Questõesde Inatel 2019

Foram encontradas 98 questões
Inatel 2019 - Física - Oscilação e Ondas, Movimento Harmônico

O gráfico representa o movimento harmônico amortecido realizado por um corpo de massa m, ligado a uma mola ideal:

De acordo com o gráfico, é correto afirmar que:

No movimento harmônico amortecido; a energia mecânica diminui com o passar do tempo;
O período do movimento é de 2s;
A frequência do movimento é de 4 ciclos por segundo;
A amplitude do movimento é de 0,5 m;
A mola ideal é a responsável pelo amortecimento do movimento.
Inatel 2019 - Física - Eletrodinâmica - Corrente Elétrica, Cargas Elétricas e Eletrização, Eletrostática e Lei de Coulomb. Força Elétrica., Circuitos Elétricos e Leis de Kirchhoff, Eletricidade

Determinar a capacitância equivalente total Ceqt do circuito série abaixo:

Ceq = 0,5 F
Ceq = 0,266 F
Ceq = 0,1 F
Ceq = 0,2 F
Ceq = 0,05 F
Inatel 2019 - Física - Resistores e Potência Elétrica, Dinâmica, Trabalho e Energia, Eletricidade

Uma certa residência tem um chuveiro que apresenta uma potência elétrica de 5000 W e fica ligado em média 60 minutos por dia. Qual será a redução no consumo total da energia, ao longo do mês se a família reduzir o tempo de uso do chuveiro para 40 minutos por dia?

20 kWh
50 kWh
100 kWh
10 kWh
310 kWh
Inatel 2019 - Física - Máquina de Atwood e Associação de Blocos, Dinâmica, Leis de Newton

Na construção civil, é comum encontrarmos sistemas de roldanas empregados na realização de tarefas. Você precisa erguer uma caixa de argamassa até os andares superiores de um prédio em construção. Para isso, você utiliza uma corda e uma roldana que juntos suportam, no máximo, uma tensão de 600 N, para atender a essa exigência uma carga de 50 kg deverá ser elevada com uma aceleração máxima de:

5,0 m/s²
3,6 m/s²
2,00 m/s²
1,50 m/s²
1,00 m/s²
Inatel 2019 - Física - Calorimetria, Física Térmica - Termologia

De acordo com a EMBRAPA, “Dentro de uma geladeira doméstica alcançam-se temperaturas entre 6 e 10°C na parte inferior e de 2 a -2°C na parte superior. No congelador, podem-se alcançar temperaturas entre -1°C e -4°C.” Você compra um produto importado em um empório com as seguintes instruções: “Conservar entre a temperatura mínima de 23ºF e a máxima de 50ºF”. Levando em consideração as informações da EMBRAPA, assinale a alternativa correta:

O produto deve ser conservado apenas no congelador;
O produto pode ser conservado tanto na geladeira quanto no congelador;
O produto deve ser conservado apenas na geladeira;
O produto pode ser conservado tanto na geladeira quanto fora dela;
O produto deve ser conservado fora da geladeira.
Inatel 2019 - Física - Calorimetria, Física Térmica - Termologia

Em relação aos processos de transferência de calor, assinale a alternativa falsa:

A convecção existe em qualquer lugar do Universo onde existam corpos com diferentes temperaturas, inclusive no vácuo;
Na condução as partículas tendem a permanecer na mesma posição;
Os aparelhos de ar condicionado são instalados na parte mais alta do ambiente, pois o ar frio liberado tende a descer;
A energia proveniente do Sol não depende de um meio material para ser transferida à Terra;
O cobertor funciona como isolante térmico dificultando a transferência de calor para o ambiente.
Inatel 2019 - Física - Calorimetria, Física Térmica - Termologia

Com o frio, nada como um Chá Mate com leite para esquentar. Para preparar a bebida, você mistura 100 ml (100 g) de leite frio a 25 ºC com 150 ml (150 g) de Chá Mate a 90 ºC. Considere o calor específico do Chá Mate igual ao da água, cágua 1 cal / gº C = e o do leite, cleite 0,9 cal / gº C = C . A temperatura final da bebida será aproximadamente igual a:

51, 0 º C
52,6 º C
57,5 º C
64,0 º C
65,6 º C
Inatel 2019 - Física - Estática e Hidrostática, Pressão, Transformações Gasosas, Física Térmica - Termologia

No interior de um sistema com cilindro e êmbolo, 2 moles de um gás ideal sofrem um aumento de pressão de 11 Pa para 16 Pa. O volume permanece constante e é igual a 0,332 m³. Assinale a alternativo incorreta:

Dado: R = 8,3 J/mol.K.

