead study author Heidi M. Appel, an environmental scientist now at the University of Toledo.
(Marta Zaraska., 17.05.2017.)
FAMERP 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the excerpt from the third paragraph “the first to suggest flora can detect”, the word in bold indicates

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Can plants hear?
Flora may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

    Pseudoscientific claims that music helps plants grow have been made for decades, despite evidence that is shaky at best. Yet new research suggests some flora may be capable of sensing sounds, such as the gurgle of water through a pipe or the buzzing of insects.
    In a recent study, Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots shaped like an upside-down Y. One arm of each pot was placed in either a tray of water or a coiled plastic tube through which water flowed; the other arm had dry soil. The roots grew toward the arm of the pipe with the fluid, regardless of whether it was easily accessible or hidden inside the tubing. “They just knew the water was there, even if the only thing to detect was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe,” Gagliano says. Yet when the seedlings were given a choice between the water tube and some moistened soil, their roots favored the latter. She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves to detect water at a distance but follow moisture gradients to home in on their target when it is closer.
    The research, reported earlier this year in Oecologia, is not the first to suggest flora can detect and interpret sounds. A 2014 study showed the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish between caterpillar chewing sounds and wind vibrations – the plant produced more chemical toxins after “hearing” a recording of feeding insects. “We tend to underestimate plants because their responses are usually less visible to us. But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibration detectors,” says lead study author Heidi M. Appel, an environmental scientist now at the University of Toledo.
(Marta Zaraska., 17.05.2017.)
an ability.
a suggestion.
a knowledge.
an explanation.
a request.
FAMERP 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com as ideias apresentadas pelo texto, a frase que contém uma ideia de suposição é:

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Can plants hear?
Flora may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

    Pseudoscientific claims that music helps plants grow have been made for decades, despite evidence that is shaky at best. Yet new research suggests some flora may be capable of sensing sounds, such as the gurgle of water through a pipe or the buzzing of insects.
    In a recent study, Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots shaped like an upside-down Y. One arm of each pot was placed in either a tray of water or a coiled plastic tube through which water flowed; the other arm had dry soil. The roots grew toward the arm of the pipe with the fluid, regardless of whether it was easily accessible or hidden inside the tubing. “They just knew the water was there, even if the only thing to detect was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe,” Gagliano says. Yet when the seedlings were given a choice between the water tube and some moistened soil, their roots favored the latter. She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves to detect water at a distance but follow moisture gradients to home in on their target when it is closer.
    The research, reported earlier this year in Oecologia, is not the first to suggest flora can detect and interpret sounds. A 2014 study showed the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish between caterpillar chewing sounds and wind vibrations – the plant produced more chemical toxins after “hearing” a recording of feeding insects. “We tend to underestimate plants because their responses are usually less visible to us. But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibration detectors,” says lead study author Heidi M. Appel, an environmental scientist now at the University of Toledo.
(Marta Zaraska., 17.05.2017.)
“Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist”.
“She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves”.
“her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots”.
“the plant produced more chemical toxins”.
“They just knew the water was there”.
FAMERP 2017 - Inglês - Grau dos adjetivos | Adjective degrees, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Advérbios e conjunções | Adverbs and conjunctions

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “The research, reported earlier”, o termo em destaque indica

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Can plants hear?
Flora may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

    Pseudoscientific claims that music helps plants grow have been made for decades, despite evidence that is shaky at best. Yet new research suggests some flora may be capable of sensing sounds, such as the gurgle of water through a pipe or the buzzing of insects.
    In a recent study, Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots shaped like an upside-down Y. One arm of each pot was placed in either a tray of water or a coiled plastic tube through which water flowed; the other arm had dry soil. The roots grew toward the arm of the pipe with the fluid, regardless of whether it was easily accessible or hidden inside the tubing. “They just knew the water was there, even if the only thing to detect was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe,” Gagliano says. Yet when the seedlings were given a choice between the water tube and some moistened soil, their roots favored the latter. She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves to detect water at a distance but follow moisture gradients to home in on their target when it is closer.
    The research, reported earlier this year in Oecologia, is not the first to suggest flora can detect and interpret sounds. A 2014 study showed the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish between caterpillar chewing sounds and wind vibrations – the plant produced more chemical toxins after “hearing” a recording of feeding insects. “We tend to underestimate plants because their responses are usually less visible to us. But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibration detectors,” says lead study author Heidi M. Appel, an environmental scientist now at the University of Toledo.
(Marta Zaraska., 17.05.2017.)
FAMERP 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the excerpt from the second paragraph “their roots favored the latter”, the words in bold refer to

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Can plants hear?
Flora may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

