Questão 551967f0-af
Prova:PUC - Campinas 2010
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

According to the main text in Portuguese,

Instruções: Leia atentamente o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

Banana, a fruta mais consumida e perigosa do mundo

(Adaptado de Sergio Augusto, O Estado de S. Paulo, 26/04/2008)

Theodore Roosevelt helped United Fruits introduce the banana in several Central America countries.
United Fruits was also very influential in the political arena in the early 20th century due to its large investments in the production of bananas.
in a 1928 strike of Colombian landworkers, on United Fruits property, one thousand were shot to death.
a few American journalists visited Guatemala sponsored by United Fruits to support President Guzman.
United Fruits was eventually banished from the continent and a new military dictatorship was installed in Guatemala.


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