Questão b891901e-fc
Prova:PUC - RS 2017
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

INSTRUÇÃO: Responder à questão com base no texto, que apresenta comentários de especialistas sobre o gráfico.

Comment 1 – (…) the proportion of the population living in their own home has gone into decline. It peaked around the middle of the last decade, at just over 70 per cent.

Comment 2 – Owner occupiers spend an average of 18 per cent on their mortgage. That average may be misleading – those who’ve paid off their mortgage will be zilch. At least they’re building up an asset.

Comment 3 – The proportion in council homes has fallen too, thanks largely to Right to Buy. As a result, the proportion renting their own home has more than doubled in the last two decades, from under 10 per cent to over 20.

Comment 4 – (…) housing which costs more than 30 per cent of your income should count as unaffordable. This is a problem faced overwhelmingly by young renters.

Comment 5 – Soon, the rates of the population living in their own home will be back under 60 per cent, for the first time since the mid 1980s.

Adapted from:

Read these assertions.

I. The word “living”, in the context of comment 1, plays the same grammatical function as in How do young people make a living in London?

II. If the grammatical structure “may be misleading” (comment 2) were in reported speech, it would be: The expert said that average might mislead.

III. By reading comment 3, one can say that some people who had the opportunity to buy their houses from the council are now renting them to others.

IV. “(…) should count as unaffordable”. (comment 4) means are to be considered financially unfeasible.

V. By reading comment 5, one can say that the population living in their own home did not reach 60 per cent in the mid 1980s.

The correct assertions are only

I and III.
II and IV.
I, II and V.
III, IV and V.


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