Questão 5121319a-df
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How governments should help those on the dole
“Active labour market programmes” are schemes meant to help people
to fi nd work. They grew out of the American public works programmes
of the 1930s, where the government spent billions of dollars busying its
citizens with building schools, hospitals and bridges. Today programmes
also take the form of training, subsidised private work, or help with fi nding
a job. But alongside these programmes, some worry that overly generous
welfare benefi ts make people lazy. They say that threats to cut people’s
benefi ts if they do not join such programmes could also boost employment, by prodding people off the sofa and into work.
(Adaptado de - acesso em 23/08/2015)
Considere o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
How governments should help those on the dole
“Active labour market programmes” are schemes meant to help people
to fi nd work. They grew out of the American public works programmes
of the 1930s, where the government spent billions of dollars busying its
citizens with building schools, hospitals and bridges. Today programmes
also take the form of training, subsidised private work, or help with fi nding
a job. But alongside these programmes, some worry that overly generous
welfare benefi ts make people lazy. They say that threats to cut people’s
benefi ts if they do not join such programmes could also boost employment, by prodding people off the sofa and into work.
(Adaptado de - acesso em 23/08/2015)
programas de auxílio oferecem benefícios generosos, mas poucos
desempregados têm interesse em aderir a eles.
cortes nos benefícios de programas assistenciais podem aumentar
ainda mais o desemprego.
ofertas de emprego com benefícios generosos podem atrair trabalhadores preguiçosos.
alguns desempregados podem preferir se manter em um programa
assistencial a trabalhar.
os generosos benefícios de programas assistenciais são a principal
causa de desemprego.