    Pseudoscientific claims that music helps plants grow have been made for decades, despite evidence that is shaky at best. Yet new research suggests some flora may be capable of sensing sounds, such as the gurgle of water through a pipe or the buzzing of insects.
    In a recent study, Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots shaped like an upside-down Y. One arm of each pot was placed in either a tray of water or a coiled plastic tube through which water flowed; the other arm had dry soil. The roots grew toward the arm of the pipe with the fluid, regardless of whether it was easily accessible or hidden inside the tubing. “They just knew the water was there, even if the only thing to detect was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe,” Gagliano says. Yet when the seedlings were given a choice between the water tube and some moistened soil, their roots favored the latter. She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves to detect water at a distance but follow moisture gradients to home in on their target when it is closer.
    The research, reported earlier this year in Oecologia, is not the first to suggest flora can detect and interpret sounds. A 2014 study showed the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish between caterpillar chewing sounds and wind vibrations – the plant produced more chemical toxins after “hearing” a recording of feeding insects. “We tend to underestimate plants because their responses are usually less visible to us. But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibration detectors,” says lead study author Heidi M. Appel, an environmental scientist now at the University of Toledo.
(Marta Zaraska., 17.05.2017.)
water tube.
moistened soil.
FAMERP 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the excerpt from the second paragraph “Yet when the seedlings”, the word “yet” indicates

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Can plants hear?
Flora may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

    Pseudoscientific claims that music helps plants grow have been made for decades, despite evidence that is shaky at best. Yet new research suggests some flora may be capable of sensing sounds, such as the gurgle of water through a pipe or the buzzing of insects.
    In a recent study, Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots shaped like an upside-down Y. One arm of each pot was placed in either a tray of water or a coiled plastic tube through which water flowed; the other arm had dry soil. The roots grew toward the arm of the pipe with the fluid, regardless of whether it was easily accessible or hidden inside the tubing. “They just knew the water was there, even if the only thing to detect was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe,” Gagliano says. Yet when the seedlings were given a choice between the water tube and some moistened soil, their roots favored the latter. She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves to detect water at a distance but follow moisture gradients to home in on their target when it is closer.
    The research, reported earlier this year in Oecologia, is not the first to suggest flora can detect and interpret sounds. A 2014 study showed the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish between caterpillar chewing sounds and wind vibrations – the plant produced more chemical toxins after “hearing” a recording of feeding insects. “We tend to underestimate plants because their responses are usually less visible to us. But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibration detectors,” says lead study author Heidi M. Appel, an environmental scientist now at the University of Toledo.
(Marta Zaraska., 17.05.2017.)
FAMERP 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o segundo parágrafo,

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Can plants hear?
Flora may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

    Pseudoscientific claims that music helps plants grow have been made for decades, despite evidence that is shaky at best. Yet new research suggests some flora may be capable of sensing sounds, such as the gurgle of water through a pipe or the buzzing of insects.
    In a recent study, Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots shaped like an upside-down Y. One arm of each pot was placed in either a tray of water or a coiled plastic tube through which water flowed; the other arm had dry soil. The roots grew toward the arm of the pipe with the fluid, regardless of whether it was easily accessible or hidden inside the tubing. “They just knew the water was there, even if the only thing to detect was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe,” Gagliano says. Yet when the seedlings were given a choice between the water tube and some moistened soil, their roots favored the latter. She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves to detect water at a distance but follow moisture gradients to home in on their target when it is closer.
    The research, reported earlier this year in Oecologia, is not the first to suggest flora can detect and interpret sounds. A 2014 study showed the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish between caterpillar chewing sounds and wind vibrations – the plant produced more chemical toxins after “hearing” a recording of feeding insects. “We tend to underestimate plants because their responses are usually less visible to us. But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibration detectors,” says lead study author Heidi M. Appel, an environmental scientist now at the University of Toledo.
(Marta Zaraska., 17.05.2017.)
as raízes cresceram para fora do tubo.
as raízes se dividiram no formato de um Y invertido.
a terra prejudicou o crescimento das ervilhas.
algumas ervilhas chegaram a crescer dentro do tubo.
as raízes cresceram em direção ao ramo com o líquido.
FAMERP 2017 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

What is the topic mainly about?

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Can plants hear?
Flora may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

    Pseudoscientific claims that music helps plants grow have been made for decades, despite evidence that is shaky at best. Yet new research suggests some flora may be capable of sensing sounds, such as the gurgle of water through a pipe or the buzzing of insects.
    In a recent study, Monica Gagliano, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues placed pea seedlings in pots shaped like an upside-down Y. One arm of each pot was placed in either a tray of water or a coiled plastic tube through which water flowed; the other arm had dry soil. The roots grew toward the arm of the pipe with the fluid, regardless of whether it was easily accessible or hidden inside the tubing. “They just knew the water was there, even if the only thing to detect was the sound of it flowing inside the pipe,” Gagliano says. Yet when the seedlings were given a choice between the water tube and some moistened soil, their roots favored the latter. She hypothesizes that these plants use sound waves to detect water at a distance but follow moisture gradients to home in on their target when it is closer.
    The research, reported earlier this year in Oecologia, is not the first to suggest flora can detect and interpret sounds. A 2014 study showed the rock cress Arabidopsis can distinguish between caterpillar chewing sounds and wind vibrations – the plant produced more chemical toxins after “hearing” a recording of feeding insects. “We tend to underestimate plants because their responses are usually less visible to us. But leaves turn out to be extremely sensitive vibration detectors,” says lead study author Heidi M. Appel, an environmental scientist now at the University of Toledo.
(Marta Zaraska., 17.05.2017.)
Chemical toxins can affect plants.
Some flora may be capable of sensing sounds.
Insects can detect and interpret sounds.
Music is believed to help plants grow.
Plants use sound waves to detect insects.