Questão 4b355df6-dc
De acordo com o texto, é verdadeiro:
De acordo com o texto, é verdadeiro:
Considere o texto abaixo para responder a questão.
Democracy and hypocrisy
REMEMBER the opprobrium heaped on Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
Turkey’s prime minister, in June for using tear gas and water-cannon
against his people? Imagine the outrage if Vladimir Putin ordered
Russian troops to fire live ammunition into demonstrators on the streets
of Moscow. But over the weekend, when Egypt’s generals set about
killing scores of protesters, the West responded with furrowed brows
and pleas for all sides to refrain from violence. Such meekness betrays
not only a lack of moral courage, but also a poor sense of where
Egypt’s—and the West’s—real interests lie.
The shooting took place in Cairo early on July 27th near the parade
ground where, three decades earlier, President Anwar Sadat had been
assassinated. Supporters of Muhammad Morsi, ousted in a coup at the
beginning of July, were marching to demand that the army should
restore him to the presidency. Riot police (and their civilian supporters)
opened fire. More than 80 members of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mr
Morsi’s party, died; many more were injured.
( - acesso em 07/08/2013)
Considere o texto abaixo para responder a questão.
Democracy and hypocrisy
REMEMBER the opprobrium heaped on Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
Turkey’s prime minister, in June for using tear gas and water-cannon
against his people? Imagine the outrage if Vladimir Putin ordered
Russian troops to fire live ammunition into demonstrators on the streets
of Moscow. But over the weekend, when Egypt’s generals set about
killing scores of protesters, the West responded with furrowed brows
and pleas for all sides to refrain from violence. Such meekness betrays
not only a lack of moral courage, but also a poor sense of where
Egypt’s—and the West’s—real interests lie.
The shooting took place in Cairo early on July 27th near the parade
ground where, three decades earlier, President Anwar Sadat had been
assassinated. Supporters of Muhammad Morsi, ousted in a coup at the
beginning of July, were marching to demand that the army should
restore him to the presidency. Riot police (and their civilian supporters)
opened fire. More than 80 members of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mr
Morsi’s party, died; many more were injured.
( - acesso em 07/08/2013)
Morsi deixou a presidência no começo de julho, mas ainda há
protestos para que ele volte a governar.
O presidente Anwar Sadat foi assassinado por Morsi em 27 de julho quando o exército assumiu o controle do país.
Morsi tomou a presidência através de um golpe em julho, mas
manifestantes pediram que o exército interferisse.
O exército e a polícia antiprotestos entraram em conflito e mais
de 80 policiais foram mortos ou feridos.
Apoiadores de Morsi participaram de um golpe no começo de
julho que resultou na saída do exército do comando do país.