Questão 3b7e2a64-9b
Prova:FGV 2017
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

With respect to William Brown, the information in the article most supports which of the following?

After 36 years of research he discovered that in order to guarantee the survival of any animal species, environmentalists must first study its reproductive behavior.
After 36 years of research he discovered the only remaining habitat of the northern timber rattlesnake in New York State’s Adirondack Mountains.
For 36 years he has studied one particular group of northern timber rattlesnakes in one particular area of New York State’s Adirondack Mountains.
He has spent 36 years studying northern timber rattlesnakes and identifying their different habitats in various regions of New York State’s Adirondack Mountains.
After devoting 36 years of research to various kinds of snakes, he has become a renowned expert on those animals.

Gabarito comentado

Joana PessoaProfessora de Inglês e Tradutora de Textos - Inglês/Português.
Vídeo produzido em parceria com o Qconcursos.


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