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Two houses in Oakland go up for sale for
just $1 for the pair

Two Bay Area houses on the
market for $1 might sound like
a cruel joke for many living in
the area, which faces some of
the highest housing rates in the
nation - but it's no hoax.
It is true that two turn-of-thecentury homes in Oakland,
California, have been listed for just $1, but there's a catch: The
houses are available for such a low price because the land they
sit on isn't included. The houses have to be removed from the
property by April 30 to make way for a new 127-unit apartment
Anyone who buys the homes will have to pay the costly price of
transporting the homes from their current location to another
plot of land, that he or she would have to find and purchase
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4345762 - Acessado em 24/03/2017
Two houses in Oakland go up for sale for just $1 for the pair
Two Bay Area houses on the market for $1 might sound like a cruel joke for many living in the area, which faces some of the highest housing rates in the nation - but it's no hoax.
It is true that two turn-of-thecentury homes in Oakland, California, have been listed for just $1, but there's a catch: The houses are available for such a low price because the land they sit on isn't included. The houses have to be removed from the property by April 30 to make way for a new 127-unit apartment complex.
Anyone who buys the homes will have to pay the costly price of transporting the homes from their current location to another plot of land, that he or she would have to find and purchase separately.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4345762 - Acessado em 24/03/2017