Como o volume do gás permanece constante não há realização de trabalho;
A variação da temperatura é de 0,1 K;
O calor fornecido ao gás fica armazenado na forma de energia interna;
O processo termodinâmico descrito é isovolumétrico;
Com o aumento da pressão, o êmbolo se desloca para cima.
Inatel 2019 - Física - Queda Livre, Cinemática

Você se encontra no telhado de um edifício 46 m acima do solo, conforme figura. Seu professor de Física, que possui 1,82 m de altura, está caminhando próximo do edifício com uma velocidade constante de 1,20 m/s. Se você deseja jogar um ovo na cabeça dele, como experiência de queda livre, considerando g = 9,8 m/s², a posição que o professor deve estar quando você largar o ovo é:

5,40 m
3,60 m
7,20 m
4,80 m
1,80 m
Inatel 2019 - Inglês - Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice

“Patel`s team gave diluted alcohol to mice.” (Passive Voice)

How alcohol damages stem cell DNA and increases cancer risk.

LONDON (Reuters) - Drinking alcohol produces a harmful chemical in the body which can lead to permanent genetic damage in the DNA of stem cells, increasing the risk of cancer developing, according to research published on Wednesday.

Working with mice in a laboratory, British scientists used chromosome analysis and DNA sequencing to examine the genetic damage caused by acetaldehyde, a harmful chemical produced when the body processes alcohol.

Their findings offered more detail about how alcohol increases the risk of developing 7 types of cancer, including common forms such as breast and bowel cancer. It also showed how the body seeks to defend against the damage alcohol can do.“Some cancers develop due to DNA damage in stem cells. While some damage occurs by chance, our findings suggest that drinking alcohol can increase the risk of this damage,” said Ketan Patel, a professor at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, who co-led the study. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies alcohol as a Group 1 carcinogen, citing “convincing evidence” it causes cancer in humans.

In Wednesday’s study, published in the journal Nature, Patel’s team gave diluted alcohol to mice and then analyzed the effect on the animals’ DNA. They found that acetaldehyde can break and damage DNA within blood stem cells, permanently altering the DNA sequences within these cells.

This is important, Patel said, because when healthy stem cells become faulty, they can give rise to cancerous cells.

Source: alcohol-damages-stem-celldna-and-increases-cancer-risk-idUSKB1ES1N2 
Patel`s team gave to mice diluted alcohol;
Mice was given diluted alcohol by Pate`s team;
Mice were given diluted alcohol by Patel`s team;
Diluted alcohol by Patel`s team gave to mice;
Mice is given diluted alcohol by Patel`s team.
Inatel 2019 - Inglês - Adjetivos | Adjectives, Oposto | Opposite

Pate said: “When healthy stem cells become faulty, they can rise to cancerous cells.” (Opposite)

How alcohol damages stem cell DNA and increases cancer risk.

LONDON (Reuters) - Drinking alcohol produces a harmful chemical in the body which can lead to permanent genetic damage in the DNA of stem cells, increasing the risk of cancer developing, according to research published on Wednesday.

Working with mice in a laboratory, British scientists used chromosome analysis and DNA sequencing to examine the genetic damage caused by acetaldehyde, a harmful chemical produced when the body processes alcohol.

Their findings offered more detail about how alcohol increases the risk of developing 7 types of cancer, including common forms such as breast and bowel cancer. It also showed how the body seeks to defend against the damage alcohol can do.“Some cancers develop due to DNA damage in stem cells. While some damage occurs by chance, our findings suggest that drinking alcohol can increase the risk of this damage,” said Ketan Patel, a professor at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, who co-led the study. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies alcohol as a Group 1 carcinogen, citing “convincing evidence” it causes cancer in humans.

In Wednesday’s study, published in the journal Nature, Patel’s team gave diluted alcohol to mice and then analyzed the effect on the animals’ DNA. They found that acetaldehyde can break and damage DNA within blood stem cells, permanently altering the DNA sequences within these cells.

