Questão f0a9d113-f9
Prova:IF-PR 2019
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the text, it is correct to say:


Perfectly Preserved Ancient Shipwreck Found in the Baltic Sea with Guns Ready to Fire

By Yasemin Saplakoglu, Staff Writer | July 24, 2019 01:33pm ET

        An incredibly well-preserved ancient shipwreck has been uncovered in the Baltic Sea.

        Though it likely dates back to 500 to 600 years ago, "it's almost like it sank yesterday," Rodrigo Pacheco-Ruiz, a maritime archeologist with the survey specialists MMT, said in a statement. The ship was first discovered using sonar - which uses sound waves to detect objects - by the Swedish Maritime Administration back in 2009.

        But Pacheco-Ruiz and his team, in collaboration with the Centre for Maritime Archeology at the University of Southampton in England, recently led an archeological survey of the wreck using underwater robots.

        The survey revealed that the ship likely dates to the 15th to early 16th centuries. Though it looks tattered, it is still largely intact. The masts of the ship were still in place and the hull is complete. On the main deck, leaning against the main mast, the scientists found a small boat that was likely used to transport the crew to and from the ship. They also found swivel guns on the main deck, some still neatly packed away in gun ports. Two swivel guns were still aimed in the firing position, The Independent reported.

         "This ship is contemporary to the times of Christopher Columbus and Leonardo Da Vinci, yet it demonstrates a remarkable level of preservation after five hundred years at the bottom of the sea," Pacheco-Ruiz said. It's very wellpreserved due to the cold, slightly salty waters of the Baltic Sea, he added.

(Adaptado de < > Acesso em 04/08/2019)

The ship has been at the bottom of the Baltic Sea for probably about 500 years.
Swedish underwater robots detected the shipwreck using sound waves.
The survey showed that the ship definitely dates to the 15th to early 16th centuries.
The ship sank because it was under fire.


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