Questão ca6957ce-ab
Prova:UECE 2011
Assunto:Análise sintática | Syntax Parsing

The sentences "Prof. Katherine Rowe’s blue-haired avatar was flying across a grassy landscape to a virtual three-dimensional recreation of the Globe Theater, where some students from her introductory Shakespeare class at Bryn Mawr College had already gathered online.", "Students are fluent in new media, and the faculty bring sophisticated knowledge of a subject." and "In 10 years these students will be my colleagues, but now it presents unusual learning opportunities." contain clauses that should be classified respectively as

Imagem 005.jpg
Imagem 006.jpg
Imagem 007.jpg
Imagem 008.jpg
Imagem 009.jpg

coordinate, subordinate and subordinate.
subordinate, coordinate and coordinate.
coordinate, coordinate and subordinate.
subordinate, subordinate and coordinate.


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