This is important, Patel said, because when healthy stem cells become faulty, they can give rise to cancerous cells.

Source: alcohol-damages-stem-celldna-and-increases-cancer-risk-idUSKB1ES1N2 
Inatel 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Which statement is considered exception. (Text Comprehension)

How alcohol damages stem cell DNA and increases cancer risk.

LONDON (Reuters) - Drinking alcohol produces a harmful chemical in the body which can lead to permanent genetic damage in the DNA of stem cells, increasing the risk of cancer developing, according to research published on Wednesday.

Working with mice in a laboratory, British scientists used chromosome analysis and DNA sequencing to examine the genetic damage caused by acetaldehyde, a harmful chemical produced when the body processes alcohol.

Their findings offered more detail about how alcohol increases the risk of developing 7 types of cancer, including common forms such as breast and bowel cancer. It also showed how the body seeks to defend against the damage alcohol can do.“Some cancers develop due to DNA damage in stem cells. While some damage occurs by chance, our findings suggest that drinking alcohol can increase the risk of this damage,” said Ketan Patel, a professor at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, who co-led the study. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies alcohol as a Group 1 carcinogen, citing “convincing evidence” it causes cancer in humans.

In Wednesday’s study, published in the journal Nature, Patel’s team gave diluted alcohol to mice and then analyzed the effect on the animals’ DNA. They found that acetaldehyde can break and damage DNA within blood stem cells, permanently altering the DNA sequences within these cells.

This is important, Patel said, because when healthy stem cells become faulty, they can give rise to cancerous cells.

Source: alcohol-damages-stem-celldna-and-increases-cancer-risk-idUSKB1ES1N2 
Alcohol increases the risk of developing 7 types of cancer, such as breast and bowel;
Some cancers develop due to DNA damage in stem cells;
Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of damage;
A non-permanent damage in the DNA of stem cells, increases the risk of cancer developing;
The acetaldehyde is a harmful chemical produced when the body processes alcohol.
Inatel 2019 - Inglês - Tempos Verbais | Verb Tenses, Infinitivo e gerúndio | Infinitive and gerund

That’s the problem of getting older.” (Gerund Use)

The key to staying young? Camouflage.

Pickles by Brian Crane


After a preposition;
Before a noun;
To show the true meaning;
Used in a continuous action;
To give relevancy to the statement.
Inatel 2019 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms

“The scale of devastation is enormous. (Synonym)

Mozambique Cyclone: “Almost everything is destroyed.”

People carry their personal effects through a flooded section of Praia Nova in Beira after the cyclone. Tropical Cyclone Idai destroyed and damaged homes and knocked out electricity and communications.

Cyclone Idai hit the city of Beira hard and the scale of damage is massive, say Red Cross and Red Crescent aid workers who reached the Mozambican city a few days ago. The scale of devastation is enormous. It seems that 90 per cent of the area is completely destroyed.”

The Red Cross and Red Crescent team was among the first to arrive in Beira since Cyclone Idai made landfall March 14-15. With Beira’s airport closed and roads cut off due to flooding, the team drove from Maputo, the capital city, before taking a helicopter for the last leg of the journey. “Almost everything is destroyed. Communication lines have been completely cut and roads have

been destroyed. Some affected communities are not accessible,” said LeSueur. “Beira has been severely battered. But we are also hearing that the situation outside the city could be even worse. Yesterday, a large dam burst and cut off the last road to the city.”

While the physical impact of Idai is beginning to emerge, the human impact is still unclear. Authorities in the country are warning that the death toll may climb beyond 1,000 people.

Heavy rain will continue in the coming days which may only exacerbate the dire situation and cause already saturated rivers to overflow.

Following its landfall in Mozambique, the cyclone continued west to Zimbabwe as a tropical storm, wreaking havoc in the eastern part of the country, with Manicaland Province being the hardest-hit. At least 31 deaths have been reported and over 100 people are missing in Zimbabwe.

Source: -events/news/2019/mozambique-cyclone.html 

Inatel 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Did the cyclone continue wreaking other countries besides Mozambique? (Text Comprehension)

Mozambique Cyclone: “Almost everything is destroyed.”

People carry their personal effects through a flooded section of Praia Nova in Beira after the cyclone. Tropical Cyclone Idai destroyed and damaged homes and knocked out electricity and communications.

