Questão f491eba2-d9
Prova:UFVJM-MG 2017
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Marque a alternativa que apresenta o assunto principal do texto.

Leia o texto II para responder as questões 14 e 15

Texto II

Tweens and teens who run, jump and dance may become adults with less breakable bones
Sharon Oosthoek - May 8, 2017

    As much as a third of an adult’s skeleton will form during adolescence. So the more active someone is during this time, the stronger those bones will become.
    Adolescence is a critical time for growing strong bones. That's especially true between the ages of 10 and 14 in girls, and 12 to 16 for boys. As much as 36 percent of the adult skeleton forms during these four years. But how strong those bones become depends on how active someone had been during those formative years. That’s the finding of a new study.
    "The bigger the bones children make when they are young, the harder it will be to break when they get older," explains Laura Tosi. She’s a doctor who was not involved in the new work. But she knows the topic well. Tosi directs the Bone Health Program at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

Adultos cujas estruturas ósseas são mais porosas tiveram uma adolescência mais ativa.
Estudos sobre formação de estrutura óssea na adolescência mostraram-se inconclusivos.
Adultos sedentários têm estrutura óssea resistente mesmo tendo sido adolescentes inativos.
Adolescentes ativos fisicamente desenvolvem estrutura óssea mais resistente na idade adulta.


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