Questão 3364b695-f1
Prova:Univap 2016
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

O que não acontece durante a peregrinação descrita no artigo é que

A questão é referente ao texto abaixo.

Long trip with no money

A man decided to test lessons, which he learned from the Dalai Lama, and he went on a pilgrimage. He and others went on a 322- kilometre journey from London to Glastonbury. The people had no money – they wanted to see if it was possible to live through kindness. It seems, that in 21st century Britain, it is. The man talked about their experience – he said that when you smile at people, take time to understand their story, then they will come forward and are naturally kind. One woman gave them rice and a man brought them all tea. And one time, a person even gave them the keys to his flat!
Disponível em

os peregrinos foram roubados.
um homem levou chá para os peregrinos.
uma mulher deu arroz para os peregrinos.
uma pessoa deu a eles as chaves de seu apartamento.
as pessoas ajudaram aos peregrinos em suas jornadas através da Grã-Bretanha.


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