Cyclone Idai hit the city of Beira hard and the scale of damage is massive, say Red Cross and Red Crescent aid workers who reached the Mozambican city a few days ago. The scale of devastation is enormous. It seems that 90 per cent of the area is completely destroyed.”

The Red Cross and Red Crescent team was among the first to arrive in Beira since Cyclone Idai made landfall March 14-15. With Beira’s airport closed and roads cut off due to flooding, the team drove from Maputo, the capital city, before taking a helicopter for the last leg of the journey. “Almost everything is destroyed. Communication lines have been completely cut and roads have

been destroyed. Some affected communities are not accessible,” said LeSueur. “Beira has been severely battered. But we are also hearing that the situation outside the city could be even worse. Yesterday, a large dam burst and cut off the last road to the city.”

While the physical impact of Idai is beginning to emerge, the human impact is still unclear. Authorities in the country are warning that the death toll may climb beyond 1,000 people.

Heavy rain will continue in the coming days which may only exacerbate the dire situation and cause already saturated rivers to overflow.

Following its landfall in Mozambique, the cyclone continued west to Zimbabwe as a tropical storm, wreaking havoc in the eastern part of the country, with Manicaland Province being the hardest-hit. At least 31 deaths have been reported and over 100 people are missing in Zimbabwe.

Source: -events/news/2019/mozambique-cyclone.html 

Maputo had been destroyed;
The cyclone wreaked havoc in another place;
The cyclone Idai made landfall March 14-15;
It arrived in Beira and has been severely battered;
The storm flattened the informal settlement of Praia Nova.
Inatel 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

“People carry their personal effects through a flooded section of Praia Nova in Beira” […] (Referent)

Mozambique Cyclone: “Almost everything is destroyed.”

People carry their personal effects through a flooded section of Praia Nova in Beira after the cyclone. Tropical Cyclone Idai destroyed and damaged homes and knocked out electricity and communications.

Cyclone Idai hit the city of Beira hard and the scale of damage is massive, say Red Cross and Red Crescent aid workers who reached the Mozambican city a few days ago. The scale of devastation is enormous. It seems that 90 per cent of the area is completely destroyed.”

The Red Cross and Red Crescent team was among the first to arrive in Beira since Cyclone Idai made landfall March 14-15. With Beira’s airport closed and roads cut off due to flooding, the team drove from Maputo, the capital city, before taking a helicopter for the last leg of the journey. “Almost everything is destroyed. Communication lines have been completely cut and roads have

been destroyed. Some affected communities are not accessible,” said LeSueur. “Beira has been severely battered. But we are also hearing that the situation outside the city could be even worse. Yesterday, a large dam burst and cut off the last road to the city.”

While the physical impact of Idai is beginning to emerge, the human impact is still unclear. Authorities in the country are warning that the death toll may climb beyond 1,000 people.

Heavy rain will continue in the coming days which may only exacerbate the dire situation and cause already saturated rivers to overflow.

Following its landfall in Mozambique, the cyclone continued west to Zimbabwe as a tropical storm, wreaking havoc in the eastern part of the country, with Manicaland Province being the hardest-hit. At least 31 deaths have been reported and over 100 people are missing in Zimbabwe.

Source: -events/news/2019/mozambique-cyclone.html 

Personal effects;
Flooded section;
Praia Nova;
Inatel 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

What is the main idea of the comics? (Text Comprehension)

The key to staying young? Camouflage.

Pickles by Brian Crane


An animal does look nicer than a person;
Human beings could grow up like animals, having a disguise;
The woman enjoys her own appearance;
When a person gets older has the same characteristics of animals;
The lady doesn’t recognize herself in the mirror, because she has a nice make up.
Inatel 2019 - Inglês - Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Sinônimos | Synonyms, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

“The image matches what theoretical physicists and indeed, Hollywood directors, imagined black holes would look like, according to Dr.Ziri Younsi” […] (Verb Synonym)

First ever black hole image released.

Astronomers have taken the first ever image of a black hole, which is located in a distant galaxy. It measures 40 billion km across - three million times the size of the Earth - and has been described by scientists as "a monster".

The black hole is 500 million trillion km away and was photographed by a network of eight telescopes across the world It was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a network of eight linked telescopes. 

Prof Heino Falcke, of Radboud University in the Netherlands, who proposed the experiment, told BBC News that the black hole was found in a galaxy called M87.

