Questão 71487e3b-8b
Prova:CEDERJ 2019
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

The author, David Goldman, suggests that the main reason behind the difficulty to solve the problem discussed in the article is

Big Tech made the social media mess. It has to fix it

Analysis by David Goldman, CNN Business

Social media has given people a platform to spew hate speech and radical beliefs to other people, amplifying what are otherwise fringe opinions. A few have turned that hate into violence.

Silicon Valley has built the biggest, most powerful companies in the world. Now, tech leaders have a responsibility to rein in the creations that have grown too unwieldy for them to control.

These are businesses, and their leaders will have to And out how to do that without destroying their companies. So far, balancing Big Tech's responsibilities to society and its duties to investors has proven difficult.

A difficult balance

Facebook (FB) announced in July it would invest billions of dollars a year to improve safety and security on the platform. The company said the effort would come at the expense of user growth and profitability. The company's stock lost about a third of its value because investors were concerned about Facebook's growth stalling.

Twitter has largely rid ISIS recruiters from the social network. Facebook and YouTube have labeled fake news stories as such. Yet, the work isn't close to done. Google has also made significant changes to YouTube's advertising policies after ads from 300 companies and organizations ran on channels promoting hate groups.

"YouTube has strict policies that prohibit content which incites others to violence or promotes hatred," a YouTube spokesperson said. "We quickly remove videos violating our policies when flagged by our users."

What seemed to cross no one's mind a decade ago was the potential downside to building a platform with billions of customers. So many posts can't possibly be monitored in real time. The networks gave the dregs of society the ability to reach like-minded people and poison the minds of others.

Without that foresight, Silicon Valley allowed their creations to break down. They're not beyond repair, but fixing them will be costly and difficult. Whether Big Tech is up to the task will determine the fates of their platforms.

Available: -hate-speech/index.html. Access: 30 may 2019. Adapted. 

Glossary: spew: lançar; fringe: periféricas; to rein in: controlar; unwieldy: desordenado; duties: deveres; profitability, lucro; stock: ação (no mercado); stalling: interrupção; flagged: sinalizados; dregs of society: pessoas inescrupulosas; like-minded: pessoas que compartilham ideias semelhantes; poison: envenenar; foresight: visão; beyond repair: sem conserto; up to the task: à altura da tarefa.

Silicon Valley’s resistance to allow their creations to break down.
the users’ inability to reach like-minded people and poison the minds of others.
the fact that Big Tech is up to the task of determining the fates of their platforms.
the existence of platforms with billions of customers, where posts can't be monitored in real time.

Gabarito comentado

Silvana FariaMestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) e Professora de Inglês
O autor, David Goldman, sugere que a principal razão por trás da dificuldade de resolver o problema discutido no artigo é
A) Resistência do Vale do Silício em permitir que suas criações sejam destruídas.
B) A incapacidade dos usuários de alcançar pessoas com a mesma opinião e envenenar as mentes dos outros.
C) O fato de que Big Tech está à altura da tarefa de determinar os destinos de suas plataformas.
D) A existência de plataformas com bilhões de clientes, onde as postagens não podem ser monitoradas em tempo real.
[...]  the potential downside to building a platform with billions of customers. So many posts can't possibly be monitored in real time. 
Tradução: [...] a potencial desvantagem  de construir uma plataforma com bilhões de clientes. Muitos posts não podem ser monitorados em tempo real.
Dessa forma, inferimos que a principal razão da dificuldade de resolver o problema discutido no artigo é a construção de plataformas com bilhões de clientes dificultando, assim, o monitoramento das postagens em tempo real.
Gabarito do Professor: D


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