Questão 34f44fbb-b4
Prova:IF-TO 2017
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O segmento “using insect repellents and getting rid of stagnant water from places where mosquitoes breed” diz respeito a

Be proactive and protect yourself from yellow fever

By World Health Organization
People living in or travelling to potentially endemic areas of yellow fever transmission should protect themselves. The yellow fever vaccine provides lifelong protection against the disease. You should protect yourself from mosquito bites by wearing light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts and trousers, sleeping under a bed net day and night, using insect repellents and getting rid of stagnant water from places where mosquitoes breed.

Information products on yellow fever and vaccination are available in multiple languages including Portuguese.

À necessidade de usar repelentes
Aos procedimentos de como promover a prevenção contra o mosquito da febre amarela.
Ao perigo das poças de águas na reprodução do mosquito transmissor.
À reprodução do mosquito transmissor de febre amarela
A como usar os repelentes e se livrar das poças de água.


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