Questão 83a74867-97
Prova:FGV 2015, FGV 2015
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
In the last paragraph, when the author mentions “the
ability…to order from an English menu at an upscale
Shanghai restaurant," she is most likely trying to
In the last paragraph, when the author mentions “the
ability…to order from an English menu at an upscale
Shanghai restaurant," she is most likely trying to
give an example of one way that a young Chinese
man or woman can gain prestige by having good
illustrate how many young Chinese have begun to
trivialize the great practical importance of having
good English.
show why younger generations of Chinese are
abandoning their native cultural traditions in favor of
Western culture.
emphasize that social skills, as well as professional
ones, are important for young people in China who
want to work for multinational firms.
highlight the role that globalization and the English
language have played in promoting greater
understanding between the Chinese and Western