Questão fea21591-1b
Prova:UNESPAR 2018
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Texto 4:

Venezuelan official suggests migrant crisis is staged to undermine government

Diosdado Cabello implied that photos and news of refugees fleeing through South America on foot are fake as the UN warns the situation is nearing a ‘crisis moment’

Tom Phillips Latin America correspondent

Venezuela’s number two official has suggested his country’s escalating migration crisis – described by the United Nations as one of the worst in Latin American history – is being staged as part of a rightwing ruse to undermine his government.

Speaking at a congress of the ruling United Social party this week, Diosdado Cabello implied that images of Venezuelans fleeing through South America on foot had been manufactured. “It’s as if it was: ‘Lights, camera, action!’ It is a campaign against our country – a campaign of extraordinary dimensions,” Cabello added.

The UN estimates 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled since 2015 with Colombia expecting 2 million more to follow by 2020. That would mean 4.3 million people – 14% of Venezuela’s population – had left. Last week, the UN’s migration agency warned the mass migration is nearing a “crisis moment” comparable to events involving refugees in the Mediterranean. Many of those now heading into neighbouring countries such as Brazil and Colombia are so impoverished they do so on foot.

The UN estimates 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled since 2015 with Colombia expecting 2 million more to follow by 2020. Photograph: Evelin Rosas/EPA

On Tuesday, Venezuelan state media trumpeted the “repatriation” of 89 migrants who had reportedly been flown home from Peru free of charge after suffering exploitation abroad.

Disponível em Acessado em 22/10/2018

O jornal The Guardian retrata um problema social vivido, sobretudo, em 2018, pelos venezuelanos. Com base no texto lido, aponte a alternativa que retrata mais adequadamente a posição do governo da Venezuela sobre o assunto:

Oficiais do governo confirmam as notícias de que a Venezuela está vivendo uma crise social sem precedentes;
A ONU está solicitando ajuda para abrigar os jovens venezuelanos que querem deixar o país em busca de outros regimes políticos;
O governo diz que as fotos e notícias de venezuelanos, deixando o país a pé em direção a outros países da América do Sul, são montagens e objetivam minar seu governo;
A mídia estatal da Venezuela diz que apenas 89 pessoas deixaram o país em 2018, mas que poderão voltar, sem problemas, caso desejarem;
O governo venezuelano admite o problema e pede ajuda à ONU para reorganizar o país.

Gabarito comentado

Joana PessoaProfessora de Inglês e Tradutora de Textos - Inglês/Português.
Vídeo produzido em parceria com o Qconcursos.


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