Questão 3b6b2223-9b
Prova:FGV 2017
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

Which of the following is most supported in Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution?

Any high-ranking U.S. government official who commits a serious crime will be impeached.
A presidential impeachment is a two-step process in which first the House of Representatives votes and then the Senate votes.
In the constitutional process to impeach a president, the House of Representatives may fulfill its official role regardless of the Senate, but the Senate may not fulfill its official role regardless of the House of Representatives.
Although many U.S. government officials may be impeached, the Senate decides guilt or innocence only in the case of a presidential impeachment.
When a majority of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are opposed to a president, they will find a way to remove him from office.


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