Questão a3991eba-b1
Prova:UENP 2017
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa que apresenta, corretamente, a que se refere a expressão “Too many fishing boats, too few fish”.

Choking to death

Sharks have been swimming in the oceans since before dinosaurs walked the earth. They’ve shaped the marine environment and everything in it. Without sharks the oceans could collapse, taking with them their ability to produce 50% of the oxygen we breathe and absorb 20% of the CO2 emissions we produce.

With every shark slaughtered we’re strengthening our stranglehold on the planet.

Too many fishing boats, too few fish The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently reported that 85% of the world’s fish stocks are fully exploited or overexploited. It’s the big fish that will disappear first.

That’s why we’re focussing on key species that are most vulnerable to overfishing yet widely available in shops and restaurants.

Join us and help protect our blue planet.

(Adaptado de: Bite-Back Shark & Marine Conservation (website) Why we do it. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2017).

À desproporção entre a atividade pesqueira mundial e a demanda do mercado consumidor.
À relação desproporcional entre os peixes disponíveis no oceano e a atividade pesqueira.
À relação entre as espécies próprias para o consumo humano e as que devem ser preservadas.
Ao volume de pesca imposto pelo consumo excessivo de determinadas espécies de peixes.
Ao impacto socioeconômico da redução drástica dos estoques pesqueiros na atualidade.


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