Questão fe9edacf-1b
Prova:UNESPAR 2018
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Texto 3:

Born Too Soon in a Country at War. Their Only Hope? This Clinic. By Kassie Bracken and Megan Special August 27, 2018

The baby girl has stopped breathing. She was born prematurely and is only 3 weeks old. Her mother, Restina Boniface, took her to the only public neonatal clinic in South Sudan. The country is one of the toughest places in the world for newborns with health problems to survive. Ten feet away sits a donated respiratory machine that could save the baby. But lacking a critical part, it goes unused. The doctor tries to resuscitate the baby for several minutes. Finally, she begins breathing on her own. One in 10 babies brought to this clinic will die, most from treatable conditions. But many mothers have nowhere else to go.

South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation, is in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. A brutal civil war has drained the economy. As hospitals closed, doctors were forced to flee. Inside the clinic, many babies remain nameless. Their mothers know they may not make it. “Our mothers here, they come for help,” said Rose Tongan, a pediatrician. “And you pity them. You can’t do anything.” Electricity cuts out for days at a time. There is no formula for the premature babies, no lab for blood tests, no facility for X-rays. There are no beds for breast-feeding mothers. They must sleep outside, where they are at risk of infection and vulnerable to assault. “I feel like: What can I do?” Dr. Tongan said.

Hellen Sitima’s 3-day-old daughter is sick. “When we get home, then that’s the time to name the baby,” she says. Dr. Tongan has no access to lab tests, but she determines that Ms. Sitima’s baby has a respiratory infection. The infection clears, and Ms. Sitima takes her daughter home. She names her Gift.

Disponível em south-sudan-babies.html. Acessado em 22/10/2018

O texto relata a situação crítica em que se encontram hospitais no Sudão do Sul e de alguns pacientes que deles precisam para sobreviver. Assim sendo, assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao lido:

No texto são relatados dois casos específicos de recém-nascidos, um com infecção respiratória e outro com problemas cardiovasculares. Ambos não sobreviveram;
As mães procuram por ajuda no único hospital para recém-nascidos prematuros do país, mesmo sabendo que eles não sobreviverão;
Apesar de muitas dificuldades e de falta de leitos, as mães dos bebês ficam em quartos próximos para amamentá-los adequadamente;
Não há laboratórios para testes, nem facilidade para usar a máquina de Raio-X, contudo, o aparelho usado para ajudar a respiração dos bebes prematuros ainda está funcionando bem.
É comum encontrar bebês ainda sem nome na clínica, aguardando por sua sobrevivência, para, então, em seus lares, ganharem um nome.


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