Questão f1aec065-f9
Prova:PUC - SP 2017
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
• As sentenças abaixo apresentam notícias e as fotos as ilustram. Escolha a alternativa que apresenta a relação correta entre as notícias e as fotos.
1. The newly renovated bathrooms at Bryant Park, which The Times has described as the “Tiffany’s of public restrooms,” reopened last month after a $280,000 makeover.
2. The internal investigator at Rikers Island was placed on modified duty in response to accusations that he had spied on city investigators.
3. A witness gives an account of what happened when a homeless man fell onto the subway tracks.
4. The water crises on Long Island has resulted in “dead rivers, closed beaches, harmful algal blooms.”

• As sentenças abaixo apresentam notícias e as fotos as ilustram. Escolha a alternativa que apresenta a relação correta entre as notícias e as fotos.
1. The newly renovated bathrooms at Bryant Park, which The Times has described as the “Tiffany’s of public restrooms,” reopened last month after a $280,000 makeover.
2. The internal investigator at Rikers Island was placed on modified duty in response to accusations that he had spied on city investigators.
3. A witness gives an account of what happened when a homeless man fell onto the subway tracks.
4. The water crises on Long Island has resulted in “dead rivers, closed beaches, harmful algal blooms.”

1A 2B 3C 4D
3A 2B 4C 1D
1C 2D 3B 4A
1D 2C 3A 4B
Gabarito comentado

Joana PessoaProfessora de Inglês e Tradutora de Textos - Inglês/Português.