Questão 552aaba4-af
Prova:PUC - Campinas 2010
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

English term or phrase: banana bender

I know what it means, ie Queenslander, but I don't understand if it really implies that the bananas grown in Queensland are straight and have therefore to be bent. I found this information in a couple of websites
(eg yet I suspect it is a joke. Thanks a lot in advance.

Just a thought − John
Hi John, 

Since you already know that this is indeed a slang term for a Queenslander, and that it is in fact a joke and probably a racial slur, I was thinking it may be referring to a pointless act.
As far as I know all bananas are already bent, so to be a banana bender is foolish and unnecessary. 
Let's suppose that the bananas in Queensland do grow straight. Why on Earth would someone want to bend them? If the expression is meant to be an "insult" it's probably suggesting that a Queenslander is silly enough to attempt to bend a banana
This is just a simple guess.

(Adapted from 1044842-banana_bender.html)

According to the above text,

Instruções: Leia atentamente o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

Banana, a fruta mais consumida e perigosa do mundo

(Adaptado de Sergio Augusto, O Estado de S. Paulo, 26/04/2008)

John was not happy with the information on the meaning of “banana bender” that he found in some websites.
Peter is more knowledgeable than John as to the origin of the expression “banana bender”.
John and Peter agree that bananas grow straight in Queensland.
Peter believes that a “banana bender’ actually refers to a racist. 
John is wondering why anyone would want to insult a Queenslander. 


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