Questão 92550ec2-02
Prova:UNIFOA 2018
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Digital addiction increases loneliness, anxiety and depression

Smartphones are an integral part of most people's lives, allowing us to stay connected and in-the-know at all times. The downside of that convenience is that many of us are also addicted to the constant pings, chimes, vibrations and other alerts from our devices, unable to ignore new emails, texts and images. In a new study published in NeuroRegulation, San Francisco State University Professor of Health Education Erik Peper and Associate Professor of Health Education Richard Harvey argue that overuse of smart phones is just like any other type of substance abuse.

Story from: Science Daily
Published: 11 April 2018

Segundo o texto,

o uso de smartphones leva a uma dependência de uma substância abusiva.
a conveniência do uso de smartphones é o alerta.
o uso excessivo de smartphones é considerado como um abuso de substâncias.
os smartphones são incapazes de nos possibilitar ignorar novos e-mails, textos e imagens.
as dependências acontecem com pessoas propícias a sentir solidão.


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