Questão 9bec1a92-dd
Prova:UNIFESP 2017
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the fourth paragraph,

Mobile milestones: how your phone
became an essential part of your life

    Has any device changed our lives as much, and as quickly, as the mobile phone? There are people today for whom the world of address books, street atlases and phone boxes seems very far away, lost in the mists of time. Following, there are just some of the big milestones from the past 30 years that have made almost everything we do easier, more public and very, very fast.
• The first phones arrive – and become status symbols Few people got the chance to use the very early mobile phones. The first call was made in New York in 1973, but handsets with a network to use were not available until 1983 in the US, and 1985 in the UK. That first British mobile phone was essentially a heavy briefcase with a receiver attached by a wire. It cost £2,000 (£5,000 in today’s prices), and gave you half an hour’s chat on an overnight charge. Making a call was not something you could do subtly, but that wasn’t the point; the first handsets were there to be seen. They sent a message that you were bold and confident with new technology, that you were busy and important enough to need a mobile phone, and were rich enough to buy one.
• Text messages spawn a whole new language
    The first mobiles worked with analogue signals and could only make phone calls, but the digital ones that followed in the early 1990s could send SMS messages as well. After the first message was sent on 3 December 1992, texting took off like a rocket, even though it was still a pretty cumbersome procedure. Handsets with predictive text would make things easier, but in the 1990s you could save a lot of time by removing all excess letters from a message, often the vowels, and so txtspk ws brn. Today the average mobile phone sends more than 100 texts per month.
• Phones turn us all into photographers...
    There seemed to be no good reason for the first camera phones, which began to appear in 2002, with resolutions of about 0.3 megapixels. They took grainy, blurry pictures on postage stamp-sized screens, and even these filled the phone’s memory in no time. Gradually, though, as the quality improved, the uses followed. As well as the usual photos of friends and family, they were handy for “saving” pieces of paper, and in pubs you could take a picture of the specials board and take it back to your table. Modern camera phones have changed beyond recognition in the past 20 years. The new mobile phones boast the highest resolution dual camera on a smartphone: a 16-megapixel camera and a 20-megapixel camera side-by-side. The dual camera allows users to focus on their subjects, while blurring out the background, producing professional-looking portraits.
• …and we turn ourselves into celebrities
    Twenty years ago people would have thought you a little strange if you took flattering photos of yourself and your lifestyle and then distributed them to your friends – let alone to members of the public. If you used printed photographs rather than a smartphone app, they would still think so today. Yet sharing our lives on social media is now the norm, not the exception – and it was the camera phone that made it all possible. Now, some phones come with an enormous 64GB of memory, so you can capture, share and store an almost countless number of videos and pictures – well, certainly enough to keep up with the Kardashians.

(, 07.07.2017. Adaptado.)

side-by-side dual cameras can only be used professionally.
camera phones appeared to be pointless at the beginning.
initial blurry pictures may be considered creative photography nowadays.
the amount of megapixels does not ensure the production of good portraits.
it took 20 years for the first camera phone to be engineered.

Gabarito comentado

Áida Setton ZylberglejdProfessora de Inglês e Tradutora. Certificado de Proficiência pela Cambridge University. Tutora na Polytechnic of Central London.
A questão cobra interpretação de um texto sobre marcos do celular: como seu telefone se tornou uma parte essencial de sua vida.

Vamos analisar o enunciado:

According to the fourth paragraph... = De acordo com o quarto parágrafo...
Vejamos o trecho em questão, o quarto parágrafo:

Phones turn us all into photographers...
    There seemed to be no good reason for the first camera phones, which began to appear in 2002, with resolutions of about 0.3 megapixels. They took grainy, blurry pictures on postage stamp-sized screens, and even these filled the phone's memory in no time. Gradually, though, as the quality improved, the uses followed. As well as the usual photos of friends and family, they were handy for “saving" pieces of paper, and in pubs you could take a picture of the specials board and take it back to your table. Modern camera phones have changed beyond recognition in the past 20 years. The new mobile phones boast the highest resolution dual camera on a smartphone: a 16-megapixel camera and a 20-megapixel camera side-by-side. The dual camera allows users to focus on their subjects, while blurring out the background, producing professional-looking portraits.

Os telefones nos transformam em fotógrafos ...
    Parecia não haver um bom motivo para os primeiros telefones com câmera, que começaram a aparecer em 2002, com resoluções de cerca de 0,3 megapixels. Eles tiravam fotos granuladas e borradas em telas do tamanho de selos postais, e até mesmo essas fotos enchiam a memória do telefone rapidamente. Gradualmente, porém, à medida que a qualidade melhorava, os usos se seguiam. Além das habituais fotos de amigos e familiares, eram úteis para “guardar" pedaços de papel, e nos pubs era possível tirar uma foto do quadro de especiais do dia e levá-la para a mesa. Os telefones com câmera modernos mudaram demais nos últimos 20 anos. Os novos telefones celulares possuem a câmera dupla da mais alta resolução em um smartphone: uma câmera de 16 megapixels e uma de 20 megapixels lado a lado. A câmera dupla permite que os usuários focalizem seus objetos de interesse, enquanto desfocam o fundo, produzindo retratos com aparência profissional.

Analisando as alternativas teremos:

A) ERRADO - side-by-side dual cameras can only be used professionally. = câmeras duplas lado a lado só podem ser usadas profissionalmente.
Todos os usuários podem usar as câmeras duplas.

B) CORRETO - camera phones appeared to be pointless at the beginning. = os telefones com câmera pareciam inúteis no início.
Verifica-se no trecho: "There seemed to be no good reason for the first camera phones" = Parecia não haver um bom motivo para os primeiros telefones com câmera.
C) ERRADO - initial blurry pictures may be considered creative photography nowadays. = fotos iniciais borradas podem ser consideradas fotografia criativa hoje em dia.
Nada é mencionado no texto sobre esse fato.

D) ERRADO - the amount of megapixels does not ensure the production of good portraits. = a quantidade de megapixels não garante a produção de bons retratos.
Pelo contrário. As câmeras modernas tem alta resolução. "The new mobile phones boast the highest resolution dual camera" = Os novos telefones celulares possuem a câmera dupla da mais alta resolução.

E) ERRADO - it took 20 years for the first camera phone to be engineered. = levou 20 anos para o primeiro telefone com câmera ser projetado.
Dado não mencionado no texto.



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