Questão 81f3aab2-d5
Tyrannosaurus rex
Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest meat- eating dinosaurs that ever lived. Fossil evidence shows that T. rex was about 12 meters long and about 4.6 to 6 meters tall. Its robust thighs and long, powerful tail helped it move quickly.
T. rex's serrated, conical teeth were used to pierce and grip flesh, which it then ripped away with its strong neck muscles. Its two-fingered forearms could probably seize prey, but they were too short to reach its mouth.
(Adaptado de prehistoric/tyrannosaurus-rex/. Acessado em 15/06/2014.)
Segundo o texto,
Tyrannosaurus rex
Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest meat- eating dinosaurs that ever lived. Fossil evidence shows that T. rex was about 12 meters long and about 4.6 to 6 meters tall. Its robust thighs and long, powerful tail helped it move quickly.
T. rex's serrated, conical teeth were used to pierce and grip flesh, which it then ripped away with its strong neck muscles. Its two-fingered forearms could probably seize prey, but they were too short to reach its mouth.
(Adaptado de prehistoric/tyrannosaurus-rex/. Acessado em 15/06/2014.)
Segundo o texto,
Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest meat- eating dinosaurs that ever lived. Fossil evidence shows that T. rex was about 12 meters long and about 4.6 to 6 meters tall. Its robust thighs and long, powerful tail helped it move quickly.
T. rex's serrated, conical teeth were used to pierce and grip flesh, which it then ripped away with its strong neck muscles. Its two-fingered forearms could probably seize prey, but they were too short to reach its mouth.
(Adaptado de prehistoric/tyrannosaurus-rex/. Acessado em 15/06/2014.)
Segundo o texto,
fósseis comprovam que um Tyrannosaurus rex podia alcançar doze metros de altura.
apesar de seus braços curtos, um Tyrannosaurus rex era capaz de levar uma presa a sua boca.
os dentes e o pescoço de um Tyrannosaurus rex estavam adaptados a sua dieta.
a cauda vigorosa de um Tyrannosaurus rex impedia-o de se mover mais agilmente.
Gabarito comentado
Silvana FariaMestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) e Professora de Inglês
Dentes cónicos e serrilhados de um Tyrannosaurus rex eram usados para perfurar a aderência da carne, que era arrancada com os seus fortes músculos do pescoço.
Conforme tradução inferimos que os dentes e o pescoço de um Tyrannoraurus rex eram apropriados para sua dieta.
Alternativa C está correta.
Conforme tradução inferimos que os dentes e o pescoço de um Tyrannoraurus rex eram apropriados para sua dieta.
Alternativa C está correta.