Questão 59152340-d8
Prova:PUC - SP 2016
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Maybe Amazon heard all of the complaints about Prime Day from last year and really took them to heart. Some combination of more competitive pricing, a better selection of deals, more awareness among shoppers, and the fact that there are simply way more Amazon Prime members compared with a year ago appears to have made the second edition of Prime Day, held on July 12, a huge success in terms of generating sales.

De acordo com o texto,

The company says it was a monster success 

People Bought Thousands of Hammocks and Crockpots on Amazon Prime Day

By Brad Tuttle July 13, 2016 

o primeiro “prime day” da Amazon foi um grande sucesso
Amazon não chegou a se preocupar realmente com as reclamações dos clientes a respeito do “prime day”.
o “prime day” gerou uma explosão de acessos e poucas vendas.
o grande número de filiados ao programa Amazon Prime contribuiu para o sucesso do segundo “prime day”.


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