Questão 4faffbfd-b6
Prova:IF-GO 2012
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension
Analyze the statements below.
I. The text presents a criticism to American immigration
II. The three immigrants pointed at by the man are poor.
III. The American Indian considers the man in a suit an
illegal immigrant as well.
IV. The man in a suit considers the American Indian a
legal immigrant.
It is right to affirm that:
Analyze the statements below.
I. The text presents a criticism to American immigration
II. The three immigrants pointed at by the man are poor.
III. The American Indian considers the man in a suit an
illegal immigrant as well.
IV. The man in a suit considers the American Indian a
legal immigrant.
It is right to affirm that:
Read text 01 to answer question
Text 01

Read text 01 to answer question
Text 01
only statements I and II are correct.
only statements I and III are correct.
only statements II and IV are correct.
only statements II and III are correct.
only statements I and IV are correct.