"What we see is larger than the size of our entire Solar System," he said.

"It has a mass 6.5 billion times that of the Sun. And it is one of the heaviest black holes that we think exists. It is an absolute monster, the heavyweight champion of black holes in the Universe."

The image shows an intensely bright "ring of fire", as Prof Falcke describes it, surrounding a perfectly circular dark hole. The bright halo is caused by superheated gas falling into the hole. The light is brighter than all the billions of other stars in the galaxy combined - which is why it can be seen at such distance from Earth.

The edge of the dark circle at the centre is the point at which the gas enters the black hole, which is an object that has such a large gravitational pull, not even light can escape.

The image matches what theoretical physicists and indeed, Hollywood directors, imagined black holes would look like, according to Dr Ziri Younsi, of University College London - who is part of the EHT collaboration.

"Although they are relatively simple objects, black holes raise some of the most complex questions about the nature of space and time, and ultimately of our existence," he said.

"It is remarkable that the image we observe is so similar to that which we obtain from our theoretical calculations. So far, it looks like Einstein is correct once again."

But having the first image will enable researchers to learn more about these mysterious objects. They will be keen to look out for ways in which the black hole departs from what's expected in physics. No-one really knows how the bright ring around the hole is created. Even more intriguing is the question of what happens when an object falls into a black hole.

Would desire;
Would wish;
Would enjoy;
Would wait;
Would seem.
Inatel 2019 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Which statement is considered incorrect or false in the text above. (Text Comprehension)

First ever black hole image released.

Astronomers have taken the first ever image of a black hole, which is located in a distant galaxy. It measures 40 billion km across - three million times the size of the Earth - and has been described by scientists as "a monster".

The black hole is 500 million trillion km away and was photographed by a network of eight telescopes across the world It was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a network of eight linked telescopes. 

Prof Heino Falcke, of Radboud University in the Netherlands, who proposed the experiment, told BBC News that the black hole was found in a galaxy called M87.

"What we see is larger than the size of our entire Solar System," he said.

"It has a mass 6.5 billion times that of the Sun. And it is one of the heaviest black holes that we think exists. It is an absolute monster, the heavyweight champion of black holes in the Universe."

The image shows an intensely bright "ring of fire", as Prof Falcke describes it, surrounding a perfectly circular dark hole. The bright halo is caused by superheated gas falling into the hole. The light is brighter than all the billions of other stars in the galaxy combined - which is why it can be seen at such distance from Earth.

The edge of the dark circle at the centre is the point at which the gas enters the black hole, which is an object that has such a large gravitational pull, not even light can escape.

The image matches what theoretical physicists and indeed, Hollywood directors, imagined black holes would look like, according to Dr Ziri Younsi, of University College London - who is part of the EHT collaboration.

"Although they are relatively simple objects, black holes raise some of the most complex questions about the nature of space and time, and ultimately of our existence," he said.

"It is remarkable that the image we observe is so similar to that which we obtain from our theoretical calculations. So far, it looks like Einstein is correct once again."

But having the first image will enable researchers to learn more about these mysterious objects. They will be keen to look out for ways in which the black hole departs from what's expected in physics. No-one really knows how the bright ring around the hole is created. Even more intriguing is the question of what happens when an object falls into a black hole.

The black hole is three million times the size of the Earth;
It was found in a galaxy called M87;
The image does not show an intensely bright “ring of fire”;
Black holes raise some of the most complex questions about the nature of space and time and our existence;
It is the heavyweight champion of black holes in the Universe.
Inatel 2019 - Português - Interpretação de Textos, Noções Gerais de Compreensão e Interpretação de Texto

Vasco repudia "exposição constrangedora" de Sidão e elogia Casagrande

Após clubes e personalidades se manifestarem, foi a vez do Vasco comentar sobre a entrega do prêmio Craque do Jogo ao goleiro Sidão, após a derrota do cruzmaltino por 3 a 0 para o Santos. Em nota oficial, o clube carioca repudiou a "exposição constrangedora" de Sidão por parte da TV Globo, responsável pela entrega do prêmio de votação popular ao melhor jogador da partida.

Com base na leitura do texto, a entrega do prêmio após o resultado da partida configura:

uma antítese;
um paradoxo;
uma ironia;
uma metáfora;