Russia covered up a nuclear disaster in Kazakhstan in the 1950s that was FOUR TIMES worse than
Chernobyl reveals secret report

Fallout from a Soviet nuclear weapons test at Semipalatinsk in August 1956
resulted in more than 600 people in a town over 100 miles (175 km) away
ending up in hospital with radiation sickness. The secret report (bottom left)
was recently found at the test facility, where the first Soviet nuclear test was
conducted on August 29, 1949 (top right). Between 1949 and 1989 some
456 nuclear tests were carried out, and children in the region are still being
born with birth defects to this day (bottom right).
Acessado em 14/03/2017 - Adaptado para fins educacionais.
• As informações contidas na notícia permitem afirmar que:
Russia covered up a nuclear disaster in Kazakhstan in the 1950s that was FOUR TIMES worse than Chernobyl reveals secret report
Fallout from a Soviet nuclear weapons test at Semipalatinsk in August 1956 resulted in more than 600 people in a town over 100 miles (175 km) away ending up in hospital with radiation sickness. The secret report (bottom left) was recently found at the test facility, where the first Soviet nuclear test was conducted on August 29, 1949 (top right). Between 1949 and 1989 some 456 nuclear tests were carried out, and children in the region are still being born with birth defects to this day (bottom right). Acessado em 14/03/2017 - Adaptado para fins educacionais.
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