Questõesde FGV 2012

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FGV 2012, FGV 2012 - História - História Geral, Movimentos de Reforma Religiosa: protestantes e católicos

A Reforma, a despeito de sua hostilidade à magia, estimulara o espírito de profecia. A abolição dos intermediários entre o homem e a divindade, bem como a ênfase na consciência individual, deixavam Deus falar diretamente a seus eleitos. Era obrigação destes tornar conhecida a Sua mensagem. E Deus não fazia acepção de pessoas: preferia falar a John Knox do que à sua rainha, Maria Stuart da Escócia. O próprio Knox agradeceu a Deus ter-lhe dado o dom de profetizar, que assim estabelecia que ele era um homem de boa-fé.

Na Inglaterra, as décadas revolucionárias deram ampla difusão ao que praticamente constituía uma profissão nova - a do profeta, quer na qualidade de intérprete dos astros, ou dos mitos populares tradicionais, ou, ainda, da Bíblia.

HILL, Christopher, O mundo de ponta-cabeça. Ideias radicais durante a Revolução Inglesa de 1640. Trad. Renato Janine Ribeiro. São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1987, p. 103.

O texto se refere ao ambiente político e religioso da Inglaterra no século XVII. A esse respeito é CORRETO afirmar:

A insatisfação popular na Inglaterra era decorrente da perspectiva protestante de manter os sacerdotes como intermediários entre Deus e os homens.
Os revolucionários basearam-se em princípios estritamente racionais e científicos, em uma nítida ruptura com as crenças e o profetismo da época.
Apesar de todas as disputas religiosas dos séculos XVI e XVII, os monarcas ingleses mantiveram-se neutros, o que permitiu a preservação da monarquia.
Para os revolucionários ingleses, Deus considerava apenas os parlamentares como pessoas aptas a transmitir a doutrina e indicar os caminhos da salvação.
A movimentação revolucionária esteve vinculada aos conflitos religiosos decorrentes da chamada Reforma Protestante iniciada no século XVI.
FGV 2012, FGV 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the last paragraph, "they" in the phrase "...but they will take time to feed into the economy" most likely refers to

recently elected Spanish politicians.
difficult but necessary changes in Spanish regulations.
Spain's emblematic companies.
Spain's traditionally rigid employment laws.
the investment money now available to Spanish companies.
FGV 2012, FGV 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Which of the following is mentioned in the article as a way to help Spain's economy?

The European Central Bank should provide more money to support Spain's banking system.
Spanish companies with fewer than 250 employees should be subject to an exclusive set of employment laws.
Spain should spend less money on foreign products.
Spanish companies should make significant cuts in their number of employees.
Spain should set up more businesses based on the American model.
FGV 2012, FGV 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the information in the article, which of the following is most likely a positive aspect of Spain's economy?

Exporters have maintained their expenses at a reasonable level and so are still able to compete with other companies.
Spanish workers still earn, on average, more than workers do in other European countries.
More than 250 big Spanish companies have managed to achieve greater productivity than have similar companies in Germany, Italy, and France.
Because they invested heavily in modernization and worker training in the pre-crisis years, Spanish companies have been able to maintain high levels of profitability.
By drastically reducing their number of employees, Spanish exporters have been able to maintain high levels of profitability.
FGV 2012, FGV 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In paragraph 3, the phrase "That puts it in a league with Germany..." most likely refers to which of the following?

Spain and Germany both export products to Asia.
The economies of Asia, Spain, and Germany are all based strongly on exports.
Spain's performance in the area of exports is similar to Germany's performance.
Spain's economy is now more dependent on exports than is Germany's economy.
By providing an ample market for Spanish products, Germany is helping to keep Spain's export industry robust.
FGV 2012, FGV 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the information in the article, which of the following is one of Spain's serious problems?

Exports have fallen sharply and now represent only 30 percent of Spain's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The European financial crisis has devastated Spain's export-based companies.
Many Spanish multinational companies have moved their production facilities overseas.
Consumers in Spain have drastically reduced spending.
Spanish companies that concentrate on the domestic market are highly inefficient.
FGV 2012, FGV 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the information in the article, during the economic crisis

the Inditex clothing group has grown by concentrating on Spain's domestic market.
the Mercadona supermarket chain has increased its sales to foreign markets by 8 percent.
the economy of Spain has declined more than have the economies of Greece and Portugal.
some Spanish companies have actually benefited from the relative economic weakness of Greece and Portugal.
the current account deficits of Greece and Portugal have decreased more slowly than has the current account deficit of Spain.
FGV 2012, FGV 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

It will take decades for Spain to find a way out of its current economic crisis.
Various poorly planned European efforts to rescue Spain's economy have only made the situation worse.
Spain's economic problems are in fact much less serious than those in the other European countries.
Despite the problems that Spain is facing, some factors indicate that there is hope for the country's economic future.
The pessimism surrounding Spain's economic situation is based on a certain prejudice rather than on a clear understanding of the factors involved.
FGV 2012, FGV 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

With respect to birds and radiation, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?

For birds, exposure to a radiation level of even 0.05 microsieverts per hour is lethal.
Exposure to the same level of radiation can affect birds of the same species in different ways.
A rural area with a temperate climate is the ideal place to study how birds respond to the negative effects of high levels of radiation.
The composition of radio-nuclides is not a factor that determines whether or not a certain level of radiation can be dangerous to birds.
It is clear that certain species of birds in the Fukushima and Chernobyl regions have died out because of evolutionary factors and not because of exposure to radiation.
FGV 2012, FGV 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the last paragraph, "this" in the sentence "The reasons for this are not clear" most likely refers to which of the following phenomena?

Though the Fukushima and Chernobyl regions received a similar amount of radiation, relatively more birds disappeared from the Fukushima region than disappeared from the Chernobyl region.
Sterility was more prevalent in Fukushima birds than in Chernobyl birds, even though both groups of birds were exposed to similar levels of radiation.
Though Fukushima and Chernobyl are situated in identical environments, birds in the Fukushima region are generally smaller and less healthy than are similar birds in the Chernobyl region.
Timothy Mousseau and his colleagues discovered that, in many cases, a region's environment protects animals against high levels of radiation.
Though the same types of birds were exposed to similar levels of radiation in the Fukushima and Chernobyl regions, the Fukushima birds in general remained healthier than the Chernobyl birds.
FGV 2012, FGV 2012 - Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In paragraph 4, the phrase "This makes sense..." most likely refers specifically to which of the following?

An increase in levels of radiation is apparently accompanied by a decrease in the number of birds.
Equal levels of radiation around Fukushima and Chernobyl were accompanied, at each site, by the disappearance of an equal number of birds.
Research shows that a radiation level of 35 microsieverts per hour is three times more deadly than a level of 0.5 microsieverts per hour.
The researchers discovered that no level of radiation can be considered completely safe.
Various bird species living near Fukushima and Chernobyl were unaffected by high levels of radiation.