Questão 3040f2f9-3b
Prova:PUC - RJ 2013
Assunto:Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension

In the last section of the article, lines 151-171, the author states that

Brazil’s diplomatic attitude is a huge menace to the international policies adopted by the powerful nations of the globe.
Brazil’s perspective on international issues at present is quite aligned with that undertaken by all of the traditional powerful nations of the northern hemisphere.
the Brazilian foreign affairs ministry is very good at negotiating and leading different nations into a consensual position, as long as this perspective is aligned with its own.
nations in the North which have held powerful positions internationally have employed very impressive and efficient approaches to reach global consensus on relevant issues.
Brazil will only be a beneficial player in international issues if nations from the North maintain their own stand in issues that involve economic and financial negotiations.


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