Questão a6a08363-f4
The research conducted showed that
The research conducted showed that
Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.
Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary
heart disease? The Lifestyle Heart Trial.
In a prospective, randomised, controlled trial to determine
whether comprehensive lifestyle changes affect coronary
atherosclerosis after 1 year, 28 patients were assigned to an
experimental group (low-fat vegetarian diet, stopping
smoking, stress management training, and moderate
exercise) and 20 to a usual-care control group. 195
coronary artery lesions were analysed by quantitative
coronary angiography. The average percentage diameter
stenosis regressed from 40.0 (SD 16.9)% to 37.8 (16.5)% in
the experimental group yet progressed from 42.7 (15.5)% to
46.1 (18.5)% in the control group. When only lesions greater
than 50% stenosed were analysed, the average percentage
diameter stenosis regressed from 61.1 (8.8)% to 55.8
(11.0)% in the experimental group and progressed from
61.7 (9.5)% to 64.4 (16.3)% in the control group. Overall,
82% of experimental-group patients had an average change
towards regression. Comprehensive lifestyle changes may
be able to bring about regression of even severe coronary
atherosclerosis after only 1 year, without use of lipidlowering drugs
Adaptado de:
<> Acessado
em 27 de outubro de 2017.
Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.
Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary
heart disease? The Lifestyle Heart Trial.
Adaptado de:
<> Acessado
em 27 de outubro de 2017.
changes in lifestyle can exert insignificant
benefits to a person’s overall health.
big changes in lifestyle cannot actually reduce
severe coronary atherosclerosis.
broad lifestyle changes can effectively bring
about rewarding health benefits.
minute changes to lifestyle will inflict countless
benefits to one’s health.
the group taken care of in the traditional way had
more promising results.