Questão 48294af0-b7
Prova:PUC - PR 2016
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Considerando o título, qual é o objetivo desse texto?

 Leia o texto a seguir.

                                      WHAT MAKES US HELP OTHERS? WHAT MAKES US SELFISH?

Kitty (Catherine) Genovese was a 28-year-old New York City woman stabbed to death near her home in the Kew Gardens section of Queens, New York, in 1964. It took her about a half-hour to die, as she crawled on the streets shouting for help. At the time, newspapers reported that over three dozen people saw or heard her crying for help after she was stabbed, but they did nothing. Instead of calling the police, they closed their windows. They did not want to get involved. No one called until the final assault, each of them perhaps thinking that someone else would do it. Eventually, someone did call, but it was too late. Later reports cast doubt on the complete accuracy of the original New York Times story about the incident. That story was based on the initial police report. The number of witnesses who heard the screams may have been closer to a dozen, and the number who actually saw something may be a half-dozen. Still, a half-dozen did not respond, and the incident became a symbol of the alienation of the big city. Sadly, news reports are filled with stories about ordinary humans acting inhumanely as apathetic bystanders. Search for “people ignore man dying on street” in Google, and you will get thousands of results.

Relatar um crime que ocorreu em Nova Iorque.
Citar bons exemplos de pessoas que ajudam o próximo.
Relatar um estudo desenvolvido por alunos da faculdade de Psicologia.
Estimular a reflexão sobre o crescimento do egoísmo nas sociedades atuais.
Enfatizar o quanto os nova-iorquinos são alienados.


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