Questão 509bc528-f7
Prova:UNEMAT 2016
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
Val is the kind of live-in housekeeper who takes
her work seriously. She wears a crisp maid’s uniform
while serving perfect canapés; she serves her wealthy
São Paulo employers day in and day out while lovingly
nannying their teenage son whom she’s raised since
toddlerhood. Everyone and everything in the elegant
house has its place until one day, Val’s ambitious,
clever daughter Jessica arrives from Val’s hometown to
take the college entrance examination. Jessica’s
confident, youthful presence upsets the unspoken yet
strict balance of power in the household; Val must
decide where her allegiances lie and what she’s willing
to sacrifice.
With subtly dark, giddy humor and keenly
drawn characters, director Anna Muylaert mines the
incendiary drama when old ideas and new worlds
collide. The immense satisfaction and fun of The
Second Mother stem from watching tacit social codes
and delicate hierarchies waver as a new generation
blithely treads on sacrosanct boundaries. Muylaert has
given us a fresh, contemporary spin on class in Brazil,
wrapped in a deeply moving story of what belonging
and family mean.
Disponível em:
Acesso em nov. 2015.
De acordo com a sinopse, o tema central do
filme baseia-se:
Val is the kind of live-in housekeeper who takes
her work seriously. She wears a crisp maid’s uniform
while serving perfect canapés; she serves her wealthy
São Paulo employers day in and day out while lovingly
nannying their teenage son whom she’s raised since
toddlerhood. Everyone and everything in the elegant
house has its place until one day, Val’s ambitious,
clever daughter Jessica arrives from Val’s hometown to
take the college entrance examination. Jessica’s
confident, youthful presence upsets the unspoken yet
strict balance of power in the household; Val must
decide where her allegiances lie and what she’s willing
to sacrifice.
With subtly dark, giddy humor and keenly
drawn characters, director Anna Muylaert mines the
incendiary drama when old ideas and new worlds
collide. The immense satisfaction and fun of The
Second Mother stem from watching tacit social codes
and delicate hierarchies waver as a new generation
blithely treads on sacrosanct boundaries. Muylaert has
given us a fresh, contemporary spin on class in Brazil,
wrapped in a deeply moving story of what belonging
and family mean.
Disponível em:
Acesso em nov. 2015.
De acordo com a sinopse, o tema central do
filme baseia-se:
No drama das empregadas domésticas que
criam os filhos de suas patroas.
Na colisão entre ideias antigas e atuais sobre o
ingresso de pessoas de baixa renda na
No desejo impossível da empregada doméstica
Val em cursar a universidade junto com sua
filha Jessica.
Na revisão de valores até então naturalizados
que a presença de Jessica provoca em Val.
Na imensa satisfação de Val em saber que sua
filha terá um futuro melhor do que o dela,
graças às ideias contemporâneas sobre classe
e ascensão social no Brasil.