Dentre as razões para o pedido
do Primeiro Ministro Britânico para que os
cidadãos fiquem em casa está:
Texto 2
Boris Johnson should have taken his own medicine - The British prime minister tested positive
for Covid-19 and went into isolation, but not before
doing untold damage and setting a bad example.
Boris Johnson, the prime minister of Britain, on
Friday announced that he had tested positive for the
coronavirus. In a brief video released on Twitter, he
shared the basics: Having developed “mild
symptoms — that’s to say, a temperature and a
persistent cough” — he underwent testing and
received the bad news. He will now be “selfisolating” until the illness has run its course.
Looking mostly healthy, if typically
disheveled, Mr. Johnson stressed that he would
continue to “lead the national fightback” from his
home via teleconferencing. He urged the British
public to abide by the three-week lockdown put into
place on Monday.
The more effectively people stick with social
distancing, the faster the nation and its National
Health Service (N.H.S.) will “bounce back,” he said, before closing with the plea, “Stay at home, protect
the N.H.S and save lives.” It was a responsible, no- drama message. If only the prime minister had
displayed such leadership sooner, he — and who
knows how many others — might have been spared
this illness.
From: Accessed on 03/27/2020
Texto 2
Boris Johnson should have taken his own medicine - The British prime minister tested positive for Covid-19 and went into isolation, but not before doing untold damage and setting a bad example.
Boris Johnson, the prime minister of Britain, on Friday announced that he had tested positive for the coronavirus. In a brief video released on Twitter, he shared the basics: Having developed “mild symptoms — that’s to say, a temperature and a persistent cough” — he underwent testing and received the bad news. He will now be “selfisolating” until the illness has run its course.
Looking mostly healthy, if typically disheveled, Mr. Johnson stressed that he would continue to “lead the national fightback” from his home via teleconferencing. He urged the British public to abide by the three-week lockdown put into place on Monday.
The more effectively people stick with social distancing, the faster the nation and its National Health Service (N.H.S.) will “bounce back,” he said, before closing with the plea, “Stay at home, protect the N.H.S and save lives.” It was a responsible, no- drama message. If only the prime minister had displayed such leadership sooner, he — and who knows how many others — might have been spared this illness.
From: Accessed on 03/27/2020
Gabarito comentado
O trecho que trata sobre o pedido do Primeiro Ministro Britânico para que os cidadãos fiquem em casa se encontra no último parágrafo. Vejamos:
The more effectively people stick with social distancing, the faster the nation and its National Health Service (N.H.S.) will “bounce back," he said, before closing with the plea, “Stay at home, protect the N.H.S and save lives." It was a responsible, no- drama message. If only the prime minister had displayed such leadership sooner, he — and who knows how many others — might have been spared this illness.
Tradução - Quanto mais efetivamente as pessoas mantiverem o distanciamento social, mais rápido a nação e o Serviço Nacional de Saúde (N.H.S.) “se recuperarão", disse ele, antes de encerrar com o apelo: “Fique em casa, proteja o N.H.S. e salve vidas". Foi uma mensagem responsável, sem drama. Se ao menos o primeiro-ministro tivesse demonstrado tal liderança antes, ele - e quem sabe quantos outros - poderia ter sido poupado desta doença.
Voltando à questão e às alternativas, dentre as razões para o pedido do Primeiro Ministro Britânico para que os cidadãos fiquem em casa está:
A) Correto - A proteção do serviço de saúde.
A resposta se evidencia pelo trecho: Quanto mais efetivamente as pessoas mantiverem o distanciamento social, mais rápido a nação e o Serviço Nacional de Saúde (N.H.S.) “se recuperarão", disse ele, antes de encerrar com o apelo: “Fique em casa, proteja o N.H.S. e salve vidas".
B) Incorreto - A garantia do equilíbrio econômico da Inglaterra.
Fato não mencionado pelo 1o Ministro.
C) Incorreto - A proteção dos recursos naturais do país.
Fato não mencionado pelo 1o Ministro.
D) Incorreto - A preparação dos cidadãos para uma pandemia global.
Fato não mencionado pelo 1o Ministro.
E) Incorreto - O cuidado com as crianças e com os idosos.
Fato não mencionado pelo 1o Ministro.
Gabarito do Professor: Letra A