Questão c2ef0745-6d
Prova:UFT 2010
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Imagem 017.jpg

Read the statements below and mark the INCORRECT one according to the text:

About four and a half” refers to Sophie‘s age.
“Yes, it was a very small school, it had 86 pupils” can be the answer to “What was your classroom like?”
Sophie shows she is interested and polite when replying to Barbara‘s questions, which are promptly answered and have some unrequested information added.
The sentence “No, I mean…” was used in the text to introduce a new question and solve a problem of misunderstanding.
The statement “In the other rooms, in the winter, there was ice inside the rooms!” suggests that the school maintenance was neglected.

Gabarito comentado

Joana PessoaProfessora de Inglês e Tradutora de Textos - Inglês/Português.
Vídeo produzido em parceria com o Qconcursos.


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