Questão c5dd8330-6d
Prova:UFT 2010
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Judge the statements below:

I. The sentences “There have been attempts to reform English spelling” and “She has never eaten Chinese food” are in the same verb tense.

II. The words “explains”, “differences” and “speakers” are, respectively, the plural forms of “explain”, “difference” and “speaker”.

III. The comparative form of the word “easy” is “easier” while the comparative form of the word “rational” is “more rational”.

IV. The sentences “The great American lexicographer Noah Webster (1758-1843) tried to create a more rational system” and “The first spelling bee was held in the USA in 1825…” are both in the past tense.

Mark the CORRECT answer:

Imagem 018.jpg

I, II and III are correct.
II, III and IV are correct.
I, III and IV are correct.
All the statements are correct.
Only III is correct.


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