Questão 3f47706b-f9
Select the alternative in which the word even has the sarne rneaning and grarnrnatical class as in the
fragrnent even the best palnting of a bed would be only an "imitatlon of an lmitation. `` (L. 14-15).
Select the alternative in which the word even has the sarne rneaning and grarnrnatical class as in the
fragrnent even the best palnting of a bed would be only an "imitatlon of an lmitation. `` (L. 14-15).
Instrução: A questão está relacionada ao texto abaixo.
Adapted from: SONTAG, Susan. Agaínst
lnterpretatlon and Other Essays. Penguin Modern
Classics, Straus and Giroux, 2009. p. 3-4.
Instrução: A questão está relacionada ao texto abaixo.
Adapted from: SONTAG, Susan. Agaínst
lnterpretatlon and Other Essays. Penguin Modern
Classics, Straus and Giroux, 2009. p. 3-4.
Courts usually have an even nurnber of rnernbers.
The road ran even throughout the trip.
The new rules helped even the cornpetition up.
The rnarket can run even higher as big funds out rnoney back into stocks.
The odds were even before the season started.