Questão 93a9adf5-f9
Prova:PUC - RJ 2016
Assunto:Sinônimos | Synonyms, Palavras conectivas | Connective words
Check the option in which the word in boldface expresses the same meaning in the fragment as the
word or expression in italics.
Check the option in which the word in boldface expresses the same meaning in the fragment as the
word or expression in italics.
“Instead of a range of permissible emissions estimates that ranged up to 2,390 bn tons from
2015 onwards,” (lines 7-8) – Because of
“In effect, that halves the levels of diesel and petrol available for petrol tanks, coal for power
stations, and natural gas…” (lines 10-11) – However
“In order to have a reasonable chance of keeping global warming below 2°C, we can only emit a
certain amount of carbon dioxide, ever…” (lines 27-28) - Due to
“Although short-lived and released in smaller quantities, some of these are potentially far more
potent than carbon dioxide…” (lines 37-38) – Besides
“So the researchers have re-examined both the options and the approaches, and have worked
out a global figure that, they suggest, could be relevant to “real-world policy”. (lines 41-42) –