Questão 80760905-b0
Prova:UNEMAT 2017
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
Brazilian mining company Samarco says two dams it
uses to hold waste from iron production are
damaged and at risk of collapsing
One of the company’s reservoir burst earlier this
month, flooding dozens of homes in the southeastern
state of Minas Gerais. Eleven people were killed and 12
are missing presumed dead. Emergency work to try to
avoid another breach will begin immediately and will last
up to 90 days, the company said. The company initially
said that two of its dams – Fundao e Germano – had
burst on 5 November. But it has now clarified that only
the Fundao reservoir collapsed. Germano and another
nearby dam, Santarem, are still standing but are at risk,
said Samarco’s Infrastructure Director Kleber Terra.
‘First instalment’ Samarco is owned by mining giants Vale, from
Brazil, and Anglo-Australian company BHP Billiton. It
agreed on Monday to pay the Brazilian government 1bn
reais (…) compensation. The money will be used to cover
the initial clean-up and to offer some compensation to the
victims and their families. Disponível em:
1895. Acesso em 25 nov. 2015.
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde às
informações contidas no texto.
Brazilian mining company Samarco says two dams it
uses to hold waste from iron production are
damaged and at risk of collapsing
One of the company’s reservoir burst earlier this
month, flooding dozens of homes in the southeastern
state of Minas Gerais. Eleven people were killed and 12
are missing presumed dead. Emergency work to try to
avoid another breach will begin immediately and will last
up to 90 days, the company said. The company initially
said that two of its dams – Fundao e Germano – had
burst on 5 November. But it has now clarified that only
the Fundao reservoir collapsed. Germano and another
nearby dam, Santarem, are still standing but are at risk,
said Samarco’s Infrastructure Director Kleber Terra.
‘First instalment’
Samarco is owned by mining giants Vale, from
Brazil, and Anglo-Australian company BHP Billiton. It
agreed on Monday to pay the Brazilian government 1bn
reais (…) compensation. The money will be used to cover
the initial clean-up and to offer some compensation to the
victims and their families.
Disponível em:
1895. Acesso em 25 nov. 2015.
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde às
informações contidas no texto.
A companhia de mineração Samarco iniciou um
trabalho emergencial, com duração de 90 dias,
para tentar minimizar os prejuízos causados pelo
rompimento da barragem ocorrido em 05 de
novembro de 2015, em Mariana, MG.
De acordo com o texto, as barragens Fundão e
Germano se romperam no dia 05 de novembro,
causando, até a data da publicação dessa
notícia, a morte de 11 pessoas e o
desaparecimento de 12.
A companhia Samarco anunciou que além do
rompimento das barragens Fundão e Santarém,
no dia 05 de novembro de 2015, mais uma
barragem corre o risco de se romper.
Segundo o diretor de infraestrutura da Samarco,
Kleber Terra, o rompimento das barragens
Germano e Santarém será investigado com rigor
pela companhia.
A princípio, a companhia Samarco concordou em
pagar 1 bilhão de reais, dinheiro que, segundo o
texto, será usado para cobrir os prejuízos
causados no local e para auxiliar
financeiramente às vítimas e suas famílias.